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ocked medical attendants escorted her in; clucking excitedly like hens。
 〃This was too close; Mother Superior;〃 Anirul said。 〃I don't appreciate additional stress points in an already…plex task。〃
 〃Agreed;〃 said Harishka。 〃The Sisters will be reprimanded for their lethargy。 Though; if your designs had been less ambitious。。。〃 She let the thought hang in the air。
 Ignoring Mother Superior; Anirul noted the trim and decoration of the room; with its intricate ivory and pearl inlays and ornate wood carvings。 Perhaps she should have had them concentrate more on functionality than on extravagance。。。。
 Harishka crossed her thin arms over her chest。 〃The design of this new facility is similar to what we had before。 Was it really necessary?〃
 〃This is not similar at all;〃 Anirul said。 Her face flushed; and she washed the defensive tone out of her words。 〃The old birthing room simply wasn't functional anymore。〃
 Mother Superior gave a condescending smile; she understood the need for an untainted building; with no old memories; no ghosts。 〃Anirul; through our Missionaria Protectiva we manipulate the superstitions of backward peoples。。。but we Sisters aren't supposed to be superstitious ourselves。〃
 Anirul took the ment with good humor。 〃I assure you; Mother Superior; such conjecture is preposterous。〃
 The older woman's almond eyes glittered。 〃Other Sisters are saying you thought the old birthing room had a curse on it; which caused the first child's deformities。。。and its mysterious death。〃
 Anirul drew herself up straight。 〃This is hardly the proper time to discuss such a thing; Mother Superior。〃 She scanned the frantic preparations: Mohiam placed on the birthing bed; Sisters gathering warm karthan…weave towels; liquids; pads。 An incubator chamber blinked with monitors on the wall。 First…ranked midwives bustled around; preparing for unforeseen plications。
 On her gurney; Mohiam looked entirely posed now; her thoughts turned inward; meditating。 But Anirul noticed how old she appeared; as if the last shreds of youth had been drained from her。
 Harishka placed a sinewy hand on Anirul's forearm in a sudden and surprising display of closeness。 〃We all have our primal superstitions; but we must master them。 For now; worry about nothing except this child。 The Sisterhood needs a healthy daughter; with a powerful future。〃
 Medical personnel checked equipment and took up their positions around Mohiam; who reclined on a bed; inhaling deeply; her cheeks flushed red with exertion。 Two of the midwives propped her up in the ages…old delivery position。 The pregnant woman began to hum to herself; allowing only a flicker of disfort to cross her face as she experienced increasingly severe contractions。
 Standing aloof; yet sharply observant; Anirul considered what Mother Superior had just told her。 Secretly; Anirul had consulted a Feng Shui master about the old birthing facility。 A withered old man with Terrasian features; he was a practitioner of an ancient Zensunni philosophy which held that architecture; furniture placement; and maximum utilization of color and light all worked to promote the well…being of a facility's inhabitants。 With a sage nod; he declared that the old facility had been set up incorrectly; and showed Anirul what needed to be done。 They'd had only a month before the expected delivery date; and the Kwisatz Mother had had not a moment to lose。
 Now as she observed the abundance of light flowing down upon Mohiam's bed from actual windows and skylights; rather than from clusters of artificial glowglobes; Anirul assured herself she hadn't been 〃superstitious。〃 Feng Shui was about aligning oneself properly with Nature and being intensely aware of one's surroundings  a philosophy that was; ultimately; very much in the Bene Gesserit way of thinking。
 Too much rode on this single birth。 If there was a chance; even a small one; Anirul wanted no part in denying it。 Using the power of her position; she had demanded a new birthing facility; built according to the Feng Shui master's remendations。 Then she'd sent the old man away; letting the other Sisters believe he had merely been a visiting gardener。
 Now she glided closer to Mohiam's bed; looking down at her patient as the time neared。 Anirul hoped the old man was right。 This daughter was their last; best chance。
 IT HAPPENED QUICKLY; the moment Mohiam set her mind to it。 A baby's insistent crying filled the chamber; and Anirul lifted a perfect girl…child in the air for Mother Superior to see。 Even the voices in Other Memory cheered at the victory。 Everyone beamed triumphantly; delighted with the long…anticipated birth。 Agitated; the child kicked and flailed。
 Sisters toweled off infant and mother; giving Mohiam a long drink of juice to restore her body fluids。 Anirul handed the baby to her。 Still breathing hard from the exertion of the delivery; Mohiam took the girl and looked at her; allowing an uncharacteristically proud smile to cross her face。
 〃This child shall be named Jessica; meaning 'wealth;' 〃 Mohiam announced proudly; still panting。 When other Sisters moved away; Mohiam stared at Anirul and Harishka; who stood close to her。 In a directed whisper that only they could hear; she said; 〃I know this child is part of the Kwisatz Haderach program。 The voices in Other Memory have told me。 I have seen a vision; and I know the terrible future if we fail with her。〃
 Anirul and Mother Superior exchanged uneasy glances。 In a whisper Harishka responded; looking sidelong as if hoping the spontaneous revelation might weaken the Kwisatz Mother's hold over the program。 〃You are manded to secrecy。 Your child is to be the grandmother of the Kwisatz Haderach。〃
 〃I suspected as much。〃 Mohiam sank back on her pillow to consider the immensity of this revelation。 〃So soon。 。 。〃
 Outside the building; clapping and cheering rang out as news of the birth passed quickly around the training areas。 Balconies above the library enclaves and discussion chambers overflowed with acolytes and teachers celebrating the felicitous event; though only a handful knew the full significance of this child in the breeding program。
 Gaius Helen Mohiam gave the child to the midwives; refusing to form any sort of parental bond that was forbidden by the Bene Gesserit。 Though she maintained her posure; she felt drawn; bone…weary; and old。 This Jessica was her tenth daughter for the Sisterhood; and she hoped her childbearing duties were now at an end。 She looked at young Reverend Mother Anirul Sadow Tonkin。 How could she do better than she had already done? Jessica。。。their future。
 I am indeed fortunate to participate in this moment; Anirul thought as she looked down at the exhausted new mother。 It struck her as odd that of all the Sisters who had worked toward this goal for thousands of years; of all those who now watched eagerly in Other Memory; she was the one to supervise the birth of Jessica。 Anirul herself would guide this child through years of training toward the critically important sexual union she must have; to carry the breeding program to its penultimate step。
 Wrapped in a blanket; the baby girl had finally stopped crying and lay peacefully in the sheltering warmth of its enclo
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