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       Egwene had not wanted her to try; however fleeting the visit; but not from jealousy。 She had not been able to argue very effectively; though; for she had been afraid Elayne and Nynaeve would hear what was in her voice。
       Two recovered meant eleven still with the Black Ajah。 That was the point Egwene had tried to make。 Eleven ter'angreal that could take a woman to Tel'aran'rhiod; all in the hands of Black sisters。 When Elayne made her short journeys into the Unseen World; she could have found the Black Ajah waiting for her; or walked into them before she knew they were there。 The thought made Egwene's stomach writhe。 They could be waiting for her now。 Not likely; not on purpose … how would they know she was ing? … but they could be there when she stepped through。 One she could face; unless she was caught by surprise; and she did not mean to allow that。 But if they did surprise her? Two or three of them together? Liandrin and Rianna; Chesmal Emry and Jeane Caide and all the rest at once?
       Frowning at the map; she made her hands loosen their white knuckled grip。 Tonight had given everything urgency。 If Shadowspawn could attack the Stone; if one of the Forsaken could suddenly appear in their midst; she could not give in to fear。 They had to know what to do。 They had to have something besides Amico's vague tale。 Something。 If only she could learn where Mazrim Taim was in his caged journey to Tar Valon; or if she could somehow slip into the Amyrlin's dreams and speak to her。 Perhaps those things were possible for a Dreamer。 If they were; she did not know how。 Tanchico was what she had to work with。
       〃I must go alone; Aviendha。 I must。〃 She thought her voice was calm and steady; but Elayne patted her shoulder。
       Egwene did not know why she was scrutinizing the map。 She already had it fixed in her head; everything in relation to everything else。 Whatever existed in this world existed in the World of Dreams; and sometimes more besides; of course。 She had her destination chosen。 She thumbed through the book to the only engraving showing the inside of a building named on the map; the Panarch's Palace。 It would do no good to find herself in a chamber if she had no idea where it was in the city。 None of it might do any good in any case。 She put that out of her mind。 She had to believe there was some chance。
       The engraving showed a large room with a high ceiling。 A rope strung along waist high posts would keep anyone from going too close to the things displayed on stands and in open fronted cabinets along the walls。 Most of those displays were indistinct; but not what stood at the far end of the room。 The artist had taken pains to show the massive skeleton standing there as if the rest of the creature had that moment disappeared。 It had four thick boned legs; but otherwise resembled no animal Egwene had ever seen。 For one thing; it had to stand at least two spans high; well over twice her height。 The rounded skull; set low on the shoulders like a bull's; looked big enough for a child to climb inside; and in the picture it seemed to have four eye sockets。 The skeleton marked the room off from any other; there was no mistaking it for anything but itself。 Whatever it was。 If Eurian Romavni had known; he had not named it in these pages。
       〃What is a panarch; anyway?〃 she asked; laying the book aside。 She had studied the picture a dozen times。 〃All of these writers seem to think you know already。〃
       〃The Panarch of Tanchico is the equal of the king in authority;〃 Elayne recited。 〃She is responsible for collecting taxes; customs and duties; he for spending them properly。 She controls the Civil Watch and the courts; except for the High Court; which is the king's。 The army is his; of course; except for the Panarch's Legion。 She …〃
       〃I didn't really want to know。〃 Egwene sighed。 It had only been something to say; another few moments to delay what she was going to do。 The candle was burning down; she was wasting precious minutes。 She knew how to step out of the dream when she wanted; how to wake herself; but time passed differently in the World of Dreams; and it was easy to lose track。 〃As soon as it reaches the mark;〃 she said; and Elayne and Nynaeve murmured reassurances。
       Settling back on her feather pillows; at first she only stared at the ceiling; painted with blue sky and clouds and swooping swallows。 She did not see them。
       Her dreams had been bad enough lately; most of them。 Rand was in them; of course。 Rand as tall as a mountain; walking through cities; crushing buildings beneath his feet; with screaming people like ants fleeing from him。 Rand in chains; and it was he who was screaming。 Rand building a wall with him on one side and her on the other; her and Elayne and others she could not make out。 〃It has to be done;〃 he was saying as he piled up stones。 〃I'll not let you stop me now。〃 These were not the only nightmares。 She had dreamed of Aiel fighting each other; killing each other; even throwing away their weapons and running as if they had gone mad。 Mat wrestling with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash to him。 A wolf … she was sure it was Perrin; though … fighting a man whose face kept changing。 Galad wrapping himself in white as though putting on his own shroud; and Gawyn with his eyes full of pain and hatred。 Her mother weeping。 They were the sharp dreams; the ones she knew meant something。 They were hideous; and she did not know what any of them meant。 How could she presume to think she could find any meanings or clues in Tel'aran'rhiod! But there was no other choice。 No other choice but ignorance; and she could not choose that。
       Despite her anxiety; going to sleep was no problem; she was exhausted。 It was just a matter of closing her eyes and taking deep; regular breaths。 She fixed in her thoughts the room in the Panarch's Palace and the huge skeleton。 Deep; regular breaths。 She could remember how using the stone ring felt; the step into Tel'aran'rhiod。 Deep … regular … breaths。
       Egwene stepped back with a gasp; one hand to her throat。 This close; the skeleton seemed even larger than she had thought; the bones bleached dull and dry。 She stood right in front of it; inside the rope。 A white rope; as thick as her wrist and apparently silk。 She had no doubt this was Tel'aran'rhiod。 The detail was as fine as reality; even for things half seen from the corner of her eye。 That she could even be aware of the differences between this and an ordinary dream told her where she was。 Besides; it felt。。。 right。
       She opened herself to saidar。 A nick on the finger in the World of Dreams would still be there on waking; there would be no waking from a killing stroke with the Power; or even from a sword; or a club。 She did not intend to be vulnerable for an instant。
       Instead of her shift; she wore something very much like Aviendha's Aiel garb; but in red brocaded silk; even her soft boots; laced to the knee; were supple red leather; suitable for gloves; with gold stitching and laces。 She laughed softly to herself。 Clothes in Tel'aran'rhiod were what you wanted them to be。 Apparently part of her mind wanted to be ready to move quickly; whi
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