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have me。〃
       〃Will I?〃 Perrin almost laughed。 〃I will that。 We will be into the Ways in a few hours。〃
       〃The Ways?〃 Gaul's expression did not change; but he blinked。
       〃Does that make a difference?〃
       〃Death es for all men; Perrin。〃 It was hardly a forting answer。
       〃I cannot believe Rand is that cruel;〃 Egwene said; and Nynaeve added; 〃At least he did not try to stop you。〃 Seated on Nynaeve's bed; they were finishing the division of the gold Moiraine had provided。 Four fat purses apiece to be carried in pockets sewn under Elayne's and Nynaeve's skirts; and another each; not so large as to attract unwanted attention; to carry at the belt。 Egwene had taken a lesser amount; there being less use for gold in the Waste。
       Elayne frowned at the two neatly tied bundles and the leather script lying beside the door。 They held all of her clothes and other things。 Cased knife and fork; hairbrush and b; needles; pins; thread; thimble; scissors。 A tinder box and a second knife; smaller than the one at her belt。 Soap and bath powder and。。。 It was ridiculous to go over the list again。 Egwene's stone ring was snug in her pouch。 She was ready to go。 There was nothing to hold her back。
       〃No; he did not。〃 Elayne was proud of how calm and collected she sounded。 He seemed almost relieved! Relieved! And I had to give him that letter; laying my heart open like a stone…blind fool。 At least he won't open it until I am gone。 She jumped at the touch of Nynaeve's hand on her shoulder。
       〃Did you want him to ask you to stay? You know what your answer would have been。 You do; don't you?〃
       Elayne pressed her lips。 〃Of course I do。 But he did not have to look happy about it。〃 She had not meant to say that。
       Nynaeve gave her an understanding look。 〃Men are difficult at the best。〃
       〃I still cannot believe he would be so。。。 so。。。〃 Egwene began in an angry mutter。 Elayne never learned what she meant to say; for at that moment the door crashed open so hard that it bounced off the wall。
       Elayne embraced saidar before she had stopped flinching; then felt a moment of embarrassment when the rebounding door slapped hard against Lan's outstretched hand。 A moment more; and she decided to hold on to the Source a while longer。 The Warder filled the doorway with his broad shoulders; his face a thunderhead; if his blue eyes could really have given off the thunderbolts they threatened; they would have blasted Nynaeve。 The glow of saidar surrounded Egwene; too; and did not fade。
       Lan did not appear to see anyone but Nynaeve。 〃You let me believe you were returning to Tar Valon;〃 he rasped at her。
       〃You may have believed it;〃 she said calmly; 〃but I never said it。〃
       〃Never said it? Never said it! You spoke of leaving today; and always linked your leaving with those Darkfriends being sent to Tar Valon。 Always! What did you mean me to think?〃
       〃But I never said …〃
       〃Light; woman!〃 he roared。 〃Do not bandy words with me!〃
       Elayne exchanged worried looks with Egwene。 This man had an iron self…control; but he was at a breaking point now。 Nynaeve was one who often let her emotions rage; yet she faced him coolly; head high and eyes serene; hands still on her green silk skirts。
       Lan took hold of himself with an obvious effort。 He appeared as stone…faced as ever; as much in control of himself … and Elayne was sure it was all on the surface。 〃I'd not have known where you were off to if I had not heard that you had ordered a carriage。 To take you to a ship bound for Tanchico。 I do not know why the Amyrlin allowed you to leave the Tower in the first place; or why Moiraine involved you in questioning Black sisters; but you three are Accepted。 Accepted; not Aes Sedai。 Tanchico now is no place for anyone except a full Aes Sedai with a Warder to watch her back。 I'll not let you go into that!〃
       〃So;〃 Nynaeve said lightly。 〃You question Moiraine's decisions; and those of the Amyrlin Seat as well。 Perhaps I've misunderstood Warders all along。 I thought you swore to accept and obey; among other things。 Lan; I do understand your concern; and I am grateful … more than grateful … but we all have tasks to perform。 We are going; you must resign yourself to the fact。〃
       〃Why? For the love of the Light; at least tell me why! Tanchico!〃
       〃If Moiraine has not told you;〃 Nynaeve said gently; 〃perhaps she has her reasons。 We must do our tasks; as you must do yours。〃
       Lan trembled … actually trembled! … and clamped his jaw shut angrily。 When he spoke; he was strangely hesitant。 〃You will need someone to help you in Tanchico。 Someone to keep a Taraboner street thief from slipping a knife into your back for your purse。 Tanchico was that sort of city before the war began; and everything I've heard says it is worse now。 I could。。。 I could protect you; Nynaeve。〃
       Elayne's eyebrows shot up。 He could not be suggesting。。。 He just could not be。
       Nynaeve gave no sign that he had said anything out of the ordinary。 〃Your place is with Moiraine。〃
       〃Moiraine。〃 Sweat beaded on the Warder's hard face; and he struggled with the words。 〃I can。。。 I must。 。 。 Nynaeve; I。。。 I。。。〃
       〃You will remain with Moiraine;〃 Nynaeve said sharply; 〃until she releases you from your bond。 You will do as I say。〃 Pulling a carefully folded paper from her pouch; she thrust it into his hands。 He frowned; read; then blinked and read again。
       Elayne knew what it said。
       What the bearer does is done at my order and by my authority。 Obey; and keep silent; at my mand。
       Siuan Sanche
       Watcher of the Seals
       Flame of Tar Valon
       The Amyrlin Seat
       The other like it rested in Egwene's pouch; though none of them were sure what good it would do where she was going。
       〃But this allows you to do anything you please;〃 Lan protested。 〃You can speak in the Amyrlin's name。 Why would she give this to an Accepted?〃
       〃Ask no questions I cannot answer;〃 Nynaeve said; then added with a hint of a grin; 〃Just count yourself lucky I do not tell you to dance for me。〃
       Elayne suppressed a smile of her own。 Egwene made a choking sound of swallowed laughter。 It was what Nynaeve had said when the Amyrlin first handed them the letters。 With this I could make a Warder dance。 Neither of them had had any doubt which Warder she had meant。
       〃Do you not? You dispose of me very neatly。 My bond; and my oaths。 This letter。〃 Lan had a dangerous gleam in his eye; which Nynaeve seemed not to notice as she took back the letter and replaced it in the…pouch on her belt。
       〃You are very full of yourself; al'Lan Mandragoran。 We do as we must; as you will。〃
       〃Full of myself; Nynaeve al'Meara? I am full of myself?〃 Lan moved so quickly toward Nynaeve that Elayne very nearly wrapped him in flows of Air before she could think。 One moment Nynaeve was standing there; with just time to gape at the tall man sweeping toward her; the next her shoes were dangling a foot off the floor and she was being quite thoroughly kissed。 At first she kicked his shins and hammered him with her fists and made sounds of frantic; furious p
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