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had been raised to lead and one day govern a proud people; and she felt the urge to teach these folk dignity。 But that was Rand's job; not hers。 And if he doesn't do it properly; I will give him a piece of my mind。 A bigger piece。 At least he had begun; by following her advice。 And she had to admit he knew how to treat his people。 It would be interesting to see what he had done by the time she returned。 If there's a point to ing back。
       A dozen ships were clearly visible from where she stood; and more beyond; but one; moored across the end of the dock she faced; sharp bow upriver; filled her eyes。 The Sea Folk raker was easily a hundred paces long; half again as large as the next vessel in sight; with three great towering masts amidships; and one shorter on the raised deck at the stern。 She had been on ships before; but never one so big; and never on one going to sea。 Just the name of the ship's owners spoke of distant lands and strange ports。 The Atha'an Miere。 The Sea Folk。 Stories meant to be exotic always contained the Sea Folk; unless they were about the Aiel。
       Nynaeve climbed out of the carriage behind her; tying a green traveling cloak at her neck and grumbling to herself and to the driver。 〃Tumbled about like a hen in a windstorm! Thumped like a dusty rug! How did you manage to find every last rut and hole between here and the Stone; goodman? That took true skill。 A pity none of it goes into handling horses。〃 He tried to hand her down; his narrow face sullen; but she refused his aid。
       Sighing; Elayne doubled the number of silver pennies she was taking from her purse。 〃Thank you for bringing us safely and swiftly。〃 She smiled as she pressed the coins into his hand。 〃We told you to go fast; and you did as we asked。 The streets are not your fault; and you did an excellent job under poor conditions。〃
       Without looking at the coins; the fellow gave her a deep bow; a grateful look; and a murmured 〃Thank you; my Lady;〃 as much for the words as the money; she was sure。 She had found that a kind word and a little praise were usually received as well as silver was; if not better。 Though the silver itself was seldom unappreciated; to be sure。
       〃The Light send you a safe journey; my Lady;〃 he added。 The merest flicker of his eyes toward Nynaeve said that wish was for Elayne alone。 Nynaeve had to learn how to make allowances and give consideration; truly she did。
       When the driver had handed their bundles and belongings out of the carriage; turned his team and started away; Nynaeve said grudgingly; 〃I shouldn't have snapped at the man; I suppose。 A bird could not make an easy way over those streets。 Not in a carriage; at any rate。 But after bouncing about all the way here; I feel as if I'd been on horseback a week。〃
       〃It isn't his fault you have a sore。。。 back;〃 Elayne said; with a smile to take away any sting; as she took up her things。
       Nynaeve barked a wry laugh。 〃I said that; didn't I? You will not expect me to go running after him to apologize; I hope。 That handful of silver you gave him should soothe any wounds short of mortal。 You really must learn to be more careful with money; Elayne。 We do not have the Realm of Andor's resources for our own use。 A family could live fortably for a month on what you hand out to everyone who does the work they've been paid to do for you。〃 Elayne gave her a quietly indignant look … Nynaeve always seemed to think they should live worse than servants unless there was reason not to; instead of the other way around; as made sense … but the older woman did not appear to notice the expression that always put Royal Guardsmen on their toes。 Instead; Nynaeve hoisted her bundles and sturdy cloth bags and turned down the dock。 〃At least this ship will be a smoother ride than that。 I do hope smooth。 Shall we go aboard?〃
       As they picked their way down the pier; between working men and stacked barrels and carts full of goods; Elayne said; 〃Nynaeve; the Sea Folk can be touchy until they know you; or so I was taught。 Do you think you might try to be a little。。。?〃
       〃A little what?〃
       〃Tactful; Nynaeve。〃 Elayne skipped a step as someone spat on the dock in front of her。 There was no telling which fellow had done it; when she looked around they all had their heads down and were hard at work。 Mishandling by the High Lords or no; she would have said a few quietly sharp words that the culprit would not have soon forgotten if she could have found him。 〃You might try to be a little tactful for once。〃
       〃Of course。〃 Nynaeve started up the raker's rope…railed gangway。 〃As long as they do not bounce me about。〃
       Elayne's first thought on reaching the deck was that the raker appeared very narrow for its length; she did not know a great deal about ships; in truth; but to her it seemed a huge splinter。 Oh; Light; this thing will toss worse than the carriage; however big it is。 Her second was for the crew。 She had heard stories about the Atha'an Miere; but had never seen one before。 Even the stories told little; really。 A secretive people who kept to themselves; almost as mysterious as the Aiel。 Only the lands beyond the Waste could possibly be more strange; and all anyone knew of them was that the Sea Folk brought ivory and silk from there。
       These Atha'an Miere were dark; barefoot and bare…chested men; all cleanly shaven; with straight black hair and tattooed hands; moving with the sureness of those who knew their tasks well enough to do them with half a mind but were putting their whole minds to it。 There was a rolling grace to their movements; as though; with the ship still; they yet felt the motions of the sea。 Most wore gold or silver chains abound their necks; and rings in their ears; sometimes two or three in each; and some with polished stones。
       There were women among the crew; too; as many as the men; hauling ropes and coiling lines right with the men; with the same tattooed hands; in the same baggy breeches of some dark; oiled cloth; held by colorful narrow sashes and hanging open at the ankle。 But the women wore loose colorful blouses; too; all brilliant reds and blues and greens; and they had at least as many chains and earrings as the men。 Including; Elayne noticed with a small shock; two or three women with rings in one side of their noses。
       The grace of the women outshone even that of the men; and put Elayne in mind of some stories she had heard as a child by listening where she was not supposed to。 Women of the Atha'an Miere were; in those tales; the epitome of alluring beauty and temptation; pursued by all men。 The women on this ship were no more beautiful than any others; really; but watching them move; she could believe those tales。
       Two of the women; on the raised deck at the stern; were obviously not ordinary crew。 They were barefoot; too; and their garb of the same cut; but one was clothed entirely in brocaded blue silks; the other in green。 The older of the pair; the one in green; wore four small gold rings in each ear and one in the left side of her nose; all worked so they sparkled in the morning sunlight。 A fine chain ran from her tiny nose ring to one earring; supporting a row of tiny dang
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