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in her lap。
       Nynaeve gave a grunt that might have been agreement as she went to a narrow table against the wall where silver goblets and spice jars stood next to two pitchers。 One pitcher; full of wine; rested in a gleaming bowl of now mostly melted ice; brought all the way from the Spine of the World packed in chests of sawdust。 Ice in the summer to chill a High Lord's drink; Elayne could barely imagine such a thing。
       〃A cool drink before bed will do us all good;〃 Nynaeve said; busying herself with wine and water and spices。
       Elayne lifted her head as Egwene took a seat next to her。 〃Did you mean what you said; Egwene? About Rand?〃 Egwene nodded; and Elayne sighed。 〃Do you remember what Min used to say; all her jokes about sharing him? I sometimes wondered if that was a viewing she did not tell us about。 I thought she meant we both loved him; and she knew it。 But you had the right to him; and I didn't know what to do。 I still don't。 Egwene; he loves you。〃
       〃He will just have to be put straight;〃 Egwene said firmly。 〃When I marry; it will be because I want to; not just because a man expects me to love him。 I will be gentle with him; Elayne; but before I am done; he will know he is free。 Whether he wants to be or not。 My mother says men are different from us。 She says we want to be in love; but only with the one we want; a man needs to be in love; but he will love the first woman to tie a string to his heart。〃
       〃That is all very well;〃 Elayne said in a tight voice; 〃but Berelain was in his chambers。〃
       Egwene sniffed。 〃Whatever she intends; Berelain won't keep her mind on one man long enough to make him love her。 Two days ago she was casting eyes at Rhuarc。 In two more; she'll be smiling at someone else。 She is like Else Grinwell。 You remember her? The novice who spent all her time out at the practice yards fluttering her eyelashes at the Warders?〃
       〃She was not just fluttering her eyelashes; in his bedchamber at this hour。 She was wearing even less than usual; if that is possible!〃
       〃Do you mean to let her have him; then?〃
       〃No!〃 Elayne said it very fiercely; and she meant it; but in the next breath she was full of despair。 〃Oh; Egwene; I do not know what to do。 I love him。 I want to marry him。 Light! What will mother say? I would rather spend a night in Joiya's cell than listen to the lectures mother will give me。〃 Andoran nobles; even in royal families; married moners often enough that it hardly occasioned ment … in Andor; at least … but Rand was not exactly the usual run of moner。 Her mother was quite capable of actually sending Lini to drag her home by her ear。 。 。
       〃Morgase can hardly say much if Mat is to be believed;〃 Egwene said fortingly。 〃Or even half believed。 This Lord Gaebril your mother is mooning after hardly sounds the choice of a woman thinking with her head。〃
       〃I am sure Mat exaggerated;〃 Elayne replied primly。 Her mother was too shrewd to make herself a fool over any man。 If Lord Gaebril … she had never even heard of him before Mat spoke his name … if this fellow dreamed he could gain power through Morgase; she would give him a rude awakening。
       Nynaeve brought three goblets of spiced wine to the table; beads of condensation running down their shining sides; and small green…and…gold woven straw mats to put them on so the damp would not mar the table's polish。 〃So;〃 she said; taking a chair; 〃you've discovered you are in love with Rand; Elayne; and Egwene has discovered she isn't。〃
       The two younger women gaped at her; one dark; the other fair; yet a near mirror image of astonishment。
       〃I have eyes;〃 Nynaeve said placently。 〃And ears; when you don't take the trouble to whisper。〃 She sipped at her wine; and her voice grew cold when she continued。 〃What do you mean to do about it? If that chit Berelain has her claws into him; it will not be easy to pry them loose。 Are you sure you want to go to the effort? You know what he is。 You know what lies ahead of him; even setting the Prophecies aside。 Madness。 Death。 How long does he have? A year? Two? Or will it begin before summer's end? He is a man who can channel。〃 She bit off each word in tones of iron。 〃Remember what you were taught。 Remember what he is。〃
       Elayne held her head high and met Nynaeve stare for stare。 〃It does not matter。 Perhaps it should; but it doesn't。 Perhaps I am being foolish。 I do not care。 I cannot change my heart to order; Nynaeve。〃
       Suddenly Nynaeve smiled。 〃I had to be sure;〃 she said warmly。 〃You must be sure。 It isn't easy loving any man; but loving this man will be harder yet。〃 Her smile faded as she went on。 〃My first question still has to be answered。 What do you mean to do about it? Berelain may look soft … she certainly makes men see her so! … but I do not think she is。 She will fight for what she wants。 And she's the kind to hold hard to something she doesn't particularly want; just because someone else does want it。〃
       〃I would like to stuff her in a barrel;〃 Egwene said; gripping her goblet as if it were the First's throat; 〃and ship her back to Mayene。 In the bottom of the hold。〃
       Nynaeve's braid swung as she shook her head。 〃All very well; but try to offer advice that helps。 If you cannot; keep silent and let her decide what she must do。〃 Egwene stared at her; and she added; 〃Rand is Elayne's to deal with; now; not yours。 You have stepped aside; remember。〃
       The remark should have made Elayne smile; but it did not。 〃This was all supposed to be different。〃 She sighed。 〃I thought I would meet a man; learn to know him over months or years; and slowly I would e to realize I loved him。 That is the way I always thought it would be。 I hardly know Rand。 I've talked with him no more than half a dozen times in the space of a year。 But I knew I loved him five minutes after I first set eyes on him。〃 Now that was foolish。 Only; it was true; and she did not care if it was foolish。 She would tell her mother the same to her face; and Lini。 Well; perhaps not Lini。 Lini had drastic ways of dealing with foolishness; and she seemed to think Elayne had not aged beyond ten。 〃As matters stand; though; I don't even have the right to be angry with him。 Or Berelain。〃 But she was。 I would like to slap his face till his ears ring for a year! I'd like to switch her all the way to the ship that takes her back to Mayene! Only; she did not have the right; and that made it all the worse。 Infuriatingly; a plaintive tone touched her voice。 〃What can I do? He has never looked at me twice。〃
       〃In the Two Rivers;〃 Egwene said slowly; 〃if a woman wants a man to know she is interested in him; she puts flowers in his hair at Bel Tame or Sunday。 Or she might embroider a feastday shirt for him any time。 Or make a point of asking him to dance and no one else。〃 Elayne gave her an incredulous look; and she hastened to add; 〃I am not suggesting you embroider a shirt; but there are ways to let him know how you feel。〃
       〃Mayeners believe in speaking out。〃 Elayne's voice held a brittle edge。 〃Perhaps that is the best way。 Just tell him right out。 At least he'll know how I feel; then。 At least I'll have some right to … 〃
       She snatched h
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