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chor; and raced toward the reef。 The flaming coracle was like a et on the water。
 〃What are you doing?〃 Rhombur cried。 〃Where are we going?〃
 〃The reef!〃 he shouted。 〃I'll try to run aground there so we don't sink。 Then you and I can work to put out the fire。〃
 〃You're going to crash us into a reef? That's crazy!〃
 〃You'd rather sink out here? This boat is going down; one way or another。〃 As if to emphasize his point another small container of fuel exploded belowdecks; sending a shudder through the floor。
 Rhombur grasped the secured galley table to keep his balance。 〃Whatever you say。〃
 〃Did you get an acknowledgment on the shore…?〃
 〃No。 I; uh; hope they heard us。〃 Leto told him to keep trying; which he did; still without receiving a response。
 The waves curled around them; low to the deck rail。 Black smoke poured into the sky。 Fire licked at the engine partment。 The coracle dipped lower; dragging; taking on water rapidly。 Leto pushed the engines; still charging toward the rocks。 He didn't know if he would win this race。 If he could just run them up on the reef; he and Rhombur could stay safely beside the wreckage。 He didn't know how long it would take for rescuers to arrive。
 As if driven by a demon; whitecaps rose in front of them; threatening to form a barrier。 But Leto held course and did not slacken the acceleration。 〃Hang on!〃
 At the last moment; the engines died as fire engulfed them。 The coracle cruised forward on sheer momentum and crashed into the jagged reef。 The grinding halt threw both Leto and Rhombur to the deck。 Rhombur struck his head and stood up; blinking; dazed。 Blood trickled down his forehead; very close to the old injury he had received during the orship escape from Ix。
 〃Let's go! Overboard!〃 Leto yelled。 He grabbed his friend's arm and pushed him out of the cabin。 From the forward partment; Leto tossed hoses and portable pumps into the frothing water。 〃Dip this end of the hose into the deepest water you can reach! And try not to cut yourself on the reef。〃
 Rhombur scrambled over the rail; while Leto followed; trying to maintain his balance in the churning tide pools and rough surf。 The boat was snagged; so for the moment they needn't worry about drowning  just disfort。
 The pumps started; and seawater sprayed out of two hoses; one held by each boy。 The water fell in a thick curtain onto the flames。 Rhombur swiped blood out of his eyes and kept directing his hose。 They doused the coracle with endless torrents until finally; slowly; the flames began to die back。
 Rhombur looked bedraggled and miserable; but Leto felt oddly exhilarated。 〃Perk up; Rhombur。 Think about it。 On Ix we had to escape from a revolution that nearly destroyed the whole planet。 Makes this little mishap seem like child's play; wouldn't you say?〃
 〃Uh; right;〃 the other said; glumly。 〃Most fun I've had in ages。〃
 The two of them sat waist deep in the surging water; playing their hoses over the fire。 Smoke continued to rise into the clear Caladan sky like a distress beacon。
 Soon they heard the distant but increasing roar of powerful engines; and moments later a high…speed wingboat came into view; a double…hulled craft capable of reaching tremendous speeds over the water。 It drew near and swung clear of the rocks。 On the foredeck stood Thufir Hawat; shaking his head at Leto in disapproval。
 Among the responsibilities of mand is the necessity to punish。。。but only when the victim demands it。
 …PRINCE RAPHAEL CORRINO; Discourses on Leadership in a Galactic Imperium; 12th Edition
 Her chocolate hair in disarray; her clothes torn and inappropriate for the desert; the woman ran across the sands; seeking escape。
 Janess Milam looked up over her shoulder; blinking sun…scalded tears from her eyes。 Seeing the shadow of the suspensor platform that held Baron Harkonnen and his nephew Rabban; she put on a burst of speed。 Her feet dug into the powder…sand; making her lose her balance。 She staggered toward the open wasteland; where it was hotter; drier; deadlier。
 Buried in the lee of a nearby dune; the thumper throbbed; pulsing。。。calling。
 She tried to find a refuge of rocks; cool caves; even the shadow of a boulder。 At the very least; she wanted to die out of sight so they wouldn't be able to laugh at her。 But the Harkonnens had dropped her into a sea of open dunes。 Janess slipped and tasted dust。
 From their safe vantage on the suspensor platform; the Baron and his nephew watched her struggles; the pitiful flight of a tiny human figure on the sand。 The observers wore stillsuits like costumes; their masks hung loose。
 They had returned to Arrakis from Giedi Prime only a few weeks before; and Janess had arrived on the previous day's prison ship。 At first; the Baron had thought to execute the treacherous woman back at Barony; but Rabban had wanted her to suffer in front of his eyes out on the scorching sands; in punishment for helping Duncan Idaho escape。
 〃She seems so insignificant down there; doesn't she?〃 the Baron mented; without interest。 Sometimes; his nephew did have unique ideas; though he lacked the focus to carry them through。 〃This is much more satisfying than a simple beheading; and beneficial to the worms。 Food for them。〃
 Rabban made a low sound in his thick throat; remarkably like an animal's growl。 〃It shouldn't be long now。 Those thumpers always call a worm。 Always。〃
 The Baron stood tall on the platform; feeling the hot sun; the glistening sweat on his skin。 His body ached; a condition he'd been experiencing for several months now。 He nudged the suspensor platform forward so they could get a better view of their victim。 He mused; 〃That boy is an Atreides now; from what I hear。 Working with the Duke's Salusan bulls。〃
 〃He's dead; if I ever see him again。〃 Rabban wiped salty sweat from his sunburned forehead。 〃Him; and any other Atreides I catch alone。〃
 〃You're like an ox; Rabban。〃 The Baron gripped his nephew's strong shoulder。〃 But don't waste energy on insignificant things。 House Atreides is our real enemy  not some insignificant stableboy。 Stableboy。。。hmmm。。。〃
 Below; Janess skidded on her face down the slope of a dune and scrambled to her feet again。 With a basso laugh the Baron said; 〃She'll never get far enough away from the thumper in time。〃 The resonant vibrations continued to throb into the ground; like the distant drumbeat of a death song。
 〃It's too hot out here;〃 Rabban grumbled。 〃Couldn't you have brought a canopy?〃 Pulling his stillsuit's water tube to his mouth; he drew in an unsatisfying sip of warm water。
 〃I like to sweat。 It's good for the health; purges poisons from the system。〃
 Rabban fidgeted。 When he tired of watching the woman's clumsy run; he looked across the seared landscape; searching for the tracks of an oning behemoth。 〃By the way; whatever happened to that Planetologist the Emperor foisted on us? I took him worm hunting once。
 〃Kynes? Who knows?〃 The Baron snorted。 〃He's always out in the desert; es in to Carthag to deliver reports whenever he feels like it; then disappears again。 Haven't heard from him in a while。〃
 〃What happens if he gets hurt? Could we get in trouble for not keeping a better eye on him?〃
 〃I doubt it。 Elrood
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