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nent。 In all; Caladan provided everything its people could possibly want; and Duke Paulus knew his family's fortunes were secure。 He was immensely pleased that one day he could pass it all on to his son Leto。
 The mutated Salusan bull charged。
 〃Ho; ho!〃 The Duke laughed and flailed his multihued muleta; skittering backward as the bull thundered past。 Its head tossed from side to side; thrashing with its spiny shovel of a skull。 One of the horns moved slowly enough to ripple through the pulsing Holtzman shield; and the Duke slid sideways; just enough so that the bone spike barely scratched his outer armor。
 Seeing how close the horn had e to their beloved leader; the audience let out a collective gasp。 The Duke sidestepped the bull as it charged past; kicking up powdered sand。 The beast skidded to a stop。 Paulus held his muleta with one hand; jiggling the cloth; and snatched out one of his barbed banderillas。
 He glanced up at the ducal box; touching the hooked tip of the banderilla to his forehead in a salute。 Leto and Prince Rhombur had leaped to their feet in excitement; but Helena remained frozen in her chair; her expression clouded; hands clasped in her lap。
 The bull wheeled about and reoriented itself。 Normally; Salusan bulls became dizzy after missing their target; but this one did not slow a bit。 Duke Paulus realized that his monstrous opponent had a greater energy than he had ever seen; keener eyesight; hotter fury。 Still; he smiled。 Defeating this worthy opponent would be his finest hour; and a fitting tribute to the exiled Ixians in his care。
 The Duke played with the bull for a few more passes; dancing beyond the reach of its horns; pleting his expected performance for the excited spectators。 Around him the partial shield shimmered。
 Seeing that the bull did not tire after the better part of an hour; though; and that it remained focused on killing him; Duke Paulus grew concerned enough that he made up his mind to end the contest as swiftly as possible。 He would use his shield; a trick he had learned from one of the finest matadors in the Imperium。
 The next time the creature shot past; hooves hammering the packed sand; its horns ricocheted off the Duke's personal shield; a collision that finally disoriented the beast。
 The Duke grasped the banderilla and plunged it into the bull's back like a stake; setting the barbed hook into cable…thick neck muscles。 Oily blood spilled out from the slash in its hide。 Paulus released the handle of the poisoned spear as he twirled out of the way。 The drug on the barbed tip should begin to act immediately; burning out the neurotransmitters in the beast's double brain。
 The crowd cheered; and the bull roared with pain。 It spun about and stumbled as its legs seemed to give way。 The Duke thought this was caused by the poison; but to his surprise the Salusan bull floundered to its feet once more and rocketed toward him。 Paulus again sidestepped; but the bull managed to snag the muleta on its multiple horns; thrashing its head and tearing the bright ceremonial cloth to shreds。
 The Duke narrowed his eyes and released his hold。 This was going to be a greater challenge than he had expected。 The audience cried out in dismay; and he couldn't stop himself from offering them a brave smile。 Yes; the difficult fights are the best; and the people of Caladan will remember this one for a long; long time。
 Paulus held up his second banderilla; slashing it in the air like a thin fencing sword; and turned to face the heavily muscled oning bull。 He had no cape to distract the animal now; so it would see his body core as its main target。 He had only one short; barbed spear as his weapon; and a partial shield for protection。
 He saw Atreides guards; even Thufir Hawat; standing at the ringside; ready to race out and assist him。 But the Duke raised his hand; forcing them back。 He must do this himself。 It simply would not do to have a mob of other fighters rushing to his rescue the moment things got a little sticky。
 The Salusan bull pawed the ground; glaring at him with its multifaceted eyes; and the Duke thought he saw a flash of understanding there。 This creature knew exactly who he was  and it intended to kill him。 But the Duke had similar thoughts in his own mind。
 The bull charged directly toward him and picked up speed。 Paulus wondered why the neurotoxin hadn't yet slowed it down。 Deadly questions occurred to him: How can this be? I dipped the banderillas in poison myself。 But was it really poison?
 Wondering if there had been sabotage; the Duke held out the banderilla; its sharp barb glinting in the cloudy sunlight。 The bull approached; steaming; frothing。 Foam from its nostrils and mouth flew up to fleck its black scaly face。
 As they closed to within meters of each other; the bull feinted to the right。 Duke Paulus jabbed with his short spear; but the beast instantly swerved and attacked from a different direction。 This time the barb caught on a knob of the bull's horny skin; but did not sink in。 The small weapon tore out of the Duke's grasp and dropped to the sand as the bull dashed past。
 For a moment Paulus was weaponless。 He scrambled backward and snatched for the banderilla on the ground。 Turning his back on the bull; he listened for it to grind to a stop; spin around; and e back  but as he bent over to retrieve his weapon; the huge bull was suddenly there with impossible speed; horns lowered。
 The Duke scrambled to one side; trying to get out of the way; but the bull was already within his safety zone; ducking under the partial shield and ramming home。 Its long; curved horns gouged deep into the Duke's back; breaking through his ribs and into his lungs and heart。
 The bull roared with triumph。 To the horror of the crowd; it lifted Paulus up; thrashing him from side to side。 Blood sprayed on the sand; red droplets slowed by the concave surface of the small shield。 The doomed Duke flailed and twitched; impaled on the forest of horns。
 The audience fell deathly silent。
 Within seconds; Thufir Hawat and the Atreides guards surged out onto the field; their lasguns cutting the rampaging Salusan bull into piles of smoking meat。 The creature's own momentum caused pieces of the carcass to fly apart in different directions。 The decapitated but otherwise intact head thumped onto the ground。
 The Duke's body pirouetted in the air and landed on its back in the trampled sand。
 Up in the ducal box; Rhombur cried out in disbelief。 Kailea sobbed。 The Lady Helena let her chin sink against her chest and wept。
 Leto rose to his feet; all color draining from his skin。 His mouth opened and closed; but he could find no words to express his utter shock。 He wanted to run down into the arena; but saw from the mangled condition of his father that he would never reach him in time。 There would be no gasping and whispering of last words。
 Duke Paulus Atreides; this magnificent man of his people; was dead。
 Deafening wails erupted from the spectator stands。 Leto could feel the vibration rumbling through the ducal box。 He couldn't tear his eyes from his father; lying broken and bloodied on the ground; and he knew it was a nightmare vision that would remain with him for the
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