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 statue lying on its side unbroken; a nude woman clasping a child to her breast; as they fought for possession of the ter'angreal; the battle was fought on another level; too。
       Hammers of Power large enough to level mountains struck at Rand; and blades that could have pierced the earth's heart; unseen pincers tried to tear his mind from his body; ripped at his very soul。 Every scrap of Power he could draw went to hurl those attacks away。 Any one could destroy him as if he had never been; he was sure of it。 Where they went he could not be sure。 The ground bounded beneath them; shaking them as they struggled; flinging them about in a writhing tangle of straining muscle。 Dimly he was aware of vast rumbles; of a thousand whining hums like some strange music。 The glass columns; quivering; vibrating。 He could not worry about them。
       All those nights without sleep were catching up to him; the running he had done on top of it。 He was tired; and if he could even know it inside the Void; then he was near exhaustion。 Tossed by the quaking earth; he realized he was no longer trying to pull the ter'angreal from Asmodean; only to hold on。 Soon his strength would go。 Even if he managed to retain his grip on the stone figure; he would have to let go of saidin or be swept away by the rush of it; destroyed as surely as Asmodean would do it。 He could not pull another thread through the ter'angreal; he and Asmodean were equally balanced; each with half of what the great sa'angreal in Cairhien could draw。 Asmodean panted in his face; snarling; sweat dripped from the Forsaken's forehead; ran down his cheeks。 The man was tired; too。 But as tired as he?
       The flailing earth heaved Rand on top for an instant; and just as quickly spun Asmodean up; but in that brief moment Rand felt something pressed between them。 The carving of the fat little man with the sword; still tucked into his waistband。 An insignificant thing next to the immense Power they drew upon。 A cup of water pared to a vast river; to an ocean。 He did not even know if he could use it while linked to the great sa'angreal。 And if he could? Asmodean's teeth bared。 Not a grimace; but a weary rictus of a smile; the man thought he was winning。 Perhaps he was。 Rand's fingers trembled; weakening around the ter'angreal; it was all he could do to hold on to saidin; even linked as he was to the huge sa'angreal。
       He had not seen those strange things like black steel wires around Asmodean since leaving the dark place; but he could visualize them even in the Void; place them in his mind around the Forsaken。 Tam had taught him the Void as an aid to archery; to be one with the bow; the arrow; the target。 He made himself one with those imagined black wires。 He barely saw Asmodean frown。 The man must be wondering why his face had grown calm; there was always calm in the moment before the arrow was loosed。 He reached through the small angreal in his waistband; and more of the Power flowed into him。 He did not waste time on exulting; it was such a small flow beside what he already contained; and this was his final blow。 This would use his final strength。 He formed it like a sword of Power; a sword of Light; and struck; one with the sword; one with the imagined wires。
       Asmodean's eyes went wide; and he screamed; a howl from the depths of horror; like a struck gong the Forsaken quivered。 For an instant there seemed to be two of him; shivering away from each other; then they slid back together。 He fell over on his back; arms flung out in his now dirty; tattered red coat; chest heaving; staring up at nothing; his dark eyes looked lost。
       As he collapsed; Rand lost his hold on saidin; and the Power left him。 He had barely enough strength to clutch the ter'angreal to his chest and roll away from Asmodean。 Pushing himself to his knees felt like climbing a mountain; he huddled around the figure of the man with his crystal sphere。
       The earth had stopped moving。 The glass columns still stood … he was grateful for that; destroying them would have been like obliterating the history of the Aiel … but Avendesora; that had lived three thousand years in legend and truth; Avendesora blazed like a torch; and as for the rest of Rhuidean。。。
       The plaza looked as if everything had been picked up and flung about by a mad giant。 Half the great palaces and towers were only heaps of rubble; some spilling into the square; huge toppled columns marred others; and fallen walls; and empty gaps where huge windows of colored glass had been。 A rift ran the whole way across the city; a split in the earth fifty feet wide。 The destruction did not end there。 The dome of fog that had hidden Rhuidean for so many centuries was dissipating; the underside no longer glowed; and harsh sunlight poured through great new gaps。 Beyond; Chaendaer's peak looked different; lower; and on the other side of the valley some of the mountains were definitely lower。 Where one mountain had stood; a fan of stone and dirt stretched across the north end of the valley。
       I destroy。 Always I destroy! Light; will it ever end?
       Asmodean rolled onto his belly; pushed to hands and knees。 His eyes found Rand; and the ter'angreal; and he made as if to crawl toward them。
       Rand could not have channeled a spark; but he had learned how to fight before his first nightmare of channeling。 He lifted a fist。 〃Don't even think about it。〃 The Forsaken stopped; swaying wearily。 His face sagged; yet despair and desire warred across it; hate and fear glittered in his eyes。
       〃I do like to see men fight; but you two cannot even stand。〃 Lanfear moved into Rand's view; surveying the devastation。 〃You have made a thorough job of it。 Can you feel the traces? This place was shielded in some way。 You did not leave enough for me to say how。〃 Dark eyes suddenly bright; she knelt in front of Rand; peering at what he held。 〃So that is what he was after。 I thought they were all destroyed。 Only half remains of the single one I have seen; a fine trap for some unwary Aes Sedai。〃 She put out a hand; and he clutched the ter'angreal tighter。 Her smile did not touch her eyes。 〃Keep it; certainly。 To me it is no more than a figurine。〃 Rising; she dusted her white skirts though they did not need it。 When she realized he was watching her; she stopped searching the rubble…strewn plaza with her eyes; made her smile brighter。 〃What you used was one of the two sa'angreal I told you of。 Did you feel the immensity of it? I have wondered what it must be like。〃 She seemed unaware of the hunger in her voice。 〃With those; together; we can displace the Great Lord of the Dark himself。 We can; Lews Therin! Together。〃
       〃Help me!〃 Asmodean crawled toward her unsteadily; his upraised face painted in dread。 〃You don't know what he has done。 You must help me。 I would not have e here if not for you。〃
       〃What has he done?〃 she sniffed。 〃Beaten you like a dog; and not half so well as you deserve。 You were never meant for greatness; Asmodean; only to follow those who are great。〃
       Somehow Rand managed to stand; still holding the stone…and…crystal figure to his chest。 He would not continue on his knees in her presence。 〃You Chosen〃 … he knew t
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