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e shouting。 Adelin stared up at Rand; stricken。 Mat shouted something at Rand; lost in the thunder; waving urgently for him to take his saddle。
       〃Liar!〃 The canyon's shape carried Couladin's bellow; wrath mixed with triumph; over the shouts of the gathering。 Shaking her head frantically; Sevanna reached for him。 She must at least have suspected now that he was the fake; yet if she could keep him quiet they might yet pull it off。 As Rand hoped; Couladin pushed her away。 The man knew Rand had been to Rhuidean … he could not possibly believe half of his own story … but neither could he believe this。 〃He proves himself a fraud from his own mouth! We have always been warriors! Always! To the beginning of time!〃
       The roar swelled; spears shaking; but Bael and Erim; Jheran and Han stood in stony silence。 They knew now。 Unaware of their looks; Couladin waved his Dragon…wreathed arms to the assembled Aiel; exulting in the adulation。
       〃Why?〃 Rhuarc said softly beside Rand。 〃Did you not understand why we do not speak of Rhuidean? To face that we were once so different from everything we believe; that we were the same as the despised Lost Ones you call Tuatha'an。 Rhuidean kills those who cannot face it。 Not more than one man in three lives who goes to Rhuidean。 And now you have spoken for all to hear。 It cannot be stopped here; Rand al'Thor。 It will spread。 How many will be strong enough to bear it?〃
       He will take you back; and he will destroy you。 〃I bring change;〃 Rand said sadly。 〃Not peace; but turmoil。〃 Destruction follows on my heels everywhere。 Will there ever be anywhere I do not tear apart? 〃What will be; will be; Rhuarc。 I can't change it。〃
       〃What will be; will be;〃 the Aielman murmured after a moment。
       Couladin still strode up and down; shouting to the Aiel of glory and conquest; unaware of the clan chiefs staring at his back。 Sevanna did not look at Couladin at all; her pale green eyes were intent on the clan chiefs; lips pulled back in a grimace; breasts heaving with anxious breaths。 She had to know what their silent stares meant。
       〃Rand al'Thor;〃 Bael said loudly; the name slicing through Couladin's shouts; cutting off the roar of the crowd like a blade。 He stopped to clear his throat; head swinging as though seeking a way out of this。 Couladin turned; folding his arms confidently; no doubt expecting a sentence of death for the wetlander。 The very tall clan chief took a deep breath。 〃Rand al'Thor is the Car'a'carn。 Rand al'Thor is He Who es With the Dawn。〃 Couladin's eyes widened in incredulous fury。
       〃Rand al'Thor is He Who es With the Dawn;〃 leathery…faced Han announced; just as reluctantly。
       〃Rand al'Thor is He Who es With the Dawn。〃 That from Jheran; grimly; and from Erim; 〃Rand al'Thor is He Who es With the Dawn。〃
       〃Rand al'Thor;〃 Rhuarc said; 〃is He Who es With the Dawn。〃 In a voice too soft to carry even from the ledge; he added; 〃And the Light have mercy on us。〃
       For a long; stretched moment the silence lasted。 Then Couladin leaped snarling from the ledge; snatching a spear from one of his Seia Doon; hurling it straight at Rand。 Yet as he moved down; Adelin leaped up; his spearpoint stabbed through the layered bullhide of her outstretched buckler; swinging her around。
       Pandemonium exploded through the canyon; men shouting and shoving。 The other Jindo Maidens jumped up beside Adelin; forming a screen in front of Rand。 Sevanna had climbed down to shout urgently at Couladin; hanging on his arm as he tried to lead his Shaido Black Eyes against the Maidens between him and Rand。 Heirn and a dozen more Taardad sept chiefs joined Adelin; spears ready; but others were shouting loudly。 Mat scrambled up; gripping his black…hafted spear with its raven…marked sword point; roaring what had to be curses in the Old Tongue。 Rhuarc and the other clan chiefs raised their voices; vainly trying to restore order。 The canyon boiled like a cauldron。 Rand saw veils lifted。 A spear flashed; stabbing。 Another。 He had to stop this;
       He reached out for saidin; and it flooded into him until he thought he would burst if he did not burn first; the filth of the taint spreading through him seemed to curdle his bones。 Thought floated outside the Void; cold thought。 Water。 Here where water was so scarce; the Aiel always talked of water。 Even in this dry air there was some water。 He channeled; not really knowing what he did; reached out blindly。
       Sharp lightning crackled above Alcair Dal; and the wind rushed in from every direction; howling across the lip of the canyon to drown the Aiel's shouts。 Wind; bringing minute traces of water; more and more; until something happened no man had ever seen there。 A mist of rain began to fall。 The wind above shrieked and swirled。 Wild lightnings streaked the sky。 And the rain grew heavier and heavier; to a driving downpour; sweeping over the ledge; plastering his hair to his head and his shirt to his back; blanking out everything fifty paces away。
       Abruptly the rain stopped hitting him; and invisible dome expanded around him; pushing Mat and the Taardad away。 Through the water pouring down inside he could dimly see Adelin pounding at it; trying to force her way through to him。
       〃You utter fool; playing games with these other fools! Wasting all my planning and effort!〃
       Water dripped down his face as he turned to face Lanfear。 Her silver…belted white dress was perfectly dry; the black waves of her hair untouched by a single raindrop among the silver stars and crescents。 Those large black eyes stared at him furiously; anger twisted her beautiful face。
       〃I didn't expect you to reveal yourself yet;〃 he said quietly; the Power still filled him; he rode the buffeting torrents; holding on with a desperation he kept out of his voice。 It was not necessary to pull in more; only to let it e till it seemed his bones would crisp to ash。 He did not know if she could shield him while saidin actually roared through him; but he let it fill him against the possibility。 〃I know you are not alone。 Where is he?〃
       Lanfear's beautiful mouth tightened。 〃I knew he would give himself away; ing into your dream。 I could have managed matters if his panic …〃
       〃I knew from the start;〃 he broke in。 〃I expected it from the day I left the Stone of Tear。 Out here; where anyone could see I was fixed on Rhuidean and the Aiel。 Do you think I did not expect some of you to e after me? But the trap is mine; Lanfear; not yours。 Where is he?〃 The last came as a cold shout。 Emotion skittered uncontrollably around the Void that surrounded him inside; the emptiness that was not empty; the emptiness filled with the Power。
       〃If you knew;〃 she snapped back; 〃why did you chase him away with your talk of fulfilling your destiny; of doing what has to be done?〃 Scorn weighted the words like stones。 〃I brought Asmodean to teach you; but he was always one to leap to another plan if the first proved difficult。 Now he thinks he has found something better for himself in Rhuidean。 And he is off to take it while you stand here。 Couladin; the Draghkar; all to hold your attention while he made sure。 All my plans for nothing because you 
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