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has not seen since the War of the Hundred Years。〃
       〃That is impossible;〃 Nynaeve broke in。 〃The Pattern will not accept a false Dragon; not now that Rand has proclaimed himself。〃
       Egwene sighed。 They had had this out before; but Nynaeve always argued the point。 She was not sure Nynaeve really believed that Rand was the Dragon Reborn; no matter what she said; no matter the Prophecies and Callandor and the fall of the Stone。 Nynaeve was just enough older than he to have looked after him when he was a child; just as she had after Egwene。 He was an Emond's Fielder; and Nynaeve still saw her first duty as protecting the people of Emond's Field。
       〃Is that what Moiraine told you?〃 Joiya asked with a touch of contempt。 〃Moiraine has spent little time in the Tower since she was raised; and not much more with her sisters anywhere。 I suppose she knows the workings of village life; perhaps even something of the politics between nations; but she does claim certainty about matters learned only through study and discussion with those who know。 Still; she might be correct。 Mazrim Taim might well find it impossible to proclaim himself。 But if others do it for him; is there a difference that matters?〃
       Egwene wished Moiraine would e back。 The woman would not speak so confidently if Moiraine were there。 Joiya knew very well that she and Nynaeve were only Accepted。 It made a difference。
       〃Go on;〃 Egwene said; almost as harshly as Nynaeve。 〃And remember; different words。〃
       〃Of course;〃 Joiya replied; as though responding to a gracious invitation; but her eyes glittered like chips of black glass。 〃You can see the obvious result。 Rand al'Thor will be blamed for the depredations of。 。 。 Rand al'Thor。 Even proof that they are not the same man may well be dismissed。 After all; who can say what tricks the Dragon Reborn can play? Perhaps put himself in two places at once。 Even the sort who have always rallied to a false Dragon will hesitate in the face of the indiscriminate slaughter and worse laid at his feet。 Those who do not shrink at such butchery will seek out the Rand al'Thor who seems to revel in blood。 The nations will unite as they did in the Aiel War。。。〃 She gave Aviendha an apologetic smile; incongruous beneath those merciless eyes。 〃。。。but no doubt much more quickly。 Even the Dragon Reborn cannot stand against that; not forever。 He will be crushed before the Last Battle even begins; by the very ones he was meant to save。 The Dark One will break free; the day of Tarmon Gai'don will e; and the Shadow will cover the earth and remake the Pattern for all time。 That is Liandrin's plan。〃 There was not a hint of satisfaction in her voice; but no horror; either。
       It was a plausible story; more plausible than Amico's tale of a few eavesdropped sentences; but Egwene believed Amico and not Joiya。 Perhaps because she wanted to。 A vague threat in Tanchico was easier to face than this fully fleshed plan to turn every hand against Rand。 No; she thought。 Joiya is lying。 I am sure she is。 Yet they could not afford to ignore either story。 But they could not chase after both; not with any hope of success。
       The door banged open; and Moiraine strode in; with Elayne following。 The Daughter…Heir was frowning at the floor in front of her toes; lost in dark thoughts; but Moiraine。。。。 For once the Aes Sedai's serenity had vanished; fury painted her face。

Chapter 6
(Lion Rampant)

       〃Rand al'Thor;〃 Moiraine told the air in a low; tight voice; 〃is a mule…headed; stone…willed fool of a。。。a。。。 a man!〃
       Elayne lifted her chin angrily。 Her childhood nurse; Lini; used to say you could weave silk from pig bristles before you could make a man anything but a man。 But that was no excuse for Rand。
       〃We breed them that way in the Two Rivers。〃 Nynaeve was suddenly all half…suppressed smiles and satisfaction。 She seldom hid her dislike of the Aes Sedai half as well as she thought she did。 〃Two Rivers women never have any trouble with them。〃 From the startled look Egwene gave her; that was a lie big enough to warrant having her mouth washed out。
       Moiraine's brows drew down as if she were about to reply to Nynaeve in harder kind。 Elayne stirred; but she could not find anything to say that would head off argument。 Rand kept dancing through her head。 He had no right! But what right did she have?
       Egwene spoke instead。 〃What did he do; Moiraine?〃
       The Aes Sedai's eyes swung to Egwene; a stare so hard that the younger woman stepped back and snapped her fan open; nervously fluttering it at her face。 But Moiraine's gaze settled on Joiya and Amico; the one watching her warily; the other bound and unaware of anything but the far wall。
       Elayne gave a small start at realizing Joiya was not bound。 Hastily she checked the shield blocking the woman from the True Source。 She hoped none of the others had noticed her jump; Joiya frightened her nearly to death; but Egwene and Nynaeve were no more scared of the woman than Moiraine was。 Sometimes it was difficult being as brave as the Daughter…Heir of Andor should be; she often found herself wishing she could manage as well as those two。
       〃The guards;〃 Moiraine muttered as if to herself。 〃I saw them in the corridor still; and never thought。〃 She smoothed her dress; posing herself with an obvious effort。 Elayne did not believe she had ever seen Moiraine so out of herself as tonight。 But then; the Aes Sedai had cause。 No more than I do。 Or do I? She found herself trying not to meet Egwene's eyes。
       Had it been Egwene or Nynaeve or Elayne who was off balance; Joiya would surely have said something; subtle and of two meanings; calculated to upset them a little more。 If they had been alone; at least。 With Moiraine; she only watched uneasily; silently。
       Moiraine walked the length of the table; her calm restored。 Joiya was nearly a head the taller; but had she also been dressed in silks; there would have been no doubt which was in mand of the situation。 Joiya did not quite draw back; but her hands tightened on her skirts for a moment before she could master them。
       〃I have made arrangements;〃 Moiraine said quietly。 〃In four days you will be taken upriver by ship; to Tar Valon and the Tower。 There they are not so gentle as we have been。 If you have not found the truth so far; find it before you reach Southharbor; or you will assuredly go to the gallows in the Traitors' Court。 I will not speak to you again unless you send word that you have something new to tell。 And I do not want to hear a word from you … not one word … unless it is new。 Believe me; it will save you pain in Tar Valon。 Aviendha; will you tell the captain to bring in two of his men?〃 Elayne blinked as the Aiel woman unfolded herself and vanished through the doorway; sometimes Aviendha could be so still she seemed not to be there。
       Joiya's face worked as if she wanted to speak; but Moiraine stared up at her; and finally the Darkfriend turned her eyes away。 They glittered like a raven's; full of black murder; but she held her tongue。
       To Elayne's eyes a golden…white glow suddenly surrounded Moiraine; the glow of a woman embracing saidar。 Only a
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