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powerful in its way if small; and Elayne was one of only three women who knew she had it。 Moiraine was not one of the three。
       They were strange things; ter'angreal; fragments of the Age of Legends like angreal and sa'angreal; if more numerous。 Ter'angreal used the One Power instead of magnifying it。 Each had apparently been made to do one thing and one thing alone; but though some were used now; no one was sure if those uses were anything like what they had been made for。 The Oath Rod; on which a woman took the Three Oaths on being raised Aes Sedai; was a ter'angreal that made those oaths a part of her flesh and bone。 The last test a novice took on being raised to Accepted was inside another ter'angreal that ferreted out her most heartfelt fears and made them seem real … or perhaps took her to a place where they were real。 Odd things could happen with ter'angreal。 Aes Sedai had been burned out or killed; or had simply vanished; in studying them。 And in using them。
       〃I saw that doorway;〃 Elayne said。 〃In the last room at the end of the hall。 My lamp went out; and I fell three times before I made it to the door。〃 A slight flush of embarrassment reddened her cheeks。 〃I was afraid to channel in there; even to relight the lamp。 Much of it looks rubbish; to me … I think the Tairens simply grabbed anything that anyone hinted might be connected to the Power … but I thought if I channeled; I might accidentally empower something that wasn't rubbish; and who knows what it might do。〃
       〃And if you had stumbled in the dark and fallen through the twisted doorway?〃 Moiraine said wryly。 〃That needs no channeling; only to step through。〃
       〃To what purpose?〃 Nynaeve asked。
       〃To gain answers。 Three answers; each true; about past; present or future。〃
       Elayne's first thought was for the children's tale; Bili Under the Hill; but only because of the three answers。 A second thought came on its heels; and not to her alone。 She spoke while Nynaeve and Egwene were still opening their mouths。 〃Moiraine; this solves our problem。 We can ask whether Joiya or Amico is telling the truth。 We can ask where Liandrin and the others are。 The names of the Black Ajah still in the Tower …〃
       〃We can ask what this thing is that is dangerous to Rand;〃 Egwene put in; and Nynaeve added; 〃Why haven't you told us of this before? Why have you let us go on listening to the same tales day after day when we could have settled it all by now?〃
       The Aes Sedai winced and threw up her hands。 〃You three rush in blindly where Lan and a hundred Warders would tread warily。 Why do you think I have not stepped through? Days ago I could have asked what Rand must do to survive and triumph; how he can defeat the Forsaken and the Dark One; how he can learn to control the Power and hold off madness long enough to do what he must。〃 She waited; hands on hips; while it sank in。 None of them spoke。 〃There are rules;〃 she went on; 〃and dangers。 No one may step through more than once。 Only once。 You may ask three questions; but you must ask all three and hear the answers before you may leave。 Frivolous questions are punished; it seems; but it also seems what may be serious for one can be frivolous ing from another。 Most importantly; questions touching the Shadow have dire consequences。〃If you asked about the Black Ajah; you might be returned dead; or e out a gibbering madwoman; if you came out at all。 As for Rand。。。。 I am not certain it is possible to ask a question about the Dragon Reborn that does not touch the Shadow in some way。 You see? Sometimes there are reasons for caution。〃
       〃How do you know all this?〃 Nynaeve demanded。 Planting fists on hips she confronted the Aes Sedai。 〃The High Lords surely never let Aes Sedai study anything in the Holding。 From the filth down there; none of it has seen sunlight in a hundred years or more。〃
       〃More; I should think;〃 Moiraine told her calmly。 〃They ceased their collecting nearly three hundred years gone。 It was just before they stopped pletely that they acquired this ter'angreal。 Up until then it was the possession of the Firsts of Mayene; who used its answers to help keep Mayene out of Tear's grasp。 And they allowed Aes Sedai to study it。 In secret; of course; Mayene has never dared anger Tear too openly。〃
       〃If it was so important to Mayene;〃 Nynaeve said suspiciously; 〃why is it here; in the Stone?〃
       〃Because Firsts have made bad decisions as well as good in trying to keep Mayene free of Tear。 Three hundred years ago the High Lords were planning to build a fleet to follow Mayener ships and find the oilfish shoals。 Halvar; the then First; raised the price of Mayener lamp oil well above that of oil from Tear's olives; and to further convince the High Lords that Mayene would always put its own interests behind those of Tear; made them a gift of the ter'angreal。 He had already used it; so it was no further good to him; and he was almost as young as Berelain is now; apparently with a long reign ahead of him and many years of needing Tairen goodwill。〃
       〃He was a fool;〃 Elayne muttered。 〃My mother would never make such a mistake。〃
       〃Perhaps not;〃 Moiraine said。 〃But then; Andor is not a small nation cornered by a much larger and stronger。 Halvar was a fool as it turned out … the High Lords had him assassinated the very next year … but his foolishness does present me with an opportunity; if I need it。 A dangerous one; yet better than none。〃
       Nynaeve muttered to herself; perhaps disappointed that the Aes Sedai had not tripped herself up。
       〃It leaves the rest of us right where we were。〃 Egwene sighed。 〃Not knowing who is lying; or whether they both are。〃
       〃Question them again; if you wish;〃 Moiraine said。 〃You have until they are put on the ship; though I very much doubt either will change her tale now。 My advice is to concentrate on Tanchico。 If Joiya speaks truly; it will take Aes Sedai and Warders to guard Mazrim Taim; not just the three of you。 I sent a warning to the Amyrlin by pigeon when I first heard Joiya's story。 In fact; I sent three pigeons; to make sure one reaches the Tower。〃
       〃So kind of you to keep us informed;〃 Elayne murmured coolly。 The woman did go her own way。 Just because they were only pretending to be full Aes Sedai was no reason for Moiraine to keep them in the dark。 The Amyrlin had sent them out to hunt the Black Ajah。
       Moiraine inclined her head briefly; as if accepting the thanks for real。 〃You are wele。 Remember that you are the hounds the Amyrlin set after the Black Ajah。〃 Her slight smile at Elayne's start said she knew exactly what Elayne had been thinking。 〃The decision on where to course must be yours。 You have pointed that out to me; as well;〃 she added drily。 〃I trust it will prove an easier decision than mine。 And I trust you will sleep well; what sleep is left before daybreak。 A good night to you。〃
       〃That woman。。。 。〃 Elayne muttered when the door had closed behind the Aes Sedai。 〃Sometimes I could almost strangle her。〃 She dropped into one of the chairs at the table and sat frowning at her hands in her lap。
       Nynaeve gave a grunt that might have been agreement as she went to a narrow tabl
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