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eat is such a wonderful woman;〃 she said sweetly; baring her teeth in a smile。 〃She always asks how I am passing the time; and pliments my dress。 I suppose she hopes I'll make a decision soon between Darvan and Goemal; but I just cannot。〃 She widened her eyes; hoping it made her look helpless and confused。 〃They are both so sweet。 Who did you say? Your sister; my Lord Gawyn? The Daughter…Heir herself? I do not think I've ever heard the Amyrlin Seat mention her。 What was the other name?〃 She could hear Gawyn grinding his teeth。
       〃We should not bother Mistress Elmindreda with that;〃 Galad said。 〃It is our problem; Gawyn。 It is up to us to find the lie and deal with it。〃
       She barely heard him; because suddenly she was staring at a big man with long dark hair curling around slumped shoulders; wandering aimlessly down one of the graveled paths through the trees; under the watchful eyes of an Accepted。 She had seen Logain before; a sad…faced; once…hearty man; always with an Accepted for panion。 The woman was meant to keep him from killing himself as much as to prevent his escape; despite his size; he truly did not seem up to anything of the latter sort。 But she had never before seen a flaring halo around his head; radiant in gold and blue。 It was only there for a moment; but that was enough。
       Logain had proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn; had been captured and gentled。 Whatever glory he might have had as a false Dragon was far behind him now。 All that remained for him was the despair of the gentled; like a man who had been robbed of sight and hearing and taste; wanting to die; waiting for the death that inevitably came to such men in a few years。 He glanced at her; perhaps not seeing her; his eyes looked hopelessly inward。 So why had he worn a halo that shouted of glory and power to e? This was something she had to tell the Amyrlin。
       〃Poor fellow;〃 Gawyn muttered。 〃I cannot help pitying him。 Light; it would be a mercy to let him end it。 Why do they make him keep on living?〃
       〃He deserves no pity;〃 Galad pronounced。 〃Have you forgotten what he was; what he did? How many thousands died before he was taken? How many towns were burned? Let him live on as a warning to others。〃
       Gawyn nodded; but reluctantly。 〃Yet men followed him。 Some of those towns were burned after they declared for him。〃
       〃I have to go;〃 Min said; getting to her feet; and Galad was instantly all solicitude。
       〃Forgive us; Mistress Elmindreda。 We did not mean to frighten you。 Logain cannot harm you。 I give you my assurance。〃
       〃I。 。 。 Yes; he's made me feel faint。 Do excuse me。 I really must go lie down。〃
       Gawyn looked extremely skeptical; but he scooped up her basket before she could touch it。 〃Let me see you part of the way; at least;〃 he said; his voice oozing false concern。 〃This basket must be too heavy for you; dizzy as you are。 I'd not want you to swoon。〃
       She wanted to snatch the basket and hit him with it; but that was not how Elmindreda would react。 〃Oh; thank you; my Lord Gawyn。 You are so kind。 So kind。 No; no; my Lord Galad。 Do not let me encumber both of you。 Do sit down here and read your book。 Do say you will。 I just could not bear it; otherwise。〃 She even fluttered her eyelashes。
       Somehow she managed to ensconce Galad on the marble bench and get away; though with Gawyn right beside her。 Her skirts were an irritant; she wanted to pull them up to her knees and run; but Elmindreda would never run; and never expose so much of her legs except when dancing。 Laras had lectured her severely on that very point; one time running; and she would nearly destroy the image of Elmindreda pletely。 And Gawyn。。。 !
       〃Give me that basket; you muscle…brained cretin;〃 she snarled as soon as they were out of Galad's sight; and pulled it away from him before he could ply。 〃What do you mean by asking me about Elayne and Egwene in front of him? Elmindreda never met them。 Elmindreda does not care about them。 Elmindreda doesn't want to be mentioned in the same sentence with them! Can't you understand that?〃
       〃No;〃 he said。 〃Not since you won't explain。 But I am sorry。〃 There was hardly enough repentance in his voice to suit her。 〃It is just that I am worried。 Where are they? This news ing upriver about a false Dragon in Tear makes me no easier in my mind。 They are out there; somewhere; the Light knows where; and I keep asking myself; what if they are in the middle of the sort of bonfire Logain made out of Ghealdan?〃
       〃What if he isn't a false Dragon?〃 she asked cautiously。
       〃You mean because the stories in the streets say he's taken the Stone of Tear? Rumor has a way of magnifying events。 I will believe that when I see it; and in any case; it will take more to convince me。 Even the Stone could fall。 Light; I don't really believe Elayne and Egwene are in Tear; but the not knowing eats at my belly like acid。 If she is hurt。。。〃
       Min did not know which 〃she〃 he meant; and suspected he did not either。 In spite of his teasing; her heart went out to him; but there was nothing she could do。 〃If you could only do as I say and…〃
       〃I know。 Trust the Amyrlin。 Trust!〃 He exhaled a long breath。 〃Do you know Galad has been drinking in the taverns with Whitecloaks? Anyone can cross the bridges if they e in peace; even Children of the bloody Light。〃
       〃Galad?〃 she said incredulously。 〃In taverns? Drinking?〃
       〃No more than a cup or two; I'm sure。 He would not unbend more than that; not for his own nameday。〃 Gawyn frowned as if unsure whether that might be a criticism of Galad。 〃The point is that he is talking with Whitecloaks。 And now this book。 According to the inscription; Eamon Valda himself gave it to him。 'In the hope you will find the way。' Valda; Min。 The man manding the Whitecloaks on the other side of the bridges。 Not knowing is eating Galad up; too。 Listening to Whitecloaks。 If anything happens to our sister; or to Egwene。。。〃 He shook his head。 〃Do you know where they are; Min? Would you tell me if you did? Why are you hiding?〃
       〃Because I drove two men mad with my beauty and cannot make up my mind;〃 she told him acidly。
       He gave a bitter half…laugh; then masked it with a grin。 〃Well; that at least I can believe。〃 He chuckled; and stroked under her chin with a finger。 〃You are a very pretty girl; Elmindreda。 A pretty; clever little girl。〃
       She doubled a fist and tried to punch him in the eye; but he danced back; and she stumbled over her skirts and nearly fell。 〃You bloody ox of a thimble…brained man!〃 she growled。
       〃Such grace of movement; Elmindreda;〃 he laughed。 〃Such a dulcet voice; as a nightingale; or a cooing dove of the evening。 What man would not grow starry…eyed at the sight of Elmindreda?〃 The mirth slid away; and he faced her soberly。 〃If you learn anything; please tell me。 Please? I will beg on my knees; Min。〃
       〃I will tell you;〃 she said。 If I can。 If it's safe for them。 Light; but I hate this place。 Why can't I just go back to Rand?
       She left Gawyn there and entered the Tower proper by herself; keeping an eye out for Aes Sedai or Accepted who might question why she was above the ground floor and whe
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