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       Perrin felt his hackles rising as Rand told his story; The axe had been bad enough; but at least the axe was something solid; something real。 To have your own reflection jump out of mirrors at you。。。。 Unconsciously he shifted his feet; trying not to stand on any fragments of glass。
       Soon after he began speaking; Rand glanced behind him at the chest; a quick look; as if he did not want it observed。 After a moment the slivers of silvered glass that were scattered across the lid of the chest stirred and slid off onto the carpet as though pushed by an unseen broom。 Rand exchanged looks with Moiraine; then sat down slowly and went on。 Perrin was not sure which of them had cleared the chest top。 There was no mention of Berelain in the tale。
       〃It must have been one of the Forsaken;〃 Rand finished at last。 〃Maybe Sammael。 You said he's in Illian。 Unless one of them is here in Tear。 Could Sammael reach the Stone from Illian?〃
       〃Not even if he held Callandor;〃 Moiraine told him。 〃There are limits。 Sammael is only a man; not the Dark One。〃
       Only a man? Not a very good description; Perrin thought。 A man who could channel; but who somehow had not gone mad; at least; not yet; not that anyone knew。 A man perhaps as strong as Rand; but where Rand was trying to learn; Sammael knew every trick of his talents already。 A man who had spent three thousand years trapped in the Dark One's prison; a man who had gone over to the Shadow of his own choice。 No。 〃Only a man〃 did not begin to describe Sammael; or any of the Forsaken; male or female。
       〃Then one of them is here。 In the city。〃 Rand put his head down on his wrists; but jerked himself erect immediately; glaring at those in the room。 〃I'll not be chased again。 I'll be the hound; first; I will find him … or her … and I will … 〃
       〃Not one of the Forsaken;〃 Moiraine cut in。 〃I think not。 This was too simple。 And too plex。〃
       Rand spoke calmly。 〃No riddles; Moiraine。 If not the Forsaken; who? Or what?〃
       The Aes Sedai's face could have done for an anvil; yet she hesitated; feeling her way。 There was no telling whether she was unsure of the answer or deciding how much to reveal。
       〃As the seals holding the Dark One's prison weaken;〃 she said after a time; 〃it may be inevitable that a。。。 miasma。。。 will escape even while he is still held。 Like bubbles rising from the things rotting on the bottom of a pond。 But these bubbles will drift through the Pattern until they attach to a thread and burst。〃
       〃Light!〃 It slipped out before Perrin could stop it。 Moiraine's eyes turned to him。 〃You mean what happened to。。。 to Rand is going to start happening to everybody?〃
       〃Not to everyone。 Not yet; at least。 In the beginning I think there will only be a few bubbles; slipping through cracks the Dark One can reach through。 Later; who can say? And just as ta'veren bend the other threads in the Pattern around them; I think perhaps ta'veren will tend to attract these bubbles more powerfully than others do。〃 Her eyes said she knew Rand was not the only one to have had a waking nightmare。 A brief touch of a smile; there and gone almost before he saw it; said he could keep silent if he wished to hold it secret from others。 But she knew。 〃Yet in the months to e … the years; should we be lucky enough to have that long … I fear a good many people will see things to give them white hairs; if they survive。〃
       〃Mat;〃 Rand said。 〃Do you know if he。。。? Is he。。。?〃
       〃I will know soon enough;〃 Moiraine replied calmly。 〃What is done cannot be undone; but we can hope。〃 Whatever her tone; though; she smelled ill at ease until Rhuarc spoke。
       〃He is well。 Or was。 I saw him on my way here。〃
       〃Going where?〃 Moiraine said with an edge in her voice。
       〃He looked to be heading for the servants' quarters;〃 the Aielman told her。 He knew that the three were ta'veren; if not as much else as he thought he did; and he knew Mat well enough to add; 〃Not the stables; Aes Sedai。 The other way; toward the river。 And there are no boats at the Stone's docks。〃 He did not stumble over words like 〃boat〃 and 〃dock〃 the way most of the Aiel did; although in the Waste such things existed only in stories。
       She nodded as if she had expected nothing else。 Perrin shook his head; she was so used to hiding her real thoughts; she seemed to veil them out of habit。
       Suddenly one of the doors opened and Bain and Chiad slipped in; without their spears。 Bain was carrying a large white bowl and a fat pitcher with steam rising from the top。 Chiad had towels folded under her arm。
       〃Why are you bringing this?〃 Moiraine demanded。
       Chiad shrugged。 〃She would not e in。〃
       Rand barked a laugh。 〃Even the servants know enough to stay clear of me。 Put it anywhere。〃
       〃Your time is running out; Rand;〃 Moiraine said。 〃The Tairens are being used to you; after a fashion; and no one fears what is familiar as much as what is strange。 How many weeks; or days; before someone tries to put an arrow in your back or poison in your food? How long before one of the Forsaken strikes; or another bubble es sliding along the Pattern?〃
       〃Don't try to harry me; Moiraine。〃 He was blood filthy; half naked; more than half leaning on Callandor to stay sitting up; but he managed to fill those words with quiet mand。 〃I will not run for you; either。〃
       〃Choose your way soon;〃 she said。 〃And this time; inform me what you mean to do。 My knowledge cannot aid you if you refuse to accept my help。〃
       〃Your help?〃 Rand said wearily。 〃I'll take your help。 But I will decide; not you。〃 He looked at Perrin as if trying to tell him something without words; something he did not want the others to hear。 Perrin had not a clue what it was。 After a moment Rand sighed; his head sank a little。 〃I want to sleep。 All of you; go away。 Please。 We will talk tomorrow。〃 His eyes flickered to Perrin again; underscoring the words for him。
       Moiraine crossed the room to Bain and Chiad; and the two Aiel women leaned close so she could speak for their ears alone。 Perrin heard only a buzz; and wondered if she was using the Power to stop him eavesdropping。 She knew the keenness of his hearing。 He was sure of it when Bain whispered back and he still could not make out anything。 The Aes Sedai had done nothing about his sense of smell; though。 The Aiel women looked at Rand as they listened; and they smelled wary。 Not afraid; but as if Rand were a large animal that would be dangerous if they misstepped。
       The Aes Sedai turned back to Rand。 〃We will talk tomorrow。 You cannot sit like a partridge waiting for a hunter's net。〃 She was moving for the door before Rand could reply。 Lan looked at Rand as if about to say something; but followed her without speaking。
       〃Rand?〃 Perrin said。
       〃We do what we have to。〃 Rand did not look up from the clear hilt between his hands。 〃We all do what we have to。〃 He smelled afraid。
       Perrin nodded and followed Rhuarc out of the room。 Moiraine and Lan were nowhere in sight。 The Tairen officer was staring at the doors from ten paces off; trying to pretend the distance was his choice and had nothing to do with the four Aiel w
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