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to civil war while they still fought each other for control of Almoth Plain。 Siuan's tone dismissed all that as a detail。 〃But I've heard nothing of Rand al'Thor for months。 He is the focus of everything。 Where is he? What does Moiraine have him doing? Sit; girl。 Sit。〃 She gestured to the chair in front of the table。
Min approached the chair on wobbly legs and half fell into it。 The Black Ajah! Oh; Light! Aes Sedai were supposed to stand for the Light。 Even if she did not really trust them; there was always that。 Aes Sedai; and all the power of the Aes Sedai; stood for the Light and against the Shadow。 Only now it was not true any longer。 She hardly heard herself say; 〃He's on his way to Tear。〃
〃Tear! It's Callandor; then。 Moiraine means him to take the Sword That Cannot Be Touched out of the Stone of Tear。 I swear I'll hang her in the sun to dry! I will make her wish she were a novice again! He cannot be ready for that yet!〃
〃It was not。。。。〃 Min stopped to clear her throat。 〃It was not Moiraine's doing。 Rand left in the middle of the night; by himself。 The others followed; and Moiraine sent me to tell you。 They could be in Tear by now。 For all I know; he could have Callandor by now。〃
〃Burn him!〃 Siuan barked。 〃By now; he could be dead! I wish he had never heard a word of the Prophecies of the Dragon。 If I could keep him from hearing another; I would。〃
〃But doesn't he have to fulfill the Prophecies? I don't understand〃
The Amyrlin leaned back against her table wearily。 〃As though anyone even understands most of them! The Prophecies aren't what makes him the Dragon Reborn; all that takes is for him to admit it; and he must have if he is going for Callandor。 The Prophecies are meant to announce to the world who he is; to prepare him for what is ing; to prepare the world for it。 If Moiraine can keep some control over him; she will guide him to the Prophecies we can be sure of … when he is ready to face them! … And for the rest; we trust that what he does is enough。 We hope。 For all I know; he has already fulfilled Prophecies none of us understands。 The Light send it's enough。〃
〃So you do mean to control him。 He said you'd try to use him; but this is the first I've heard you admit it。〃 Min felt cold inside。 Angry; she added; 〃You haven't done such a good job of it so far; you and Moiraine。〃
Siuan's tiredness seemed to slide from her shoulders。 She straightened and stood looking down at Min。 〃You had best hope we can。 Did you think we could just let him run about loose? Headstrong and stubborn; untrained; unprepared; maybe going mad already。 Do you think we could trust to the Pattern; to his destiny; to keep him alive; like some story? This isn't a story; he isn't some invincible hero; and if his thread is snipped out of the Pattern; the Wheel of Time won't notice his going; and the Creator will produce no miracles to save us: If Moiraine cannot reef his sails; he very well may get himself killed; and where are we then? Where is the world? The Dark One's prison is failing。 He will touch the world again; it is only a matter of time。 If Rand al'Thor is not there to face him in the Last Battle; if the headstrong young fool gets himself killed first; the world is doomed。 The War of the Power all over again; with no Lews Therin and his Hundred panions; Then fire and shadow; forever。〃 She stopped suddenly; peering at Min's face。 〃So that's the way the wind sets; is it? You and Rand。 I did not expect this。〃
Min shook her head vigorously; felt her cheeks coloring。 〃Of course not! I was。。。 It's the Last Battle。 And the Dark One。。。 Light; just thinking about the Dark One loose ought to be enough to freeze a Warder's marrow。 And the Black Ajah …〃
〃Don't try to dissemble;〃 the Amyrlin said sharply。 〃Do you think this is the first time I ever saw a woman afraid for her man's life? You might as well admit it。〃
Min squirmed on her chair。 Siuan's eyes dug at her; knowing and impatient。 〃All right;〃 she muttered finally; 〃I'll tell you all of it; and much good it does either of us。 The first time I ever saw Rand; I saw three women's faces; and one of them was mine。 I've never seen anything about myself before or since; but I knew what it meant。 I was going to fall in love with him。 All three of us were。〃
〃Three。 The other two。 Who are they?〃
Min gave her a bitter smile。 〃The faces were blurred; I don't know who they are。〃
〃Nothing to say that he would love you in return?〃
〃Nothing! He has never looked at me twice。 I think he sees me as。。。 as a sister。 So don't think you can use me as leash on him; because it will not work!〃
〃Yet you do love him。〃
〃I don't have any choice。〃 Min tried to make her voice less sullen。 〃I tried treating it as a joke; but I can't laugh anymore。 You may not believe me; but when I know what it means; it happens。〃
The Amyrlin tapped a finger against her lips and looked at Min consideringly。
That look worried Min。 She had not meant to make such a show of herself; nor to tell as much as she had。 She had not told everything; but she knew she should have learned by now not to give an Aes Sedai a lever; even if she did not see how it could be used。 Aes Sedai were skilled at finding ways。 〃Mother; I've delivered Moiraine's message; and I've told everything I know of what my viewings meant。 There's no reason now I can't put on my own clothes and go。〃
〃Go where?〃
〃Tear。〃 After talking with Gawyn; trying to make sure he did not do something foolish。 She wished she dared ask where Egwene and the other two were; but if the Amyrlin would not tell Elayne's brother; there was small chance she would tell Min。 And Siuan Sanche still had that weighing look in her eyes。 〃Or wherever Rand is。 I may be a fool; but I'm not the first woman to be a fool over a man。〃
〃The first to be a fool over the Dragon Reborn。 It will be dangerous; being close to Rand al'Thor once the world finds out who he is; what he is。 And if he now wields Callandor; the world will learn soon enough。 Half will want to kill him anyway; as if by killing him they can stop the Last Battle; stop the Dark One from breaking free。 A good many will die; close to him。 It might be better for you to stay here。〃
The Amyrlin sounded sympathetic; but Min did not believe it。 She did not believe Siuan Sanche was capable of sympathy。 〃I'll take the risk; maybe I can help him。 With what I see。 It isn't even as if the Tower would be that much safer; not so long as there is one Red sister here。 They'll see a man who can channel and forget the Last Battle; and the Prophecies of the Dragon。〃
〃So will many others;〃 Siuan broke in calmly。 〃Old ways of thinking are hard to shed; for Aes Sedai as for anyone else。〃
Min gave her a puzzled look。 She seemed to be taking Min's side of the thing now。 〃It is no secret I am friends with Egwene and Nynaeve; and no secret they're from the same village as Rand。 For the Red Ajah; that will be connection enough。 When the Tower finds out what he is; I would probably be arrested before the day is out。 So will Egwene and Nynaeve; if you don't have them hidden away somewhere。〃
〃Then you mustn't be recognized。 You catch no fish if they see the net。 I suggest you forget your coat and breeches for a。 time。〃 The Amyrlin smi
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