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 At first she kicked his shins and hammered him with her fists and made sounds of frantic; furious protest; but her kicks slowed and stopped; and then she was holding on to his shoulders and not protesting at all。
       Egwene dropped her eyes with embarrassment; but Elayne watched interestedly。 Was that how she had looked when Rand。。。。 No! I will not think about him。 She wondered if there was time to write him another letter; taking back everything she had said in the first; letting him know she was not to be trifled with。 But did she want to?
       After a while Lan set Nynaeve back on her feet。 She swayed a bit as she straightened her dress and patted her hair furiously。 〃You have no right。。。〃 she began in a breathless voice; then stopped to swallow。 〃I will not be manhandled in that fashion for the whole world to see。 I will not!〃
       〃Not the whole world;〃 he replied。 〃But if they can see; they can hear as well。 You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else。 You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones。 Remember this; on this journey you insist on making。 If you die; I will not survive you long。〃 He gave Nynaeve one of his rare smiles。 If it did not exactly soften his face; at least it made it less hard。 〃And remember also; I am not always so easily manded; even with letters from the Amyrlin。〃 He made an elegant bow; for a moment Elayne thought he actually meant to kneel and kiss Nynaeve's Great Serpent ring。 〃As you mand;〃 he murmured; 〃so do I obey。〃 It was difficult to tell whether he meant to be mocking or not。
       As soon as the door closed behind him; Nynaeve sank onto the edge of her bed as if letting her knees give way at last。 She stared at the door with a pensive frown。
       〃 'Poke the meekest dog too often;' 〃 Elayne quoted; 〃 'and he will bite。' Not that Lan is very meek。〃 She got a sharp look and a sniff from Nynaeve。
       〃He is insufferable;〃 Egwene said。 〃Sometimes he is。 Nynaeve; why did you do that? He was ready to go with you。 I know you want nothing more than to break him free of Moiraine。 Do not try to deny it。〃
       Nynaeve did not try。 Instead she fussed with her dress; and smoothed the coverlet on the bed。 〃Not like that;〃 she said finally。 〃I mean him to be mine。 All of him。 I will not have him remembering a broken oath to Moiraine。 I will not have that between us。 For him; as well as myself。〃
       〃But will it be any different if you bring him to ask Moiraine to release him from his bond?〃 Egwene asked。 〃Lan is the kind of man who would see it as much the same thing。 All that leaves is to somehow make her let him go of her own accord。 How can you manage that?〃
       〃I do not know。〃 Nynaeve firmed her voice。 〃Yet what must be done; can be done。 There is always a way。 That is for another time。 Work to be done; and we sit here fretting over men。 Are you sure you have everything you need for the Waste; Egwene?〃
       〃Aviendha is readying everything;〃 Egwene said。 〃She still seems unhappy; but she says we can reach Rhuidean in little more than a month; if we are lucky。 You will be in Tanchico by then。〃
       〃Perhaps sooner;〃 Elayne told her; 〃if what they say about Sea Folk rakers is true。 You will be careful; Egwene? Even with Aviendha for a guide; the Waste cannot be safe。〃
       〃I will。 You be careful。 Both of you。 Tanchico is not much safer than the Waste now。〃
       Abruptly they were all hugging one another; repeating cautions to take care; making sure they all remembered the schedule for meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod's Stone。
       Elayne wiped tears from her cheeks。 〃As well Lan left。〃 She laughed tremulously。 〃He would think we were all being foolish。〃
       〃No; he would not;〃 Nynaeve said; pulling up her skirts to settle a purse of gold into its pocket。 〃He may be a man; but he is not a plete dolt。〃
       There had to be time between here and the carriage to locate paper and pen; Elayne decided。 She would find time。 Nynaeve had the right of it。 Men needed a firm hand。 Rand would find he could not get away from her so easily。 And he would not find it easy to worm his way back into her good graces。

Chapter 17

       Favoring his stiff right leg; Thom bowed with a flourish of his gleeman's cloak that set the colorful patches fluttering。 His eyes felt grainy; but he made himself speak lightly。 〃A good morning to you。〃 Straightening; he knuckled his long white mustaches grandly。
       The black…and…gold…clad servants looked surprised。 The two muscular lads straightened from the gold…studded red lacquer chest; with a shattered lid; that they had been about to lift; and the three women stilled their mops in front of them。 The hallway was empty along here except for them; and any excuse to break their labor was good; especially at this hour。 They looked as tired as Thom felt; with slumping shoulders and dark circles under their eyes。
       〃A good morning to you; gleeman;〃 the oldest of the women said。 A bit plump and plain…faced; perhaps; she had a nice smile; weary as she was。 〃Can we help you?〃
       Thom produced four colored balls from a capacious coatsleeve and began to juggle。 〃I am just going about trying to raise spirits。 A gleeman must do what he can。〃 He would have used more than four; but he was fatigued enough to make even that many an exercise in concentration。 How long since he had nearly dropped a fifth ball? Two hours? He stifled a yawn; turned it into a reassuring smile。 〃A terrible night; and spirits need lifting。〃
       〃The Lord Dragon saved us;〃 one of the younger women said。 She was pretty and slim; but with a predatory gleam in her dark; shadowed eyes that warned him to temper his smile。 Of course; she might be useful if she was both greedy and honest; meaning that she would stay bought once he paid her。 It was always good to find another set of hands to place a note; a tongue that would tell him what was heard and say what he wanted where he wanted。 Old fool! You have enough hands and ears; so stop thinking of a fine bosom and remember the look in her eye! The interesting thing was that she sounded as if she meant what she said; and one of the young fellows nodded agreement to her words。
       〃Yes;〃 Thom said。 〃I wonder which High Lord had charge of the docks yesterday?'〃 He nearly fumbled the balls in irritation at himself。 Bringing it right out like that。 He was too tired; he should be in his bed。 He should have been there hours ago。
       〃The docks are the Defenders' responsibility;〃 the oldest woman told him。 〃You'd not know that; of course。 The High Lords would not concern themselves。〃
       Thom knew it very well。 〃Is that so? Well; I am not Tairen; of course。〃 He changed the balls from a simple circle to a double loop; it looked more difficult than it was; and the girl with the predatory look clapped her hands。 Now that he was into it; he might as well go on。 After this; though; he would call it a night。 A night? The sun was rising already。 〃Still; it is a shame no one asked why those barges were at the docks。 With their hatches down; hiding all those Trollocs。 Not that I am saying anyone knew the Trollocs were there。〃 The double l
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