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ot wed to the spear; but since neither Elayne nor Berelain were Maidens of the Spear; it was apparently quite all right in Aviendha's view for Elayne to challenge the First of Mayene to fight with knives; or failing that with fists and feet。 Knives were best; as she saw it。 Berelain looked the sort of woman who could be beaten several times without giving up。 Best simply to challenge and kill her。 Or Egwene could do it for her; as friend and near…sister。
       Even with that; it was a pleasure to have someone to talk and laugh with。 Elayne was occupied most of the time; of course; and Nynaeve; seeming to feel the rush of time as keenly as Egwene; gave her free moments over to moonlit walks on the battlements with Lan and to preparing foods the Warder liked with her own hands; not to mention curses that sometimes drove the cooks from the kitchen; Nynaeve did not know very much about cooking。 If not for Aviendha; Egwene was not sure what she would have done in the muggy hours between questionings of the Darkfriends; sweated; undoubtedly; and worried that she might have to do something that gave her nightmares thinking of it。
       By agreement; Elayne was never present at those questionings; one more set of ears listening would make no difference。 Instead; whenever Rand had a moment to spare; the Daughter…Heir just happened to be close by; to talk; or simply walk holding his arm; even if it was only from a meeting with some High Lords to a room where others waited; or to a lightning inspection of the Defenders' quarters。 She became quite good at finding secluded corners where the two of them could pause; alone。 Of course; he always had Aiel trailing after him; but she soon cared as little for what they thought as for what her mother would。 She even entered a sort of conspiracy with the Maidens of the Spear; they seemed to know every hidden nook in the Stone; and they let her know whenever Rand was alone。 They seemed to think the game great sport。
       The surprise was that he asked her about the governing of nations and listened to what she said。 That; she wished her mother could see。 More than once Morgase had laughed; half…despairingly; and told her she had to learn to concentrate。 Which crafts to protect and how; and which not and why; might be dry decisions; but as important as how to care for the sick。 It might be fun to guide a stubborn lord or merchant into doing what he did not want to while thinking it was his own idea; it might be warming to feed the hungry; but if the hungry were to be fed it was necessary to decide how many clerks and drivers and wagons were needed。 Others might arrange it; but then you would never know until it was too late whether they had made a mistake。 He listened to her; and often took her advice。 She thought she could have loved him for those two things alone。 Berelain was not setting foot outside her chambers; Rand had begun smiling as soon as he saw her; nothing could be finer about the world。 Unless the days could stop passing。
       Three short days; slipping away like water through her fingers。 Joiya and Amico would be sent north and the reason for staying in Tear would vanish; it would be time for her and Egwene and Nynaeve to leave; too。 She would go; when that time came; she had never considered not。 Knowing that made her proud of behaving like a woman; not a girl; knowing it made her want to cry。
       And Rand? He met with High Lords in his chambers and issued orders。 He startled them by appearing at secret gatherings of three or four that Thom had ferreted out; just to reiterate some point from his last mands。 They smiled and bowed and sweated and wondered how much he knew。 A use had to be found for their energy before one of them decided that if Rand could not be manipulated; he must be killed。 Whatever it took to divert them; he would not start a war。 If he had to confront Sammael; so be it; but he would not start a war。
       Forming his plan of action occupied most of his time not given over to hounding the High Lords。 Bits and pieces came from the books he had the librarians bring to his rooms by armloads; and from his talks with Elayne。 Her advice was certainly useful with the High Lords; he could see them hastily reassessing him when he displayed knowledge of things they themselves only half…knew。 She stopped him when he wanted to give her the credit。
       〃A wise ruler takes advice;〃 she told him; smiling; 〃but should never be seen to take it。 Let them think you know more than you do。 It will not harm them; and it will help you。〃 She seemed pleased he had suggested it; though。
       He was not entirely sure that he was not still putting off some decision; at least; because of her。 Three days of planning; of trying to puzzle out what was still missing。 Something was。 He could not react to the Forsaken; he had to make them react to him。 Three days; and on the fourth she would go … back to Tar Valon; he hoped … but once he moved; he suspected even their brief moments together would end。 Three days of stolen kisses; when he could forget he was anything but a man with his arms around a woman。 He knew it for a foolish reason; if true。 He was relieved she did not seem to want more than his pany; but in those moments alone he could forget decisions; forget the fate awaiting the Dragon Reborn。 More than once he considered asking her to stay; but it would not be fair to raise her expectations when he had no idea what he wanted from her beyond her presence。 If she had any expectations; of course。 Much better just to think of them as a man and a young woman walking out together of a feastday evening。 That became easier; sometimes he forgot she was the Daughter…Heir; and he a shepherd。 But he wished she were not going。 Three days。 He had to decide。 He had to move。 In a direction no one expected。
       The sun slid slowly toward the horizon on the evening of the third day。 The half…drawn draperies of Rand's bedchamber lessened the reddish yellow glare。 Callandor glittered on its ornate stand like the purest crystal。
       Rand stared at Meilan and Sunamon; then tossed the thick bundle of large vellum sheets at them。 A treaty; all neatly scribed; lacking only signatures and seals。 It hit Meilan in the chest; and he caught it by reflex; he bowed as if honored; but his tight smile revealed clenched teeth。
       Sunamon shifted from foot to foot; dry…washing his hands。 〃All is as you said; my Lord Dragon;〃 he said anxiously。 〃Grain for ships …〃
       〃And two thousand Tairen levies;〃 Rand cut him off。 〃'To see to proper distribution of the grain and protect Tairen interests。'〃 His voice was like ice; but his stomach seemed to be boiling; he nearly shook with the desire to pound at these fools with his fists。 〃Two thousand men。 Under the mand of Torean!〃
       〃The High Lord Torean has an interest in affairs with Mayene; my Lord Dragon;〃 Meilan said smoothly。
       〃He has an interest in forcing his attentions on a woman who won't look at him!〃 Rand shouted。 〃Grain for ships; I said! No soldiers。 And certainly no bloody Torean! Have you even spoken to Berelain?〃
       They blinked at him as if they did not understand the words。 It was too much。 He snatched 
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