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He scowled; and for an instant his face was that bloody mask again。 More: a sword floated above his head; and a banner waved behind it。 The long…hilted sword; like those most Warders used; had a heron engraved on its slightly curved blade; symbol of a blademaster; and Min could not say whether it belonged to Gawyn or threatened him。 The banner bore Gawyn's sigil of the charging White Boar; but on a field of green rather than the red of Andor。 Both sword and banner faded with the blood。
〃Be careful; Gawyn。〃 She meant it two ways。 Careful of what he said; and careful in a way she could not explain; even to herself。 〃You must be very careful。〃
His eyes searched her face as if he had heard some of her deeper meaning。 〃I。。。 will try;〃 he said finally。 He put on a grin; almost the grin she remembered; but the effort was plain。 〃I suppose I had better get myself back to the practice yard if I expect to keep up with Galad。 I managed two out of five against Hammar this morning; but Galad actually won three; the last time he bothered to e to the yard。〃 Suddenly he appeared to really see her for the first time; and his grin became genuine。 〃You ought to wear dresses more often。 It's pretty on you。 Remember; I will be there till sunset。〃
As he strode away with something very close to the dangerous grace of a Warder; Min realized she was smoothing the dress over her hip and stopped immediately。 The Light burn all men!
Sahra exhaled as if she had been holding her breath。 〃He is very good…looking; isn't he?〃 she said dreamily。 〃Not as good…looking as Lord Galad; of course。 And you really know him。〃 It was half a question; but only half。
Min echoed the novice's sigh。 The girl would talk with her friends in the novices' quarters。 The son of a queen was a natural topic; especially when he was handsome and had an air about him like the hero in a gleeman's tale。 A strange woman only made for more interesting speculation。 Still; there was nothing to be done about it。 At any rate; it could hardly cause any harm now。
〃The Amyrlin Seat must be wondering why we haven't e;〃 she said。
Sahra came to herself with a wide…eyed start and a loud gulp。 Seizing Min's sleeve with one hand; she jumped to open one of the doors; pulling Min behind her。 The moment they were inside; the novice curtsied hastily and burst out in panic; 〃I've brought her; Leane Sedai。 Mistress Elmindreda? The Amyrlin Seat wants to see her?〃
The tall; coppery…skinned woman in the anteroom wore the hand…wide stole of the Keeper of the Chronicles; blue to show she had been raised from the Blue Ajah。 Fists on hips; she waited for the girl to finish; then dismissed her with a clipped 〃Took you long enough; child。 Back to your chores; now。〃 Sahra bobbed another curtsy and scurried out as quickly as she had entered。
Min stood with her eyes on the floor; her hood still pulled up around her face。 Blundering in front of Sahra had been bad enough… though at least the novice did not know her name … but Leane knew her better than anyone in the Tower except the Amyrlin。 Min was sure it could make no difference now; but after what had happened in the hallway; she meant to hold to Moiraine's instructions until she was alone with the Amyrlin。
This time her precautions did no good。 Leane took two steps; pushed back the hood; and grunted as if she had been poked in the stomach。 Min raised her head and stared back defiantly; trying to pretend she had not been attempting to sneak past。 Straight; dark hair only a little longer than her own framed the Keeper's face; the Aes Sedai's expression was a blend of surprise and displeasure at being surprised。
〃So you are Elmindreda; are you?〃 Leane said briskly。 She was always brisk。 〃I must say you look it more in that dress than in your usual。。。 garb。〃
〃Just Min; Leane Sedai; if you please。〃 Min managed to keep her face straight; but it was difficult not to glare。 The Keeper's voice had held too much amusement。 If her mother had had to name her after someone in a story; why did it have to be a woman who seemed to spend most of her time sighing at men; when she was not inspiring them to pose songs about her eyes; or her smile?
〃Very well。 Min。 I'll not ask where you've been; nor why you've e back in a dress; apparently wanting to ask a question of the Amyrlin。 Not now; at least。〃 Her face said she meant to ask later; though; and get answers。 〃I suppose the Mother knows who Elmindreda is? Of course。 I should have known that when she said to send you straight in; and alone。 The Light alone knows why she puts up with you。〃 She broke off with a concerned frown。 〃What is the matter; girl? Are you ill?〃
Min carefully blanked her face。 〃No。 No; I am all right。〃 For a moment the Keeper had been looking through a transparent mask of her own face; a screaming mask。 〃May I go in now; Leane Sedai?〃
Leane studied her a moment longer; then jerked her head toward the inner chamber。 〃In with you。〃 Min's leap to obey would have satisfied the hardest taskmistress。
The Amyrlin Seat's study had been occupied by many grand and powerful women over the centuries; and reminders of the fact filled the room; from the tall fireplace all of golden marble from Kandor; cold now; to the paneled walls of pale; oddly striped wood; iron hard yet carved in wondrous beasts and wildly feathered birds。 Those panels had been brought from the mysterious lands beyond the Aiel Waste well over a thousand years ago; and the fireplace was more than twice as old。 The polished red…stone of the floor had e from the Mountains of Mist。  High arched windows let onto a balcony。 The iridescent stone framing the windows shone like pearls; and had been salvaged from the remains of a city sunk into the Sea of Storms by the Breaking of the World; no one had ever seen its like。
The current occupant; Siuan Sanche; had been born a fisherman's daughter in Tear; though; and the furnishings she had chosen were simple; if well made and well polished。 She sat in a stout chair behind a large table plain enough to have served a farmhouse。 The only other chair in the room; just as plain and usually set off to one side; now stood in front of the table atop a small Tairen rug; simple in blue and brown and gold。 Half a dozen books rested open on tall reading stands about the floor。 That was all of it。 A drawing hung above the fireplace: tiny fishing boats working among reeds in the Fingers of the Dragon; just as her father's boat had。
At first glance; despite her smooth Aes Sedai features; Siuan Sanche herself looked as simple as her furnishings。 She herself was sturdy; and handsome rather than beautiful; and the only bit of ostentation in her clothing was the broad stole of the Amyrlin Seat she wore; with one colored stripe for each of the seven Ajahs。 Her age was indeterminate; as with any Aes Sedai; not even a hint of gray showed in her dark hair。 But her sharp blue eyes brooked no nonsense; and her firm jaw spoke of the determination of the youngest woman ever to be chosen Amyrlin Seat。 For over ten years Siuan Sanche had been able to summon rulers; and the powerful; and they had e; even if they hated the White Tower and feared Aes Sedai。
As the Amyrlin strode around in front of the table; Min set
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