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       She left Gawyn there and entered the Tower proper by herself; keeping an eye out for Aes Sedai or Accepted who might question why she was above the ground floor and where she was going。 The news of Logain was too important to wait until the Amyrlin encountered her; seemingly by accident; some time in the late afternoon as usual。 At least; that was what she told herself。 Impatience threatened to pop out through her skin。
       She only saw a few Aes Sedai; turning a corner ahead of her or entering a room in the distance; which was all to the good。 No one simply dropped in on the Amyrlin Seat。 The handful of servants she passed; all bustling about their work; did not question her; of course; or even look at her twice except to drop quick curtsies almost without pausing。
       Pushing open the door to the Amyrlin's study; she had a simpering tale ready in case anyone was with Leane; but the antechamber was empty。 She hurried to the inner door and put her head in。 The Amyrlin and the Keeper were seated on either side of Siuan's table; which was littered with small strips of thin paper。 Their heads swiveled toward her sharply; a stare like four nails。
       〃What are you doing here?〃 the Amyrlin snapped。 〃You are supposed to be a silly girl claiming sanctuary; not a friend of my childhood。 There is to be no contact between us except the most casual; in passing。 If necessary; I'll name Laras to watch over you like a nurse over a child。 She would enjoy that; I think; but I doubt you would。〃
       Min shivered at the thought。 Suddenly Logain did not seem so urgent; it was hardly likely he could achieve any glory in the next few days。 He was not really why she had e; though; only an excuse; and she would not turn back now。 Closing the door behind her; she stammered out what she had seen and what it meant。 She still felt unfortable doing so in front of Leane。
       Siuan shook her head wearily。 〃Another thing to worry about。 Starvation in Cairhien。 A sister missing in Tarabon。 Trolloc raids increasing in the Borderlands again。 This fool who calls himself the Prophet; stirring up riots in Ghealdan。 He's apparently preaching that the Dragon has been Reborn as a Shienaran lord;〃 she said incredulously。 〃Even the small things are bad。 The war in Arad Doman has stopped trade from Saldaea; and the pinch is making unrest in Maradon。 Tenobia may even be forced off the throne by it。 The only good news I have heard is that the Blight has retreated for some reason。 Two miles or more of green beyond the borderstones; without a hint of corruption or pestilence; all the way from Saldaea to Shienar。 The first time in memory it has done that。 But I suppose good news has to be balanced by bad。 When a boat has one leak it is sure to have others。 I only wish it was a balance。 Leane; have the watch on Logain increased。 I can't see what trouble he could cause now; but I do not want to find out。〃 She turned those piercing blue eyes on Min。 〃Why did you e flapping up here with this like a startled gull? Logain could have waited。 The man is hardly likely to find power and glory before sunset。〃
       The near echo of her own thoughts made Min shift unfortably。 〃I know;〃 she said; Leane's eyebrows rose warningly; and she added a hasty; 〃Mother。〃 The Keeper nodded approvingly。
       〃That does not tell me why; child;〃 Siuan said。
       Min steeled herself。 〃Mother; nothing I've viewed since the first day has been very important。 I certainly have not seen anything that points to the Black Ajah。〃 That name still gave her a chill。 〃I've told you everything I know about whatever disaster you Aes Sedai are going to face; and the rest of it is just useless。〃 She had to stop and swallow; with that penetrating gaze on her。 〃Mother; there is no reason I should not go。 There's reason I should。 Perhaps Rand could make real use of what I can do。 If he has taken the Stone。。。 Mother; he may need me。〃 At least I need him; burn me for a fool!
       The Keeper shuddered openly at the mention of Rand's name。 Siuan; on the other hand; snorted loudly。 〃Your viewings have been very useful。 It's important to know about Logain。 You found the groom who was stealing before suspicion could land on anyone else。 And that fire…haired novice who was going to get herself with child。。。 ! Sheriam cut that short … the girl won't even think of men until she's finished her training … but we'd not have known until it was too late; without you。 No; you cannot go。 Sooner or later your viewings will draw me a chart to the Black Ajah; and until they do; they still more than pay their passage。〃
       Min sighed; and not only because the Amyrlin meant to hold on to her。 The last time she had seen that redheaded novice; the girl had been sneaking off to a wooded part of the grounds with a muscular guard。 They would be married; maybe before the end of summer; Min had known that as soon as she saw them together; though the Tower never let a novice leave until the Tower was ready; even one who could not go any further in her training。 There was a farm in that pair's future; and a swarm of children; but it was pointless to tell the Amyrlin that。
       〃Could you at least let Gawyn and Galad know that Egwene and their sister are all right; Mother?〃 Asking irked her; and her tone of voice did; too。 A child denied a slice of cake begging for a cookie instead。 〃At least tell them something besides that ridiculous tale about doing penance on a farm。〃
       〃I have told you that is none of your concern。 Do not make me tell you again。〃
       〃They don't believe it any more than I do;〃 Min got out before the Amyrlin's dry smile quieted her。 It was not an amused smile。
       〃So you suggest I change where they are supposed to be? After letting everyone think them on a farm? Do you suppose that might raise a few eyebrows? Everyone but those boys accepts it。 And you。 Well; Coulin Gaidin will just have to work them that much harder。 Sore muscles and enough sweat will take most men's minds off other troubles。 Women's minds too。 You ask many more questions; and I'll see what a few days scrubbing pots will do for you。 Better to lose your services for two or three days than have you poking your nose where it does not belong。〃
       〃You don't even know if they are in trouble; do you? Or Moiraine。〃 It was not Moiraine she meant。
       〃Girl;〃 Leane said warningly; but Min was not to be stopped now。
       〃Why haven't we heard? Rumors reached here two days ago。 Two days! Why doesn't one of those slips on your desk contain a message from her? Doesn't she have pigeons? I thought you Aes Sedai had people with messenger pigeons everywhere。 If there isn't one in Tear; there should be。 A man on horseback could have reached Tar Valon before now。 Why …?〃
       The flat crack of Siuan's palm on the table cut her off。 〃You obey remarkably well;〃 she said wryly。 〃Child; until we hear something to the contrary; assume the young man is well。 Pray that he is。〃 Leane shivered again。 〃There's a saying in the Maule; child;〃 the Amyrlin went on。 〃'Do not trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。' Mark it well; child。〃
       There was a timid knock at the door。
       The Amyrlin and the Keeper exchanged
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