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       Striding along between Stepper and Tell's shaggy horse; the Tinker did not even look up。 〃I go where you go。〃 He said it simply; but his tone left no room for argument; he was going to do as he wanted whatever Perrin said。 Perrin wondered if real lords ever had problems like this。
       At the west end of the Green; the Whitecloaks were all mounted; cloaks with the golden sunburst bright; helmets and armor gleaming; lance points shining; a long column of fours that stretched back between the nearest houses。 They must have spent half the night polishing。 Dain Bornhald and Jaret Byar swung their horses to face Perrin。 Bornhald sat straight in his saddle; but he smelled of apple brandy。 Byar's gaunt face twisted with an even deeper rage than usual as he stared at Perrin。
       〃I thought you would be at your places by now;〃 Perrin said。
       Bornhald frowned at his horse's mane; not answering。 After a moment; Byar spat; 〃We are leaving here; Shadowspawn。〃 An angry mutter rose from the panions; but the hollow…eyed man ignored them as he did Aram's reaching over his shoulder to his sword hilt。 〃We will cut our way back to Watch Hill through your friends and rejoin the rest of our men。〃
       Leaving。 Over four hundred soldiers; leaving。 Whitecloaks; but mounted soldiers; not farmers; soldiers who had agreed … Bornhald had agreed! … to support the Two Rivers men wherever the fighting was hottest。 If Emond's Field was to have any chance at all; he had to hang on to these men。 Stepper tossed his head and snorted as if catching his rider's mood。 〃Do you still believe I'm a Darkfriend; Bornhald? How many attacks have you seen so far? Those Trollocs have tried to kill me as much as anybody else。〃
       Bornhald raised his head slowly; eyes haunted and at the same time half…glazed。 Hands in steel…backed gauntlets flexed on his reins unconsciously。 〃Do you think I do not know by now that these defenses were prepared without you? It was none of your doing; yes? I will not keep my men here to watch you feed your own villagers to the Trollocs。 Will you dance atop a pile of their bodies when it is done; Shadowspawn? Not ours! I mean to live long enough to see you brought to justice!〃
       Perrin patted Stepper's neck to quiet the stallion。 He had to keep these men。 〃You want me? Very well。 When it's over; when the Trollocs are done; I'll not resist if you try to arrest me。〃
       〃No!〃 Ban and Tell shouted together; and growls built behind them from the others。 Aram peered up at Perrin; stricken。
       〃An empty promise;〃 Bornhald sneered。 〃You mean everyone to die here save yourself!〃
       〃You'll never know if you run away; will you?〃 Perrin made his voice hard and contemptuous。 〃I will keep my promise; but if you run; you might never find me again。 Run; if you want! Run; and try to forget what happens here! All your talk of protecting people from Trollocs。 How many died at Trolloc hands after you came? My family wasn't the first; and certainly not the last。 Run! Or stay; if you can remember you're men。 If you need to find the courage; look at the women; Bornhald。 Any one of them is braver than the whole lot of you Whitecloaks!〃
       Bornhald shook as though every word were a blow; Perrin thought the man might fall out of his saddle。 Swaying upright; Bornhald stared at him。 〃We will remain;〃 he said hoarsely。
       〃But; my Lord Bornhald;〃 Byar protested。
       〃Clean!〃 Bornhald roared at him。 〃If we must die here; we will die clean!〃 He wrenched his head back to Perrin; spittle on his lips。 〃We will remain。 But at the last I will see you dead; Shadowspawn! For my family; for my father; I…will… see…you…dead!〃 Sawing his horse around roughly; he cantered back to his white…cloaked column。 Byar bared his teeth in a wordless snarl at Perrin before following。
       〃You do not mean to keep that promise?〃 Aram said anxiously。 〃You cannot。〃
       〃I have to check everyone;〃 Perrin said。 Small chance he would live long enough to keep it。 〃There isn't much time。〃 He booted Stepper in the flanks and the horse leaped forward; toward the west end of the village。
       Behind the sharp stakes facing the Westwood; men crouched with their spears and halberds and polearms fashioned by Haral Luhhan; who was there in his blacksmith's vest with a scythe blade on the end of an eight…foot shaft。 Behind them stood the men with bows in ranks broken by four catapults; Abell Cauthon walking along slowly to speak to each man。
       Perrin reined in beside Abell。 〃Word is they're ing from north and south;〃 he said quietly; 〃but keep a sharp eye。〃
       〃We'll watch。 And I'm ready to send half my men wherever they are needed。 They'll not find Two Rivers folk easy meat。〃 Abell's grin was reminiscent of his son's。
       To Perrin's embarrassment; the men raised a ragged cheer as he rode by; with the panions and the banner at his heels: 〃Goldeneyes! Goldeneyes!〃 and now and then a 〃Lord Perrin!〃 He knew he should have stamped harder on that in the beginning。
       To the south; Tam had charge; more grim…faced than Abell and striding almost like a Warder; hand resting on his sword hilt。 That wolfish; deadly grace looked strange on the blocky; gray…haired farmer。 Yet his words to Perrin were not so different from Abell's。 〃We Two Rivers folk are a tougher lot than most know;〃 he said quietly。 〃Don't you worry we will not do ourselves proud today。〃
       Alanna was at one of the six catapults here; fussing over a large stone being lifted into the cup on the end of the thick arm。 Ihvon sat his horse near her in his Warder's color…changing cloak; slender as a steel blade and alert as a hawk; there was no doubt he had chosen his ground … wherever Alanna was … and his fight … to bring her out alive whatever。 He barely looked at Perrin。 But the Aes Sedai paused; hands hovering over the stone; eyes following him as he passed。 He could all but feel her weighing and measuring and judging。 Those cheers followed him; too。
       Where the hedge of stakes ran beyond the few houses east of the Winespring Inn; Jon Thane and Samel Crawe had charge between them。 Perrin told them what he had Abell; and once again got much the same reply。 Jon; in a mail shirt with holes rusted through in several places; had seen the smoke of his mill burning; and Samel; with his horse face and long nose; was sure he had seen the smoke of his farm。 Neither expected an easy day; but both wore stony determination like cloaks。
       It was to the north that Perrin had decided to make his fight。 Fingering the ribbon hanging down one lapel; he peered in the direction of Watch Hill; the direction Faile had gone; and wondered why he had chosen the north side。 Fly free; Faile。 Fly free; my heart。 He supposed it was good a place to die as any。
       Bran supposedly was in charge here; in his steel cap and disc…sewn metal jerkin; but he stopped checking the men along the hedge to give Perrin as much of a bow as his girth would allow。 Gaul and Chiad stood ready; heads wrapped in shoufa and faces hidden to the eyes behind black veils。 Side by side; Perrin noted; whatever had passed between them; it seemed to outweigh their clans' blood feud。 Loial had a pair of woodaxes
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