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 me。 I am named the Lord Captain of the Panarch's Legion。 Aeldra?〃 He walked on another pace; still calling; and suddenly was not there。 Not a Dreamer。 Not even someone using a ter'angreal like her stone ring or Amico's iron disc。 Only a man whose dream had touched a place he was not aware of; with dangers he did not know。 People who died unexpectedly in their sleep had often dreamed their way into Tel'aran'rhiod and in truth had died there。 He was well out of it; back into an ordinary dream。
       The candle was burning down beside that bed back in Tear。 Her time in Tel'aran'rhiod was burning away。
       Hastening her steps; she came to tall; carved doors leading outside; to wide white stairs and a huge empty square。 Tanchico spread out in every direction across steep hills; white buildings upon white buildings shining in the sun; hundreds of thin towers and almost as many pointed domes; some gilded。 The Panarch's Circle; a tall round wall of white stone; stood in plain sight not half a mile away and a little lower than the palace。 The Panarch's Palace rose atop one of the loftiest hills。 At the top of the deep stairs; she was high enough to see water glinting to the west; inlets separating her from more hilly fingers where the rest of the city lay。 Tanchico was larger than Tear; perhaps larger than Caemlyn。
       So much to search; and she did not even know for what。 For something that signified the presence of the Black Ajah; or something that indicated some sort of danger to Rand; if either existed here。 Had she been a real Dreamer; trained in the use of her talent; she would surely have known what to look for; how to interpret what she saw。 But no one remained who could teach her。 Aiel Wise Ones supposedly knew how to decipher dreams。 Aviendha had been so reluctant to talk about the Wise Ones that Egwene had not asked any of the other Aiel。 Perhaps a Wise One could teach her。 If she could find one。
       She took a step toward the square; and suddenly she was somewhere else。
       Great stone spires rose around her in a heat that sucked the moisture out of her breath。 The sun seemed to bake right through her dress; and the breeze blowing in her face seemed to e from a stove。 Stunted trees dotted a landscape almost bare of other growth; except for a few patches of tough grass and some prickly plants she did not recognize。 She recognized the lion; however; even if she had never seen one in the flesh。 It lay in a crevice in the rocks not twenty paces away; black tufted tail switching idly; looking not at her but at something another hundred strides on。 The large boar covered in coarse hair was rooting and snuffling at the base of a thorny bush; never noticing the Aiel woman creeping up on it with a spear ready to thrust。 Garbed like the Aiel in the Stone; she had her shoufa around her head but her face uncovered。The Waste; Egwene thought incredulously。 I've jumped into the Aiel Waste! When will I learn to watch what I think here?
       The Aiel woman froze。 Her eyes were on Egwene now; not the boar。 If it was a boar; it did not seem to be shaped exactly right。
       Egwene was sure the woman was not a Wise One。 Not dressed like a Maiden; from what Egwene had been told; a Maiden of the Spear who wanted to bee a Wise One had to 〃give up the spear。〃 This had to be just an Aiel woman who had dreamed herself into Tel'aran'rhiod; like that fellow in the palace。 He would have seen her; too; if he had ever turned around。 Egwene closed her eyes and concentrated on her one clear image of Tanchico; that huge skeleton in the great hall。
       When she opened them again; she was staring at the massive bones。 They had been wired together; she noticed this time。 Quite cleverly; so that the wires hardly showed at all。 The half figurine with its crystal sphere was still on its shelf。 She did not go near it; any more than the black collar and bracelets that felt of so much pain and suffering。 The angreal; the stone woman; was a temptation。 What are you going to do with it? Light; you're here to look; to search! Nothing more than that。 Get on with it; woman!
       This time she quickly found her way back to the square。 Time passed differently here; Elayne and Nynaeve could be waking her up any moment; and she still had not even begun。 There might be no more minutes to waste。 She had to be careful of what she thought from here on。 No more thinking about the Wise Ones。 Even the admonition made everything lurch around her。 Keep your mind on what you are doing; she told herself firmly。
       She set out through the empty city; walking fast; sometimes trotting。 Winding; stone paved streets slanted up and down; curving every which way; all empty; except for green backed pigeons and pale gray gulls that rose in thunderclaps of wings when she came close。 Why birds and not people? Flies buzzed by; and she could see roaches and beetles scurrying along in the shadows。 A pack of lean dogs; all different colors; loped across the street far ahead of her。 Why dogs?
       She pulled herself back to why she was there。 What would be a sign of the Black Ajah? Or of this danger to Rand; if it existed? Most of the white buildings were plastered; the plaster chipped and cracked; often showing weathered wood or pale brown brick beneath。 Only the towers and the larger structures … palaces; she supposed … were stone; if still white。 Even the stone had tiny fissures; though; most of it; cracks too minute for the eye to catch; but she could feel them with the Power in her; spiderwebbing domes and towers。 Perhaps that meant something。 Perhaps it meant Tanchico was a city not looked after by its inhabitants。 As likely that as anything else。
       She jumped as a shrieking man suddenly plummeted out of the sky in front of her。 She only had time to register baggy white trousers and thick mustaches covered by a transparent veil before he vanished; only a pace above the pavement。 Had he struck; here in Tel'aran'rhiod; he would have been found dead in his bed。
       He probably has as much to do with anything as the roaches; she told herself。
       Perhaps something inside the buildings。 It was a small chance; a wild hope; but she was desperate enough to try anything。 Almost anything。 Time。 How much time did she have left? She began running from doorway to doorway; putting her head into shops and inns and houses。
       Tables and benches stood in mon rooms awaiting customers; as neatly arranged as the dully gleaming pewter mugs and plates on their shelves。 The shops were as tidy as if the shopkeeper had just opened for the morning; yet while a tailor's tables held bolts of cloth; and a cutler's knives and scissors; the ceiling hooks hung empty in a butcher's shop and the shelves stood bare。 A finger run along anywhere picked up no dust at all; everything was clean enough to suit her mother。
       In the narrower streets there were homes; small simple white plastered buildings with flat roofs and no windows onto the street; ready for families to walk in and sit on benches before cold fireplaces or around narrow tables with carved legs where a goodwife's best bowl or platter was given pride of place。 Clothes hung on pegs; pots hung from ceilings; hand
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