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ship to bear their children … into a rowboat if no more is at hand … for we must be born on the water; as we must die on it; and be given to it in death。
       〃The Prophecy is being fulfilled。 He is the Coramoor。 Aes Sedai serve him。 You are proof of that; that you are here in this city。 That is in the Prophecy as well。 'The White Tower shall be broken by his name; and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with their hair。'〃
       〃You will have a long wait if you expect to see me wash any man's feet;〃 Nynaeve said wryly。 〃What does this have to do with our passage? Will you take us; or not?〃
       Elayne cringed; but the Sailmistress came back just as directly。 〃Why do you wish to journey to Tanchico? It is an unpleasant port of call now。 I docked there last winter。 Shore…folk nearly swarmed my vessel seeking passage out; to anywhere。 They did not care; so long as it was away from Tanchico。 I cannot believe conditions are any better now。〃
       〃Do you always question your passengers so?〃 Nynaeve said。 〃I've offered you enough to buy a village。 Two villages! If you want more; name your price。〃
       〃Not a price;〃 Elayne hissed in her ear。 〃A gift!〃
       If Coine was offended; or even had heard; she gave no sign。 〃Why?〃
       Nynaeve took a tight grip on her braid; but Elayne laid a hand on her arm。 They had planned to keep a few secrets themselves; but surely they had learned enough since sitting down to alter any plan。 There was a time for secrecy and a time for truth。 〃We hunt the Black Ajah; Sailmistress。 We believe some of them are in Tanchico。〃 She met Nynaeve's angry stare calmly。 〃We must find them; else they may harm。。。 the Dragon Reborn。 The Coramoor。〃
       〃The Light see us safe to docking;〃 the Windfinder breathed。 It was the first time she had spoken; and Elayne stared at her in surprise。 Jorin was frowning; and not looking at anyone; but she spoke to the Sailmistress。 〃We can take them; my sister。 We must。〃 Coine nodded。
       Elayne exchanged looks with Nynaeve and saw her own questions mirrored in the other woman's eyes。 Why was it the Windfinder who decided? Why not the Sailmistress? She was the captain; whatever her title。 At least they were going to get passage after all。 For how much? Elayne wondered。 How large a 'gift'? She wished Nynaeve had not revealed that they had more than was in that one letter…of…rights。 And she accuses me of tossing gold about。
       The door opened and a heavy…shouldered gray…haired man in loose green silk breeches and sash came in; ruffling through a sheaf of papers。 Four gold rings decorated each ear; and three heavy gold chains hung at his neck; including one with a perfume box。 A long puckered scar down his cheek; and two curved knives tucked in his sash; gave him something of a dangerous air。 He was fastening a peculiar wire framework over his ears to hold clear lenses in front of his eyes。 The Sea Folk made the best looking glasses and burning lenses and the like; of course; somewhere on their islands; but Elayne had never seen anything like this device。 He peered through the lenses at the papers and began talking without looking up。
       〃Coine; this fool is willing to trade me five hundred snowfox pelts from Kandor for those three small barrels of Two Rivers tabac I got in Ebou Dar。 Five hundred! He can have them here by midday。〃 His eyes rose; and he gave a start。 〃Forgive me; my wife。 I did not know you had guests。 The Light be with you all。〃
       〃By midday; my husband;〃 Coine said; 〃I will be falling downriver。 By nightfall I will be at sea。〃
       He stiffened。 〃Am I still Cargomaster; wife; or has my place been taken while I did not see?〃
       〃You are Cargomaster; husband; but the trading must stop now and preparations begin for getting under way。 We sail for Tanchico。〃
       〃Tanchico!〃 The papers crumpled in his fist; and he brought himself under control with an effort。 〃Wife … No! Sailmistress; you told me our next port was Mayene; and then eastward to Shara。 I have traded with that in mind。 Shara; Sailmistress; not Tarabon。 What I have in my holds will bring little in Tanchico。 Perhaps nothing! May I ask why my trade is to be ruined and Wavedancer impoverished?〃
       Coine hesitated; but when she spoke her voice was still formal。 〃I am Sailmistress; my husband。 Wavedancer sails when and where I say。 It must be enough; for now。〃
       〃As you say; Sailmistress;〃 he rasped; 〃so it is。〃 He touched his heart … Elayne thought Coine flinched … and padded out with his back stiff as one of the ship's masts。
       〃I must make this up to him;〃 Coine murmured softly; staring at the door。 〃Of course; it is pleasant making up with him。 Usually。 He saluted me like a deckboy; sister。〃
       〃We regret being a cause of trouble; Sailmistress;〃 Elayne said carefully。 〃And we regret having witnessed this。 If we have caused any embarrassment; to anyone; please accept our apologies。〃
       〃Embarrassment?〃 Coine sounded startled。 〃Aes Sedai; I am Sailmistress。 I doubt your presence embarrassed Toram; and I would not apologize to him for that if it did。 Trade is his; but I am Sailmistress。 I must make up to him … and it will not be easy; since I must keep the reason secret still … because he is right; and I could not think quickly enough to give him a reason beyond what I would give a raw hand。 That scar on his face he earned clearing the Seanchan from Wavedancer's decks。 He has older scars earned defending my ship; and I have only to put out my hand to have gold placed in it because of his trading。 It is the things I cannot tell him I must make up to him; because he deserves to know。〃
       〃I do not understand;〃 Nynaeve said。 〃We would ask you to keep the Black Ajah secret。。。〃 … she shot a hard look at Elayne; one that promised hard words once they were alone; Elayne intended a few words of her own; about the meaning of tact …〃。。。but surely three thousand crowns is reason enough to take us to Tanchico。〃
       〃I must keep you secret; Aes Sedai。 What you are; and why you travel。 Many among my crew consider Aes Sedai bad luck。 If they knew they not only carried Aes Sedai; but toward a port where other Aes Sedai may serve the Father of Storms。。。 The grace of the Light shone on us that none was close enough to hear me call you so above。 Will it offend if I ask you to keep below as much as possible; and not to wear your rings when on deck?〃
       For answer; Nynaeve plucked her Great Serpent ring off and dropped it into her pouch。 Elayne did the same; a bit more reluctantly; she rather enjoyed having people see her ring。 Not quite trusting Nynaeve's remaining store of diplomacy at this point; she spoke up before the other woman could。 〃Sailmistress; we have offered you a gift of passage; if it pleases you。 If it does not; may I ask what would?〃
       Coine came back to the table to look at the letter…of…rights again; then pushed it back to Nynaeve。 〃I do this for the Coramoor。 I will see you safe ashore where you wish; if it pleases the Light。 It shall be done。〃 She touched the fingers of her right hand to her lips。 〃It is agreed; under the Light。〃
       Jorin made a strangled sound。 〃My sister; has a Cargomaster ever
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