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ers; but grudgingly; and he gave Duncan no special treatment。 〃He wants them to attack。 He doesn't want the creatures to purr when he's on display in the Plaza de Toros。 What would the people think?〃
 Duncan had lowered his eyes and backed off。 Always obedient; he never again tried to make these beasts his pets。
 He had seen holorecordings of the Duke's previous spectacles; as well as the performances of other renowned matadors; while he was saddened to witness the slaughter of one of his magnificent charges; he was amazed at the bravery and self…assurance of Duke Atreides。
 The last corrida on Caladan had been staged to celebrate the departure of Leto Atreides for his off…planet schooling。 Now after many months there would be another; as the Old Duke had recently announced a new grand bullfight; this one to entertain his guests from Ix; who had e to stay as exiles on Caladan。 Exiles。 In a sense; Duncan was one; too。。。。
 Though he had his own sleeping quarters in a munal outbuilding where many of the Castle workers lived; sometimes Duncan bedded down out in the stables; where he could hear the snorting and simmering beasts。 He had put up with far worse conditions in his life。 The stables themselves were fortable; and he enjoyed being alone with the animals。
 Whenever he slept out there; he listened to the movements of the bulls in his dreams。 He felt himself being attuned to their moods and instincts。 For days now; though; the creatures had grown increasingly fretful and moody; prone to rampages in their pens。。。as if they knew their nemesis the Old Duke was planning another bullfight。
 Standing outside the cages; young Duncan noticed fresh; deep score marks where the Salusan bulls had rammed their enclosures in an attempt to break free; trying to gore imaginary opponents。
 This was not right。 Duncan knew it。 He'd spent so much time watching the bulls that he felt he understood their instincts。 He knew how they should react; knew how to provoke them and how to calm them  but this behavior was out of the ordinary。
 When he mentioned it to Stablemaster Yresk; the gaunt man looked suddenly alarmed。 He scratched the shock of thinning white hair on his head; but then his expression changed。 He fixed his suspicious; puffy eyes on Duncan。 〃Say; there's nothing wrong with those bulls。 If I didn't know you better; I'd think you were just another Harkonnen; trying to cause trouble。 Now run along。〃
 〃Harkonnens! I hate them。〃
 〃You lived among them; stable…rat。 We Atreides are trained to be constantly on the alert。〃 He gave Duncan a nudge。 〃Don't you have chores to plete? Or do I need to find some more?〃
 He'd heard that Yresk had actually e from Richese many years before; so he was not truly an Atreides。 Still; Duncan didn't contradict the man; though he refused to back down。 〃I was their slave。 They tried to hunt me down like an animal。〃
 Yresk lowered his bushy eyebrows; with his lanky build and wild; pale hair he looked like a scarecrow。 〃Even among the mon people; the old feud between Houses runs deep。 How do I know what you might have up your sleeve?〃
 〃That's not why I told you about the bulls; sir;〃 Duncan said。 〃I'm just worried。 I don't know anything about House feuds。〃
 Yresk laughed; not taking him seriously。 〃The Atreides…Harkonnen breach goes back thousands of years。 Don't you know anything about the Battle of Corrin; the great betrayal; the Bridge of Hrethgir? How a cowardly Harkonnen ancestor almost cost the humans our victory against the hated machine…minds? Corrin was our last stand; and we would have fallen to the final onslaught if an Atreides hadn't saved the day。〃
 〃I never learned much history;〃 Duncan said。 〃It was hard enough just finding food to eat。〃
 Behind folds of wrinkled skin; the stablemaster's eyes were large and expressive; as if he was trying to appear to be a kindly old man。 〃Well; well; House Atreides and House Harkonnen were allies once; friends even; but never again after that treachery。 The feud has burned hot ever since  and you; boy; came from Giedi Prime。 From the Harkonnen homeworld。〃 Yresk shrugged his bony shoulders。 〃You don't expect us to trust you pletely; do you? Be thankful the Old Duke trusts you as much as he does。〃

 〃But I had nothing to do with the Battle of Corrin;〃 Duncan said; still not understanding。 〃What does that have to do with the bulls? That was a long time ago。〃
 〃And that's about all the jabber I have time for this afternoon。〃 Yresk removed a long…handled manure scraper from a prong on the wall。 〃You just keep your suspicions to yourself from now on。 Everyone here knows what he's supposed to do。〃
 Though Duncan worked hard and did everything he could to earn his keep; the fact that he had e from the Harkonnens continued to cause him grief。 Some of the others working in the stables; not just Yresk; treated him as a barely concealed spy。。。though what Rabban would have wanted with a nine…year…old infiltrator; Duncan couldn't guess。
 Not until now; however; had he felt so affronted by the prejudice。 〃There's something wrong with the bulls; sir;〃 he insisted。 〃The Duke needs to know about it before his bullfight。〃
 Yresk laughed at him again。 〃When I need the advice of a child in my business; I'll be sure to ask you; young Idaho。〃 The stablemaster left; and Duncan returned to the stalls to stare at the agitated; ferocious Salusan bulls。 They glared back at him with burning; faceted eyes。
 Something was terribly wrong。 He knew it; but no one would listen to him。
 Imperfections; if viewed in the proper light; can be extremely valuable。 The Great Schools; with their incessant questing for perfection; often find this postulate difficult to understand; until it is proven to them that nothing in the universe is random。
 …From The Philosophies of Old Terra; one of the recovered manuscripts
 In the darkness of her isolated and protected bedroom in the Mother School plex; Mohiam sat straight up; holding her swollen belly。 Her skin felt tight and leathery; without the resilience of youth。 Her bedclothes were drenched in perspiration; and the nightmare remained fresh in her mind。 The back of her skull pounded with visions of blood; and flames。
 It had been an omen; a message。。。a screaming premonition that no Bene Gesserit could ignore。
 She wondered how much melange her nurse had given her; and if it might have interacted with some other medication they'd administered。 She could still taste the bitter gingery…cinnamon flavor inside her mouth。 How much spice was it safe for a pregnant woman to take? Mohiam shuddered。 No matter how she tried to rationalize her terror; she could not ignore the power of the sending。
 Dreams。。。nightmares。。。prescience  foretelling terrible events that would shake the Imperium for millennia。 A future that must never e to pass! She dared not ignore the warning。。。but could she trust herself to interpret it correctly?
 Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam was but a tiny pebble at the beginning of an avalanche。
 Did the Sisterhood really know what it was doing? And what about the baby growing inside her; still a month from term? The vision's focus had been centered on her daughter。 Something important; somethi
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