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s agreed; under the Light。〃
       Jorin made a strangled sound。 〃My sister; has a Cargomaster ever mutinied against his Sailmistress?〃
       Coine gave her a flat…eyed stare。 〃I will put in the gift of passage from my own chest。 And if Toram ever hears of it; my sister; I will put you in the bilges with Dorele。 For ballast; perhaps。〃
       That the two Sea Folk women had dropped formality was confirmed when the Windfinder laughed aloud。 〃And then your next port would be in Chachin; my sister; or Caemlyn; for you could not find the water without me。〃
       The Sailmistress addressed Elayne and Nynaeve regretfully。 〃Properly; Aes Sedai; since you serve the Coramoor; I should honor you as I would Sailmistress and Windfinder of another ship。 We should bathe together and drink honeyed wine and tell each other stories to make ourselves laugh and weep。 But I must make ready to sail; and …〃
       Wavedancer rose like his name; leaping; pounding against the dock。 Elayne whipped back and forth in her chair; wondering as it continued whether this was really better than being thrown to the deck。
       Then; finally; it was over; the leaps slowing; growing smaller。 Coine scrambled to her feet and raced for the ladder; Jorin at her heels; already shouting orders to look for damage to the hull。

Chapter 20
Winds Rising

       Elayne struggled to open the latch on an arm of her chair and darted after them; almost colliding with Nynaeve at the ladder。 The ship still rocked; if not as violently as before。 Uncertain whether they were sinking; she pushed Nynaeve ahead of her; prodding her to climb faster。
       On the deck the crew dashed about; checking the rigging or peering over the side to inspect the hull; shouting about earthquakes。 The same shouts were rising from the dockmen; too; but Elayne knew better; despite the tumbled things on the piers and the ships yet pitching at their moorings。
       She stared toward the Stone。 The huge fortress was still; except for masses of startled birds swirling about and that pale banner waving; almost lazily; in an isolated breeze。 No sign that anything had ever touched the mountainous mass。 That had been Rand; though。 She was sure of it。
       She turned to find Nynaeve looking at her; and for a long moment their eyes met。 〃A fine pickling; if he's damaged the ship;〃 Elayne said finally。 〃How are we supposed to get to Tanchico if he goes tossing all the ships about?〃 Light; he has to be all right。 I can do nothing if he isn't。 He is all right。 He is。
       Nynaeve touched her arm reassuringly。 〃No doubt that second letter of yours touched a nerve。 Men always overreact when they let their emotions go; it's the price for holding them in the way they do。 He may be the Dragon Reborn; but he must learn; man to woman; that … What are they doing here?〃
       〃They〃 were two men standing amid the bustling Sea Folk on the deck。 One was Thom Merrilin; in his gleeman's cloak; with leather…cased harp and flute on his back and a bundle lying at his feet beside a battered wooden box with a lock。 The other was a lean handsome Tairen in his middle years; a hard dark man wearing a flat conical straw hat and one of those moner's coats that fit snugly to the waist; then flared like a short skirt。 A notched sword…breaker hung at a belt worn over his coat; and he leaned on a pale staff of nobbly; jointed wood exactly his own height and no thicker than his thumb。 A square tied parcel dangled by a loop from his shoulder。 Elayne knew him: his name was Juilin Sandar。
       It was obvious the two men were strangers despite standing almost side by side; they held themselves with stiff reticence。 Their attentions were directed the same way; though; split between following the Sailmistress's progress toward the stern deck and peering at Elayne and Nynaeve; plainly uncertain and masking it behind a brisk show of confidence。 Thom grinned and stroked his long white mustaches and nodded every time he looked up at the two of them; Sandar made solemn; self…assured bows。
       〃He is not damaged;〃 Coine said; climbing the ladder。 〃I can sail within the hour; if it pleases you。 Well within; if a Tairen pilot can be found。 I will sail without him; if not; though it means never returning to Tear。〃 She followed their gaze to the two men。 〃They ask passage; the gleeman to Tanchico; and the thief catcher to wherever you travel。 I cannot refuse them; and yet。。。。〃 Her dark eyes came back to Elayne and Nynaeve。 〃I will do so; if you ask it。〃 Reluctance to break custom battled in her voice with。。。。 Desire to help them? To serve the Coramoor? 〃The thief catcher is a good man; even considering that he is shorebound。 No offense to you; under the Light。 The gleeman I do not know; yet a gleeman can enliven a voyage and lighten tired hours。〃
       〃You know Master Sandar?〃 Nynaeve said。
       〃Twice he has found those who pilfered from us; and found them quickly。 Another shoreman would have taken longer so he might ask more for the work。 It is obvious that you know him; as well。 Do you wish me to refuse passage?〃 Her reluctance was still there。
       〃Let us see why they are here first;〃 Nynaeve said in a flat voice that did not bode well for either man。
       〃Perhaps I should do the talking;〃 Elayne suggested; gently but firmly。 〃That way; you can watch to see if they are hiding anything。〃 She did not say that that way Nynaeve's temper would not get the better of her; but the wry smile the other woman gave her said she had heard it anyway。
       〃Very well; Elayne。 I will watch them。 Perhaps you might study how I keep calm。 You know how you are when you bee overwrought。〃
       Elayne had to laugh。
       The two men straightened as she and Nynaeve approached。 Around them the crew bustled; swarming into the rigging; hauling ropes; lashing some things down and unlashing others; to orders relayed from the Sailmistress。 They moved around the four shorepeople with barely a glance。
       Elayne frowned at Thom Merrilin thoughtfully。 She was sure she had never seen the gleeman before his appearance in the Stone; yet even then she had been struck by something familiar about him。 Not that that was likely。 Gleemen were village performers; in the main; her mother had certainly never had one at the palace in Caemlyn。 The only gleemen Elayne could remember seeing had been in the villages near her mother's country estates; and this white…haired hawk of a man had surely never been there。
       She decided to speak to the thief…catcher first。 He insisted on that; she remembered; what was a thief…taker elsewhere was a thief…catcher in Tear; and the distinction seemed important to him。
       〃Master Sandar;〃 she said gravely。 〃You may not remember us。 I am Elayne Trakand; and this is my friend; Nynaeve al'Meara。 I understand that you wish to travel to the same destination as we。 Might I ask why? The last time we saw you; you had not served us very well。〃
       The man did not blink at the suggestion he might not remember them。 His eyes flickered across their hands; noting the absence of rings。 Those dark eyes noted everything; and recorded it indelibly。 〃I do remember; Mistress Trakand; and well。 But; if you w
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