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       〃Dreamwalkers;〃 Moiraine mused。 〃Perhaps that explains it。 I have heard of dreamwalkers。〃 She turned to the second page of the letter。 〃Here is what they say about you。 What they said perhaps before you had even decided to e to Tear。 'There is among the Maidens of the Spear in the Stone of Tear a willful girl called Aviendha; of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel。 She must now e to us。 There can be no more waiting or excuses。 We will await her on the slopes of Chaendaer; above Rhuidean。' There is more about you; but mainly telling me that I must see you e to them without delay。 They issue mands like the Amyrlin; these Wise Ones of yours;〃 She made a vexed sound; which brought Elayne to wonder if the Wise Ones had tried issuing mands to the Aes Sedai; too。 Not very likely。 And unlikely to be successful if tried。 Still; something about that letter irritated the Aes Sedai。
       〃I am Far Dareis Mai;〃 Aviendha said angrily。 〃I do not go running like a child when someone calls my name。 I will go to Tanchico if I wish。〃
       Elayne pursed her lips thoughtfully。 This was something new from the Aiel woman。 Not the anger … she had seen Aviendha angry before; if not quite to this degree … but the undertone。 She could call it nothing but sulkiness。 That seemed as unlikely as Lan being sulky; but there it was。
       Egwene heard it; too。 She patted Aviendha's arm。 〃It's all right。 If you want to go to Tanchico; I'll be pleased that you are protecting Elayne and Nynaeve。〃 Aviendha gave her a truly miserable look。
       Moiraine shook her head; only slightly; but still deliberate。 〃I showed this to Rhuarc。〃 Aviendha opened her mouth; her face irate; but the Aes Sedai raised her voice and went on smoothly。 〃As the letter asks me to。 Only the part concerning you; of course。 He seems quite determined that you will do as the letter asks。 As it orders。 I think it wisest to do as Rhuarc and the Wise Ones wish; Aviendha。 Do you not agree?〃
       Aviendha stared around the room wildly; as at a trap。 〃I am Far Dareis Mai;〃 she muttered; and strode for the door without another word。
       Egwene took a step; half…raising a hand to stop her; then let it fall as the door banged shut。 〃What do they want with her?〃 she demanded of Moiraine。 〃You always know more than you let on。 What are you holding back this time?〃
       〃Whatever the Wise Ones' reason;〃 Moiraine said coolly; 〃it is surely a matter between Aviendha and them。 If she wished you to know; she would have told you。〃
       〃You cannot stop trying to maneuver people;〃 Nynaeve said bitterly。 〃You're maneuvering Aviendha into something now; aren't you?〃
       〃Not I。 The Wise Ones。 And Rhuarc。〃 Moiraine folded the letter; returning it to her belt pouch with a touch of acerbity in her manner。 〃She can always say no to him。 A clan chief is not the same as a king; as I understand Aiel ways。〃
       〃Can she?〃 Elayne asked。 Rhuarc reminded her of Gareth Bryne。 The Captain…General of her mother's Royal Guards had seldom put his foot down; but when he did; not even Morgase could bring him around; short of a royal mand。 There would be no mand from the throne this time … not that Morgase had ever issued one to Gareth Bryne when he had decided he was right; now that Elayne thought of it … and without one; she expected that Aviendha was going to the slopes of Chaendaer; above Rhuidean。 〃At least she can journey with you; Egwene。 Amys can hardly meet you at Cold Rocks Hold if she plans to wait for Aviendha at Rhuidean。 You can go to Amys together。〃
       〃But I do not want her to;〃 Egwene said sadly。 〃Not if she doesn't want to。〃
       〃Whatever anyone wants;〃 Nynaeve said; 〃we have work to do。 You will need many things for a trip into the Waste; Egwene。 Lan will tell me what。 And Elayne and I must make preparations to sail for Tanchico。 I suppose we can find a ship tomorrow; but that means deciding what to pack tonight。〃
       〃There is a ship of the Atha'an Miere at the docks in the Maule;〃 Moiraine told them。 〃A raker。 There are no ships faster。 You did want a fast ship。〃 Nynaeve gave a grudging nod。
       〃Moiraine;〃 Elayne said; 〃what is Rand going to do now? After this attack。。。 Will he start the war you want?〃
       〃I do not want a war;〃 the Aes Sedai replied。 〃I want what will see him alive to fight Tarmon Gai'don。 He says he will tell us all what he means to do tomorrow。〃 The smallest frown creased her smooth forehead。 〃Tomorrow; we will all know more than we do tonight。〃 Her departure was abrupt。
       Tomorrow; Elayne thought。 What will he do when I tell him? What will he say? He has to understand。 Determinedly; she joined the other two to discuss their preparations。

Chapter 13

       The tavern's business rocked along like any in the Maule; a wagonload of geese and crockery careering downhill through the night。 The babble of voices fought with the musicians' offerings on three assorted drums; two hammered dulcimers; and a bulbous semseer that produced whining trills。 The serving maids in dark; ankle…length dresses with necks up to the chin and short white aprons hustled between crowded tables; holding clusters of pottery mugs overhead so they could squeeze through。 Barefoot leather…vested dockmen mixed with fellows in coats tight to the waist and bare…chested men with broad; colorful sashes to hold up their baggy breeches。 So close to the docks; vestments of outlanders were everywhere among the crowd; high collars from the north and long collars from the west; silver chains on coats and bells on vests; knee…high boots and thigh…high boots; necklaces or earrings on men; lace on coats or shirts。 One man with wide shoulders and a big belly had a forked yellow beard; and another had smeared something on his mustaches to make them glisten in the lamplight and curl up on either side of his narrow face。 Dice rolled and tumbled in three corners of the room and on a number of tabletops; silver changing hands briskly to shouts and laughter。
       Mat sat alone with his back to the wall where he could see all the doors; though mostly he peered into a still untouched mug of dark wine。 He did not go near the dice games; and he never glanced at the serving girls' ankles。 With the tavern so crowded; men occasionally thought to share his table; but a good look at his face made them sheer away and crowd onto a bench elsewhere。
       Dipping a finger in his wine; he sketched aimlessly on the tabletop。 These fools had no idea what had happened in the Stone tonight。 He had heard a few Tairens mention some kind of trouble; quick words that trailed off into nervous laughter。 They did not know and did not want to。 He almost wished he did not know himself。 No; he wished he had a better idea of what had happened。 The images kept flashing in his head; flashing through the holes in his memory; making no real sense。
       The din of fighting somewhere in the distance echoed down the corridor; dulled by the wall hangings。 He retrieved his knife from the Gray Man's corpse with a shaking hand。 A Gray Man; and hunting him。 It had to have been after him。 Gray Men did not wander about killing at random; they had targets as surely as an arrow。 He turned to ru
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