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 Wrapped in a blanket; the baby girl had finally stopped crying and lay peacefully in the sheltering warmth of its enclosed bed。
 Squinting down through the protective plaz; Anirul tried to imagine what this Jessica would look like as a grown woman。 She envisioned the baby's face elongating and thinning; and could visualize a tall lady of great beauty; with the regal features of her father Baron Harkonnen; generous lips; and smooth skin。 The Baron would never meet his daughter or know her name; for this would be one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Bene Gesserit。
 One day; when Jessica was of age; she would be manded to bear a daughter; and that child must be introduced to the son of Abulurd Harkonnen; the Baron's youngest demibrother。 At the moment Abulurd and his wife had only one son; Rabban…but Anirul had set in motion a means of suggesting that they have more。 This would improve the odds of one male surviving to maturity; it would also improve the gene selection; and improve the odds of good sexual timing。
 A vast jigsaw puzzle remained apparent to Anirul; each of its pieces a separate event in the incredible Bene Gesserit breeding program。 Only a few more ponents needed to slip into place now; and the Kwisatz Haderach would bee a reality in flesh and blood  the all…powerful male who could bridge space and time; the ultimate tool to be wielded by the Bene Gesserit。
 Anirul wondered now; as she often had without daring to speak of it; if such a man could cause the Bene Gesserit to once again find genuine religious fervor; like the fanaticism of the crusading Butler family。 What if he made others revere him as a god?
 Imagine that; she thought。 The Bene Gesserit  who used religion only to manipulate others  ensnared by their own messianic leader。 She doubted that could ever happen。
 Reverend Mother Anirul went out to celebrate with her Sisters。
 The surest way to keep a secret is to make people believe they already know the answer。
 …Ancient Fremen Wisdom
 Umma Kynes; you have acplished much;〃 said one…eyed Heinar as the two men sat on a rocky promontory above their sietch。 The Naib treated him as an equal now; even with overblown respect。 Kynes had stopped bothering to argue with the desert people every time they called him 〃Umma;〃 their word for 〃prophet。〃
 He and Heinar watched the coppery sunset spill across the sweeping dunefield of the Great Erg。 Far in the distance; a fuzzy haze hung on the horizon; the last remnants of a sandstorm that had passed the previous day。
 Powerful winds had washed the dunes clean; scrubbed their surfaces; recontoured the landscape。 Kynes relaxed against the rough rock; sipping from a pungent cup of spice coffee。
 Seeing her husband about to go above ground; outside the sietch; a pregnant Frieth had hurried after the two men as they waited to bid the sun farewell for another day。 An elaborate brass coffee service sat between them on a flat stone。 Frieth had brought it; along with a selection of the crunchy sesame cakes Kynes loved so well。 By the time he remembered to thank her for her kind attentiveness; Frieth had already vanished like a shadow back into the caves。
 After a long moment; Kynes nodded distractedly at the Naib's ment。 〃Yes; I've acplished much; but I still have plenty to do。〃 He thought of the remarkably plex plans required to plete his dream of a reborn Dune; a planetary name little known in the Imperium。
 Imperium。 He rarely thought of the old Emperor now  his own priorities; the emphasis of his life; had changed so greatly。 Kynes could never go back to being a mere Imperial Planetologist; not after all he'd been through with these desert people。
 Heinar clasped his friend's wrist。 〃It is said that sunset is a time for reflection and assessment; my friend。 Let us look to what we have done; rather than permit the empty gulf of the future to overwhelm us。 You have been on this planet for only a little more than a year; yet already you have found a new tribe; a new wife。〃 Heinar smiled。 〃And soon you will have a new child; a son perhaps。〃
 Kynes returned the smile wistfully。 Frieth was nearly through her gestation period。 He was somewhat surprised that the pregnancy had happened at all; since he was gone so frequently。 He still wasn't certain how to react to his impending role as a first…time father。 He had never thought about it before。
 However; the birth would fit in neatly with the overall plan he had for this astounding planet。 His child; growing up to lead the Fremen long after Kynes himself was gone; could help continue their efforts。 The master plan was designed to take centuries。
 As a Planetologist; he had to think in the long term; something the Fremen were not in the habit of doing  though; given their long; troubled past; they should have been accustomed to it。 The desert people had an oral history going back thousands of years; tales told in the sietch describing their endless wanderings from planet to planet; a people enslaved and persecuted; until finally they had made a home here where no one else could bear to live。
 The Fremen way was a conservative one; little changed from generation to generation; and these people were not used to considering the broad scope of progress。 Assuming their environment could not be adapted; they remained its prisoners; rather than its masters。
 Kynes hoped to change all that。 He had mapped out his great plan; including rough timetables for plantings and the accumulation of water; milestones for each successive achievement。 Hectare by hectare; Dune would be rescued from the wasteland。
 His Fremen teams were scouring the surface; taking core samples from the Great Bled; geological specimens from the Minor Erg and the Funeral Plain  but many terraforming factors still remained unknown variables。
 Pieces fell into place daily。 When he expressed a desire for better maps of the planet's surface; he was astonished to learn that the Fremen already had detailed topographical charts; even climatic surveys。 〃Why is it that I couldn't get these before?〃 Kynes said。 〃I was the Imperial Planetologist; and the maps I received from satellite cartography were woefully inaccurate。〃
 Old Heinar had smiled at him; squinting his one eye。 〃We pay a substantial bribe to the Spacing Guild to keep them from watching us too closely。 The cost is high; but the Fremen are free  and the Harkonnens remain in the dark; along with the rest of the Imperium。〃
 Kynes was astonished at first; then simply pleased; to have much of the geographical information he needed。 Immediately he dispatched traders to deal with smugglers and obtain genetically engineered seeds of vigorous desert plants。 He had to design and build an entire ecosystem from scratch。
 In large council meetings; the Fremen asked their new 〃prophet〃 what the next step might be; how long each process would take; when Dune would bee green and lush。 Kynes had tallied up his estimates and calmly looked down at the number。 In the manner of a teacher answering a child who has asked an absurdly simple question; Kynes shrugged and told them; 〃It will take anywhere from three hundred to five hundred years。 Maybe a little more。〃
 Some of the Fremen bi
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