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 simply lie back and let it roll through her; over her。 She made herself speak。 〃What do you see? What do you feel? Look at me; Rand!〃
       He lifted his head slowly; still frowning。 〃I see you。 What am I supposed to see? Are you touching the Source? Egwene; Moiraine has channeled around me a hundred times; and I never saw anything。 Except what she did。 It doesn't work that way。 Even I know that much。〃
       〃I am stronger than Moiraine;〃 she told him firmly。 〃She would be whimpering on the floor; or insensible; if she tried to hold as much as I hold now。〃 It was true; though she had never before rated the Aes Sedai's ability so closely。
       It cried out to be used; this Power pulsing through her stronger than heartblood。 With this much; she could do things Moiraine could not dream of doing。 The wound in Rand's side that Moiraine could never Heal pletely。 She did not know Healing … it was considerably more plex than anything she had ever done … but she had watched Nynaeve Heal; and perhaps; with this great pool of the Power filling her; she could see something of how that could be Healed。 Not to do it; of course; only to see。
       Carefully she spun out hair…fine flows of Air and Water and Spirit; the Powers used for Healing; and felt for his old injury。 One touch; and she recoiled; shivering; snatching back her weaving; her stomach churned as if every meal she had ever eaten wanted to e up。 It seemed that all the darkness in the world rested there in Rand's side; all the world's evil in a festering sore only lightly covered by tender scar tissue。 A thing like that would soak up Healing flows like drops of water on dry sand。 How could he bear the pain? Why was he not weeping?
       From first thought to action had taken only a moment。 Shaken; and desperately hiding it; she went on without a pause。 〃You are as strong as I。 I know it; you must be。 Feel; Rand。 What do you feel?〃 Light; what can Heal that? Can anything?
       〃I don't feel anything;〃 he muttered; shifting his feet。 〃Goose bumps。 And no wonder。 It's not that I don't trust you; Egwene; but I cannot help being nervous when a woman is channeling around me。 I am sorry。〃
       She did not bother explaining to him the difference between channeling and merely embracing the True Source。 There was so much he did not know; even pared to her own scant knowledge。 He was a blind man trying to work a loom by touch; with no idea of colors or what the threads; or even the loom; looked like。
       With an effort she released saidar; and it was an effort。 Part of her wanted to cry at the loss。 〃I am not touching the Source now; Rand。〃 She stepped closer and peered up at him。 〃Do you still feel goose bumps?〃
       〃No。 But that's just because you told me。〃 He gave an abrupt shrug of his shoulders。 〃You see? I started thinking about it; and I have them again。〃
       Egwene smiled triumphantly。 She did not need to look around at Elayne to confirm what she had already sensed; what they had agreed upon earlier for this point。 〃You can sense a woman embracing the Source; Rand。 Elayne is doing just that right now。〃 He squinted at the Daughter…Heir。 〃It doesn't matter what you see or don't see。 You felt it。 We have that much。 Let's see what else we can find。 Rand; embrace the Source。 Embrace saidin。〃 The words came out hoarsely。 They had agreed on this; too; she and Elayne。 He was Rand; not a monster from the stories; and they had agreed on it; but still; asking a man to。。。。 The wonder was that she had gotten the words out at all。 〃Do you see anything?〃 she asked Elayne。 〃Or feel anything?〃
       Rand still doled out glances between them; in between staring at the floor and sometimes blushing。 Why was he so out of countenance? Studying him fixedly; the Daughter…Heir shook her head。 〃He could just be standing there for all I can tell。 Are you sure he is doing anything?〃
       〃He can be stubborn; but he isn't foolish。 At least; he isn't foolish most of the time。〃
       〃Well; stubborn or foolish or something else; I feel nothing at all。〃
       Egwene frowned at him。 〃You said you would do as we asked; Rand。 Are you? If you felt something; so should I; and I do not … 〃 She broke off with a stifled yelp。 Something had pinched her bottom。 Rand's lips twitched; clearly fighting a grin。 〃That;〃 she told him crisply; 〃was not nice。〃
       He tried to keep his face innocent; but the grin slipped。 〃You said you wanted to feel something; and I just thought…〃 His sudden roar made Egwene jump。 Clapping a hand to his left buttock; he hobbled in a pained circle。 〃Blood and ashes; Egwene! There was no need to …〃 He fell off into deeper; inaudible mutters Egwene was just as glad she did not understand。
       She took the opportunity to flap the scarf for a little air; and shared a small smile with Elayne。 The glow faded around the Daughter…Heir。 They both came close to giggling as they rubbed themselves surreptitiously。 That should show him。 About a hundred for one; Egwene estimated。
       Turning back to Rand; she put on her sternest face。 〃I would have expected something like that from Mat。 I thought you; at least; had grown up。 We came here to help you; if we can。 Try to cooperate。 Do something with the Power; something that isn't childish。 Perhaps we will be able to sense that。〃
       Hunched; he glared at them。 〃Do something;〃 he muttered。 〃You had no call to … I'll limp for … You want me to do something?〃
       Suddenly she lifted into the air; and Elayne; too; they stared at each other; wide…eyed; as they floated a pace above the carpet。 There was nothing holding them; no flows Egwene could feel or see。 Nothing。 Her mouth tightened。 He had no right to do this。 No right at all; and it was time he learned it。 The same sort of shield of Spirit that cut Joiya off from the Source would stop him; too; Aes Sedai used it on the rare men they found who could channel。
       She opened herself to saidar … and her stomach sank。 Saidar was there … she could feel its warmth and light … but between her and the True Source stood something; nothing; an absence that shut her away from the Source like a stone wall。 She felt hollow inside; until panic welled up to fill her。 A man was channeling; and she was caught in it。 He was Rand; of course; but dangling there like a basket; helpless; all she could think of was a man channeling; and the taint on saidin。 She tried to shout at him; but all that came out was a croak。
       〃You want me to do something?〃 Rand growled。 A pair of small tables flexed their legs awkwardly; the wood creaking; and began to stumble about in a stiff parody of dance; gilt flaking off and falling。 〃Do you like this?〃 Fire flared up in the fireplace; filling the hearth from side to side; burning on stone bare of ashes。 〃Or this?〃 The tall stag and wolves above the fireplace began to soften and slump。 Thin streams of gold and silver flowed out from the mass; fining down to shining threads; snaking; weaving themselves into a narrow sheet of metallic cloth; the length of glittering fabric hung in the air as it grew; its far end still linked to the slowly melting statuette on the stone mantel。 〃Do something;〃 Rand said。 〃Do something! Do you have any idea what
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