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 Kynes staggered backward with a gasp。 Incredible! The Imperial estimates and the Harkonnen reports had implied mere hundreds of thousands; a million at the very most。
 〃Ten million!〃 He hugged the astonished young Fremen messenger。 So many willing workers。 With such an army of laborers; we can indeed remake an entire planet!
 The messenger beamed and stepped back; bowing at the honor the Planetologist had shown him。
 〃And there is more news; Umma Kynes;〃 the man said。 〃I've been instructed to tell you that your wife Frieth has given birth to a strong young son who is sure to be the pride of his sietch one day。〃
 Kynes gasped and didn't know what to say。 He was a father! He looked at Ommun and Stilgar and the members of his exploration team。 The Fremen raised their hands and shouted congratulations to him。 He had not let it penetrate through his consciousness until now; but he felt a flood of pride washing over his surprise。
 Considering his personal blessing; Kynes looked at the palm trees; at the growing grasses and flowers; and then up at the narrow slice of blue sky framed by canyon walls。 Frieth had given birth to a son!
 〃And now the Fremen number ten million and one;〃 he said。
 Hatred is as dangerous an emotion as love。 The capacity for either one is the capacity for its opposite。
 …Cautionary Instructions for the Sisterhood; Bene Gesserit Archives; Wallach IX
 The two dim suns of the Kuentsing binary system shone through the murky skies of Bela Tegeuse。 The blood…red nearer sun imparted a purplish cast to the afternoon sky; while the icy…white primary  too distant to add much heat or light  hovered like an illuminated hole in the twilit heavens。 A scrubby…surfaced and unappealing planet; it was not on any of the main Guild transspace routes; and Heighliners didn't often stop here。
 In this dismal place; the Lady supervised her above…ground gardens and tried to remind herself that this was her temporary home。 Even after the better part of a year; she felt herself a stranger here。
 She stared into the cold gloom and across the agricultural fields at her hired local workers。 Under a false name; she had used some of her remaining hoarded assets to buy a small estate; hoping to live here。。。and just survive until she could be reunited with the others。 Since her desperate flight; she had not seen or heard from them; nor had she let her guard down for an instant。 Elrood still lived; and the hunters were still out there。
 Flat glowdisks spread full…spectrum light over the fields; pampering the rows of exotic vegetables and fruits that would be sold at a premium to wealthy functionaries。
 Beyond the edges of the fields; the native vegetation of Bela Tegeuse was bristly and hardy; not weling at all。 Kuentsing's natural sunlight wasn't bright enough to foster sufficient photosynthesis for the delicate plants in the Lady's crops。
 She felt the brisk cold against her face。 Her sensitive skin; once caressed by an Emperor; was now chapped and raw from the harsh elements。 But she had vowed to be strong; to adapt and endure。 And it would have been so much easier to endure if only she could tell the people she cared about that she was alive and safe。 She ached to see them; but didn't dare make contact; because of the risk to herself and those who had fled with her。
 Harvesting machinery clattered along the neat rows of crops; plucking ripe produce。 The brilliant glowdisks cast extended shadows like stealthy creatures that prowled the fields。 Some of the shaggy hired workers joined in a singsong chant as they moved about gathering crops too fragile for mechanical picking。 Suspensor baskets ready for market waited at the pickup station。
 Only a few of her most loyal household retainers had been allowed to acpany her here in this new life。 She hadn't wanted any loose ends; no one who could report to Imperial spies  neither had she wanted to put faithful panions in danger。
 Only with extreme care did she dare talk with the few familiar people who lived near her on Bela Tegeuse。 A handful of furtive conversations; quick glances; and smiles were the most she dared。 eyes or operatives could be anywhere。
 With a carefully laid trail of identity documents; the Lady had bee a respectable woman named Lizett; a widow whose fictitious husband  a local merchant and minor official of CHOAM  had left her enough financial resources to run this modest estate。

 Her entire existence had altered: no more pampered activities at court; no music; banquets; or receptions; no functions with the Landsraad  not even tedious Council meetings。 She simply lived from day to day; remembering old times and longing for them while accepting the reality that this new life might be the best she could ever obtain。
 Worst of all; she might never see her loved ones again。
 Like an inspector surveying her troops; the Lady walked down the lanes of crops; assessing vermilion spiny fruits that dangled on suspended vines。 She had worked hard to memorize the names of the exotic produce she grew。 It was important to put up a convincing front; to be able to make idle conversation with anyone and avoid arousing suspicion。
 Whenever she appeared outside her manor house; she wore a lovely necklace of Ixian manufacture; a disguised hologenerator。 It shrouded her face with a field that distorted her fine features; softened her cheekbones; widened her delicate chin; altered the color of her eyes。 She felt safe。。。enough。
 Pausing to look up; she saw a glittering rain of shooting stars near the horizon。 Across the dim landscape the lights of ranches and a distant village shimmered。 But this was something else entirely。 Artificial lights  transports or shuttles?
 Bela Tegeuse was not a populous planet。 Its fortunes and resources were small; its chief claim to history a dark and bloody one: Long ago; it had been the site of slave colonies; hardy but struggling villages from which slaves were harvested and subsequently planted on other worlds。 She felt like a prisoner herself。。。but at least she had her life and knew her family was safe。
 〃No matter what; never let your guard down; my love;〃 her husband had warned as he parted pany from her。 〃Never。〃
 In this constant state of alert; the Lady noticed the spotlights of three ornithopters as they approached from the distant spaceport。 The flying craft cruised low across the flat; parched landscape。 They had turned on their full nighttime search beacons; though this was the best daylight Bela Tegeuse could manage; at the height of the double afternoon。
 She felt cold fingers wrap around her heart; but nonetheless stood tall and drew her dark blue cloak around her。 Her House colors would have been preferable; but she no longer dared even keep such items in her wardrobe。
 A voice called from the main house。 〃Madame Lizett! Someone is ing; and they refuse to answer our hails!〃
 Turning; she saw the narrow…shouldered figure of Omer; one of her primary assistants from the old days; a man who had acpanied her here; not sure what else to do。 Certainly nothing else would be as important or fulfilling; Omer had assured her; and she was grateful for his devotion。
 The Lady considered fleeing the approa
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