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e hundred to five hundred years。 Maybe a little more。〃
 Some of the Fremen bit back groans of despair; while the rest listened stoically to the Umma; and then set about doing what he asked。 Three hundred to five hundred years。 Long…term thinking; beyond their personal lifetimes。 The Fremen had to alter their ways。
 Seeing a vision from God; the would…be assassin Uliet had sacrificed himself for this man。 From that moment on; the Fremen had been fully convinced of Kynes's divine inspiration。 He had only to point; and any Fremen in the sietch would do as he bid。
 The feeling of power might have been abused by any other person。 But Pardot Kynes simply took it in stride and continued his work。 He envisioned the future in terms of eons and worlds; not in terms of individuals or small plots of land。
 Now; as the sun vanished below the sands in a brassy symphony of color; Kynes drained the last drops of his spice coffee; then wiped a forearm across his sandy beard。 Despite what Heinar had said; he found it difficult to reflect patiently on the past year。。。the demands of the labors for centuries to e seemed so much more significant; so much more demanding of his attention。
 〃Heinar; how many Fremen are there?〃 he asked; staring across the serene open desert。 He'd heard tales of many other sietches; had seen isolated Fremen in the Harkonnen towns and villages。。。but they seemed like the ghosts of an endangered species。 〃How many in the whole world?〃
 〃Do you wish us to count our numbers; Umma Kynes?〃 Heinar asked; not in disbelief; simply clarifying an order。
 〃I need to know your population if I'm to project our terraforming activities。 I must understand just how many workers we have available。〃
 Heinar stood up。 〃It shall be done。 We shall number our sietches; and rally the people in them。 I will send sandriders and distrans bats to all the munities; and we shall have an accounting for you soon。〃
 〃Thank you。〃 Kynes picked up his cup; but before he could gather the dishes himself; Frieth rushed out of the cave shadows  she must have been waiting there for them to finish  and gathered up the pieces of the coffee service。 Her pregnancy hadn't slowed her down at all。
 The first Fremen census; Kynes thought。 A momentous occasion。
 BRIGHT…EYED AND EAGER; Stilgar came to Kynes's cavern quarters the next morning。 〃We are packing for your long journey; Umma Kynes。 Far to the south。 We have important things to show you。〃
 Since his recovery from the Harkonnen knife wound; Stilgar had bee one of Kynes's most devoted followers。 He seemed to draw status from his relationship with the Planetologist; his brother…in…law。 Stilgar served not for himself; though; but for the greater good of the Fremen。
 〃How long will the journey be?〃 Kynes inquired。 〃And where are we going?〃
 The young man's grin sparkled; a broad display of white。 〃A surprise! This is something you must see; or you may not believe。 Think of it as a gift from us to you。〃
 Curious; Kynes looked over at his work alcove。 He would bring along his notes to document this journey。 〃But how long will it take?〃
 〃Twenty thumpers;〃 Stilgar answered in the terminology of the deep desert; then called over his shoulder as he left; 〃Far to the south。〃
 Kynes's wife Frieth; now enormously pregnant; nevertheless spent long hours working the looms and the stillsuit…repair benches。 This morning Kynes finished his coffee and breakfasted at her side; though they spoke little to each other。 Frieth simply watched him; and he felt he didn't understand a thing。
 Fremen women seemed to have their own separate world; their own place in the society of these desert dwellers; with no connection to the interaction Kynes had found elsewhere in the Imperium。 It was said; though; that Fremen women were among the most vicious of fighters on the battlefield; and that if an enemy were left wounded and at the mercy of these ferocious women; he would be better served to kill himself outright。
 Then; too; there was the unanswered mystery of the Sayyadinas; the holy women of the sietch。 Thus far Kynes had seen only one of their number; dressed in a long black robe like that of a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother  and no Fremen seemed willing to tell him much about them。 Different worlds; different mysteries。
 Someday; Kynes thought it might be interesting to pile a sociological study of how different cultures reacted and adapted to extreme environments。 He wondered what the harsh realities of a world could do to the natural instincts and traditional roles of the sexes。 But he already had too much work to do。 Besides; he was a Planetologist; not a sociologist。
 Finishing his meal; Kynes leaned forward and kissed his Fremen wife。 Smiling; he patted her rounded belly beneath her robes。 〃Stilgar says I must acpany him on a journey。 I'll be back as soon as I can。〃
 〃How long?〃 she inquired; thinking of the baby's impending birth。 Apparently Kynes; obsessed with his long view of events on this planet; had not noted his own child's expected due date and had forgotten to allow for it in his plans。
 〃Twenty thumpers;〃 he said; though he wasn't exactly certain how much distance that meant。
 Frieth raised her eyebrows in quiet surprise; then lowered her gaze and began to clean up their breakfast dishes。 〃Even the longest journey may pass more quickly when the heart is content。〃 Her tone betrayed only the slightest disappointment。 〃I shall await your return; my husband。〃 She hesitated; then said; 〃Choose a good worm。〃
 Kynes didn't know what she meant。
 Moments later; Stilgar and eighteen other young Fremen decked out in full desert garb led Kynes through the tortuous passages down and out of the barrier mountain and onto the enormous western sea of sands。 Kynes felt a pang of worry。 The parched expanse seemed too far and too dangerous。 Now he was glad he wasn't alone。
 〃We're going across the equator and below; Umma Kynes; to where we Fremen have other lands; our own secret projects。 You shall see。〃
 Kynes's eyes widened; he had heard only grim and terrible stories about the uninhabitable southern regions。 He stared into the forbidding distance as Stilgar rapidly checked over the Planetologist's stillsuit; tightening fastenings and adjusting filters to his own satisfaction。 〃But how will we travel?〃 He knew the sietch had its own ornithopter; just a skimmer actually; not nearly large enough to carry so many people。
 Stilgar looked at him with an expectant expression。 〃We shall ride; Umma Kynes。〃 He nodded toward the youth who had long ago taken a wounded Stilgar back to the sietch in Kynes's groundcar。 〃Ommun will bee a sandrider this day。 It is a great event among our people。〃
 〃I'm sure it is;〃 Kynes said; his curiosity piqued。
 In their desert…stained robes the Fremen marched out across the sand; walking single file。 Beneath the robes they wore stillsuits; and on their feet temag desert boots。 Their indigo…blue eyes gazed out of the far past。
 One dark figure raced forward along a dune crest several hundred meters ahead of the rest of his group。 There he took a long dark stake and shoved it into the sand; tinkering with controls until finally Kynes could hear the reverberating
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