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 〃What happens if he gets hurt? Could we get in trouble for not keeping a better eye on him?〃
 〃I doubt it。 Elrood's mind isn't what it used to be。〃 The Baron laughed; a thin; nasal tone of derision。 〃Not that the Emperor's mind was much even in its prime。〃
 The dark…haired woman; coated now with clinging dust; fought her way across the dunes。 She kicked up sand; falling and struggling back onto her feet; refusing to give up。
 〃This bores me;〃 Rabban said。 〃No challenge just to stand here and watch。〃
 〃Some punishments are easy;〃 the Baron observed; 〃but easy isn't always sufficient。 Erasing this woman does nothing to erase the black mark she made on the honor of House Harkonnen。。。with the help of House Atreides。〃
 〃Then let's do more;〃 Rabban said with a thick…lipped grin; 〃to the Atreides。〃
 The Baron felt the heat shimmering on his exposed face; absorbed the thrumming silence of the baked desert。 When he smiled; the skin on his cheeks threatened to crack。 〃Maybe we will。〃
 〃What; Uncle?〃
 〃Perhaps it's time to get rid of the Old Duke。 No more thorns in our side。〃
 Rabban bubbled with anticipation。
 With a calmness designed to agitate his nephew; the Baron focused the oil lenses of his binoculars and scanned the distance at varying magnifications。 He hoped to spot the wormsign himself rather than relying on the security ornithopters。 Finally he sensed the tremors approaching。 He felt his pulse synchronize with the thumper: Lump。。。Lump。。。Lump。。。
 Crescent dune tracks spread shadow ripples toward the horizon; an elongated mound…in…motion; a cresting of sand like a big fish swimming just under the surface。 In the still; hot air; the Baron heard the rasping; abrasive sound of the slithering beast。 Excitedly; he grabbed Rabban's elbow and pointed。
 The …unit at Rabban's ear chirped; and a filtered voice spoke so loudly that the Baron could hear the muffled words。 Rabban swatted at the device。 〃We know! We see it。〃
 The Baron continued his musings as the buried worm approached like a lootive。 〃I've kept up my contacts with。。。individuals on Caladan; you know。 The Old Duke is a creature of habit。 And habits can be dangerous。〃 He smiled; his lips hard; his eyes squinting against the glare。 〃We've already put operatives in place; and I have a plan。〃
 Far out in the dunes ahead of them; Janess spun around and ran in blind panic。 She had seen the oning worm。
 The rippling upheaval of sand reached the thumper in the lee of a whaleback dune。 In an explosion like a tidal wave engulfing a dock; the thumper vanished into an immense mouth lined with crystal teeth。
 〃Move the platform;〃 the Baron urged。 〃Follow her!〃 Rabban worked the suspensor controls; floating them up over the desert for a better view of the action。
 Following the vibrations of the woman's footsteps; the worm changed course。 The sand rippled again as the behemoth dived underground and prowled like a shark searching for new prey。
 Janess collapsed on the top of a dune; shuddering; holding her knees up against her chin as she tried not to make any sound that might attract the great worm。 Sand skittered around her。 She froze; held her breath。
 The monster paused。 Janess huddled in terror; praying silently。
 Rabban brought the suspensor platform above the trapped woman。 Janess glared up at the Harkonnens; her jaw clenched; her eyes like daggers; a cornered animal afraid to move。
 Baron Harkonnen reached down to grab an empty bottle of spice liquor; drained during their long hot wait for her execution。 He raised the brown glass bottle as if in a toast; grinning。
 The sandworm waited underground; alert for even a fractional movement。
 The Baron tossed the bottle at the dusky…skinned woman。 The glass tumbled in the air; reflecting glints of sunlight; end over end。 It struck the sand within meters of Janess's feet with a loud thunk。
 The worm lunged into motion; toward her。
 Screaming curses at the Harkonnens; Janess plunged down the hillside; followed by a small avalanche of sand。 But the ground dropped out from underneath her; like a gaping trapdoor。
 The mouth of the worm rose up; a cavern of glittering teeth in the sunlight to swallow Janess and everything around her。 A puff of dust drifted on the wavering air as the huge worm sank back under the sands; like a whale beneath the sea。
 Rabban touched his …unit; demanding to know whether the spotting craft overhead had taken high…resolution holos。 〃I didn't even see her blood; didn't hear her scream。〃 He sounded disappointed。
 〃You may strangle one of my servants;〃 the Baron offered; 〃if it will make you feel better。 But only because I'm in such a good mood。〃
 From the suspensor platform; he gazed down at the placid dunes; knowing the danger and death that lurked beneath them。 He wished his old rival Duke Paulus Atreides had been down there instead of the woman。 For that; he would have had every Harkonnen holorecorder in operation; so that he could enjoy it from every angle and savor the experience over and over; each time tasting the morsel of human flesh as the worm did。
 No matter; the Baron told himself。 I have something just as interesting in mind for the old man。
 Speak the truth。 That is always much easier; and is often the most powerful argument。
 …Bene Gesserit Axiom
 Duncan Idaho stared at the monstrous Salusan bull; through the force…field bars of its cage; his child's gaze meeting the multifaceted eyes of the ferocious creature。 The bull had a scaly black hide; multiple horns; and two brains that were capable of only one thought: Destroy anything that moves。
 The boy had worked in the stables for weeks now; doing his best at even the most miserable of jobs; feeding and watering the bat bulls; tending them; cleaning their filthy cages while the beasts were pushed back behind force…barricades to keep them from attacking him。
 He enjoyed his job; despite what others considered the degrading meniality of the tasks to be performed。 Duncan didn't even think of it as low…level work; though he knew several other stableboys did。 These were simply chores to him; and he considered his payment in freedom and happiness more than sufficient。 Because of the gracious generosity of his benefactor; Duke Paulus Atreides; he loved the old man dearly。
 Duncan ate well now and had a warm place to live and fresh clothes whenever he needed them。 Though no one asked him to; he worked hard anyway; driven and dedicated。 There was even some time for relaxation; and he and the other workers had their own gymnasium and recreation hall。 He could also go splashing in the sea whenever he wished; and a friendly man from the dockside occasionally took him along for a day's fishing。
 At present the Old Duke kept five of the mutated bulls for his games。 Duncan had sought to befriend the beasts; trying to tame them with bribes of sweet green grass or fresh fruits; but an exasperated Stablemaster Yresk had caught him at it。
 〃The Old Duke uses them in his bullfights  do you think he prefers them tame?〃 His puffy eyes had widened with anger。 The white…haired stablemaster had accepted him on the Duke's orders; but grudgingly; and he gave Duncan no special treatment。 〃He wants them to att
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