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 hair。 He wished instead that he could use the laser to attack the Tleilaxu。 Other teams hauled the girders and plates away; stacking them for the next assembly project。
 With ringing and clanging all around him; C'tair recalled a better; more ordered time; when he'd stood with D'murr and Kailea on the observation deck above。 So long ago; it seemed。 They had watched a Navigator guide the last new Heighliner out of the grotto。 Perhaps it would be the last such ship ever built。。。unless C'tair could help overthrow these destroyers。
 The magnificent ship gradually fell to pieces; and the echoing sounds and chemical smells were horrific。 Did suboids work this way all the time? If so; he could begin to imagine how they might have been dissatisfied enough to consider a rebellion。 But C'tair could not believe the violence had been entirely at the workers' instigation。
 Had this all been part of the Emperor's plan? To destroy House Vernius and quash progress? Where and how the Bene Tleilax came into play in the scheme of influences; C'tair wasn't certain。 Of all races; these were the most hated people in the known galaxy。 Surely; Elrood could have found any number of Great Houses to take over the operations on Ix without disrupting the economics of the Imperium。 What else could the Padishah Emperor have in mind for these religious fanatics? Why would he dirty his hands with them?
 In disgust; C'tair watched other changes in the grotto; facilities being modified; as he continued the work of dismantling the Heighliner。 The new Tleilaxu overlords were busy little creatures; always hurrying about in a mysterious manner; setting up clandestine operations in the largest structures on Ix; locking formerly open facilities; shuttering windows; erecting stun…fences and minefields。 Keeping their filthy little secrets。
 C'tair took it as his mission to learn all those secrets; by whatever means necessary; however long it might take him。 The Tleilaxu must fall。。。。
 The ultimate question: Why does life exist? The answer: For life's sake。
 …ANONYMOUS; thought to be of Zensunni origin
 Two Reverend Mothers stood talking on a treeless knoll: one old; one young。 Behind clouds; the waning sun; Laoujin; threw the long shadows of their hooded black robes down the slope。 Over the centuries an untold number of other Reverend Mothers had stood on the same spot; under the same sun; discussing grave matters relevant to their times。
 If the two women wished; they could revisit those past crises through Other Memory。 The Reverend Mother Anirul Sadow Tonkin made such thought…journeys more than most; each circumstance was just another minor step along the long; long road。 Over the past year she had let her bronze…brown hair grow long; until its locks hung down to her narrow chin。
 At the base of the knoll a whitecrete building was under construction。 Like worker bees; female laborers; each one with an entire blueprint in her mind; operated heavy equipment; preparing to lift roof modules into place。 To the rare outside observer; Wallach IX with its Bene Gesserit libraries and schools seemed always the same; but the Sisterhood was ever adapting for survival; ever changing; ever growing。
 〃They're working too slowly。 I wanted them finished already;〃 Anirul said; rubbing her forehead; she had been experiencing chronic headaches of late。 As Mohiam came closer to term; Anirul's responsibilities as Kwisatz Mother were tremendous。 〃Do you realize how few days remain until the baby is due?〃
 〃Blame no one but yourself; Anirul。 You demanded that this be no ordinary birthing facility;〃 Mother Superior Harishka said sternly。 The Kwisatz Mother flushed and looked away。 〃Every Sister knows how important it is。 Many of them suspect this is not just another child to be lost in the web of our breeding programs。 A few have even been talking about the Kwisatz Haderach。〃
 Anirul tucked a loose strand of bronze hair behind her ear。 Unavoidable。 All the Sisters know of our dream; but few suspect how close it is to reality。〃 She shifted her skirts around her and sat down on the soft grass of the knoll。 She gestured toward the construction where the sounds of carpentry rang clear in the air。 〃Mohiam is due to deliver in a week; Mother Superior。 We don't even have the roof on yet。
 〃They will finish; Anirul。 Calm yourself。 Everyone is doing her best to follow your orders。〃
 Anirul reacted as if slapped; then covered her reaction。 Does Reverend Mother see me as an untempered and impetuous girl? Perhaps she had been too insistent with her instructions for the facility; and sometimes Mother Superior looked at her with a certain amount of resentment。 Is she jealous that Other Memory chose me to lead such an ambitious program? Does she resent my knowledge?
 〃I'm not as young as you're treating me;〃 Anirul said; against the better judgment of the voices。 Very few of the Bene Gesserit had the weight of history inside them the way she did。 Very few knew all of the machinations; every step of the Kwisatz Haderach program; every failure or success over the millennia; every deviation in the plan; for more than ninety generations。 〃I have the knowledge to succeed。〃
 Mother Superior frowned at her。 〃Then put more faith in our Mohiam。 She's delivered nine daughters for the Sisterhood already。 I trust her to control the exact moment at which she chooses to give birth; even to delay her labor if necessary。〃 A scrap of brittle hair blew out of its prim containment and feathered across the old woman's cheek。 〃Her role in this is more important than any birthing facility。〃
 Anirul challenged the chastising tone。 〃True。 And we must not have another failure; like the last。〃
 Not even a Reverend Mother could master all facets of embryonic development。 Through her internal processes she could set her own metabolism; but not the metabolism of the child。 Selecting her baby's sex was an adjustment of the mother's chemistry; choosing the precise egg and sperm to unite。 But once the zygote started growing in the womb; the offspring was effectively on its own; beginning a process of growing away from the mother。
 Anirul said; 〃I can feel that this daughter will be vital; a crux point。〃
 A loud thump sounded below; and Anirul grimaced。 One of the roof sections had tumbled into the interior of the building; and the Sister workers rushed about to correct the mistake。
 Mother Superior uttered a profanity。
 THROUGH HERCULEAN EFFORTS the birthing facility was pleted; on time; while Kwisatz Mother Anirul marched back and forth。 Only hours before the scheduled birth; construction workers and robos put on the finishing touches。 Medical equipment was brought in and connected。 Glowglobes; beds; blankets。。。even a warm blaze in the archaic wood…burning fireplace Mohiam had requested。
 As Anirul and Harishka inspected the job; still smelling of dust and construction materials; they paused to watch the noisy entrance of a motorized gurney bearing an enormously pregnant Gaius Helen Mohiam。 She was alert and sitting up; already experiencing increased contractions。 Reverend Mothers and white…smocked medical attendants escorted her in; clucking excitedly like hens。
 〃This was too close; Moth
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