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isn't it?〃
       〃I'm not certain even an Aes Sedai can help with that。 A gleeman surely can't。〃〃I said no Aes Sedai!〃
       Thom sighed。 〃Calm yourself; boy。 I was not suggesting it。〃
       〃I am leaving。 As soon as I can fetch my things and find a horse。 Not a minute longer。〃
       〃In the middle of the night? The morning will do。〃 He refrained from adding; If you really do leave。 〃Sit down。 Relax。 We'll play a game of stones。 I have a jar of wine here; somewhere。〃
       Mat hesitated; glancing at the door。 Finally he jerked his coat straight。 〃The morning will do。〃 He sounded uncertain; but he picked up the overturned stool and set it beside the table。 〃But no wine for me;〃 he added as he sat down。 〃Strange enough things happen when my head is clear。 I want to know the difference。〃
       Thom was thoughtful as he put the board and the bags of stones on the table。 Just that easily the lad was diverted。 Pulled along by an even stronger ta'veren named Rand al'Thor; was how Thom saw it。 It occurred to him to wonder if he was caught in the same way。 His life had certainly not been headed toward the Stone of Tear and this room when he first met Rand; but since then it had been twitched about like a kite string。 If he decided to leave; say if Rand really had gone mad; would he find reasons to keep putting it off?
       〃What is this; Thom?〃 Mat's boot had encountered the writing case under the table。 〃Is it all right if I move it out of my way?〃
       〃Of course。 Go right ahead。〃 He winced inside as Mat shoved the case aside roughly with his foot。 He hoped he had corked all the ink bottles tightly。 〃Choose;〃 he said; holding out his fists。
       Mat tapped the left; and Thom opened it to reveal a smooth black stone; flat and round。 The boy chortled at having the first go and placed the stone on the crosshatched board。 No one seeing the eagerness in his eyes would have suspected that only moments before he had been twice as eager to go。 A greatness he refused to recognize clinging to his back; and an Aes Sedai intent on keeping him for one of her pets。 The lad was well and truly caught。
       If he was caught; too; Thom decided; it would be worth it to help one man; at least; keep free of Aes Sedai。 Worth it; to make a payment on that fifteen…year…old debt。
       Suddenly and strangely content; he set a white stone。 〃Did I ever tell you;〃 he said around his pipestem; 〃about the wager I once made with a Domani woman? She had eyes that could drink a man's soul; and an odd…looking red bird she had bought off a Sea Folk ship。 She claimed it could tell the future。 This bird had a fat yellow beak nearly as long as its body; and it。。。。〃

Chapter 5
(Female Silhouettes)

       〃They should be back by now。〃 Egwene fluttered the painted silk fan vigorously; glad the nights were at least a little cooler than the days。 Tairen women carried the fans all the time … the nobles; at least; and the wealthy … but as far as she could see they did no good at all except when the sun was down; and not much then。 Even the lamps; great golden; mirrored things on silvered wall brackets; seemed to add to the heat。 〃What can be keeping them?〃 An hour; Moiraine had promised them; for the first time in days; and then she had left without explanation after a bare five minutes。 〃Did she give any hint of why they wanted her; Aviendha? Or who wanted her; for that matter?〃
       Seated cross…legged on the floor beside the door; large green eyes startling in her dark tanned face; the Aiel woman shrugged。 In coat and breeches and soft boots; shoufa looped about her neck; she appeared unarmed。 〃Careen whispered her message to Moiraine Sedai。 It would not have been proper to listen。 I am sorry; Aes Sedai。〃
       Guiltily; Egwene fingered the Great Serpent ring on her right hand; the golden serpent biting its own tail。 As an Accepted; she should have been wearing it on the third finger of her left hand; but letting the High Lords believe that they had four full Aes Sedai inside the Stone kept them on their best manners; or what passed for manners among Tairen nobles。 Moiraine did not lie; of course; she never said they were more than Accepted。 But she never said they were Accepted; either; and let everyone think what they wanted to think; believe what they thought they saw。 Moiraine could not lie; but she could make truth dance a fine jig。
       It was not the first time Egwene and the others had pretended to full sisterhood since leaving the Tower; but more and more she felt unfortable deceiving Aviendha。 She liked the Aiel woman; thought they could be friends if they could ever e to know one another; but that hardly seemed possible as long as Aviendha thought Egwene was Aes Sedai。 The Aiel woman was there only at Moiraine's order; issued for unspoken purposes of her own。 Egwene suspected it was to give them an Aiel bodyguard; as if they had not learned to protect themselves。 Still; even if she and Aviendha did bee friends; she could not tell her the truth。 The best way to keep a secret was to make sure no one knew who did not absolutely have to know。 Another point Moiraine had made。 Sometimes Egwene found herself wishing the Aes Sedai could be wrong; glaring wrong; just once。 In a way that would not mean disaster; of course。 That was the rub。
       〃Tanchico;〃 Nynaeve muttered。 Her dark; wrist…thick braid hung down her back to her waist as she stared out of one of the narrow windows; casements swung out in the hope of catching a night breeze。 On the broad River Erinin below bobbed the lanterns of a few fishing boats that had not ventured down river; but Egwene doubted she saw them。 〃There is nothing for it but to go to Tanchico; it seems。〃 Nynaeve gave an unconscious hitch to her green dress; with its wide neck that bared her shoulders; she did that a good deal。 She would have denied wearing the dress for Lan; Moiraine's Warder … she would have if Egwene had dared make the suggestion … but green; blue and white seemed to be Lan's favorite colors on women; and every dress that was not green; blue or white had vanished from Nynaeve's wardrobe。 〃Nothing for it。〃 She did not sound happy。
       Egwene caught herself giving an upward tug to her own dress。 They felt odd; these dresses that just clung to the shoulders。 On the other hand; she did not believe she could bear to be more covered。 Light as it was; the pale red linen felt like wool。 She wished she could bring herself to wear the filmy gowns Berelain wore。 Not that they were suitable for public eyes; but they certainly did appear to be cool。
       Stop fretting over fort; she told herself sternly。 Keep your mind on the business at hand。 〃Perhaps;〃 she said aloud。 〃Myself; I am not convinced。〃
       A long; narrow table; polished till it glistened; ran down the middle of the room。 A tall chair stood at the end near Egwene; lightly carved and touched here and there with gilt; quite plain for Tear; while the sidechairs had progressively lower backs; until those at the far end seemed little more than benches。 Egwene had no idea what purpose the Tairens had put the room to。 She and the others used it for questioning two prisoners taken when the Stone fell。
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