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t seemed all I could think of was bringing her to trial。〃 Taking a deep breath; Nynaeve made her voice apologetic。 She hated doing that。 Where were those fool men? 〃I endangered everything because I didn't keep my mind on what we were about; but please don't scold me。〃
       〃I won't;〃 Elayne said firmly。 〃So long as you remember to be careful in the future。〃 Egeanin cleared her throat。 〃Oh; yes;〃 Elayne added hastily。 The waiting seemed to be getting to her; there were spots of color in her cheeks。 〃Did you find the collar; and the seal?〃
       〃I have them。〃 She patted her pouch。 The shouting outside seemed to be getting louder。 And the shouts echoing down the halls were; too。 Liandrin must be turning the palace upside down to find out what had happened。 〃What is keeping those men?〃
       〃My Legion;〃 Amathera began。 Elayne looked at her; and she snapped her mouth shut。 Whatever talk they had had must have been something。 The Panarch was pouting like a girl afraid of being sent to bed without supper。
       Nynaeve glanced at Egeanin。 The Seanchan woman was watching the door intently。 She had wanted to e after her。 Why won't she let me hate her? Am I so different from her?
       Suddenly the door swung open。 Juilin pulled two thin bent metal rods out of the lock and straightened from a crouch。 Blood ran down the side of his face。 〃Hurry。 We must be away from here before it gets out of hand。〃
       Staring past him wide…eyed; Nynaeve wondered what he considered out of hand。 Bayle Domon's sailors; at least three hundred of them; formed a semicircle two deep about the door; Domon himself waving a cudgel; shouting to encourage them。 He had to shout for the roar that filled the wide street。 Men jostled and struggled and shouted in a seething mass; barely held back by the sailors' clubs and staffs。 Not that they were really interested in the sailors。 Scattered through the crowd; clumps of mounted Whitecloaks swung their swords at men crowding them with pitchforks and barrel staves and bare hands。 Showers of stones fell around them; sometimes banging off a helmet; but silently in the uproar。 A lone Whitecloak's horse suddenly screamed and reared; and toppled over backward; it scrambled to its feet quickly; minus its rider。 Other riderless animals dotted the mass of men。 Was this what they had set off just to cover themselves? She tried reminding herself why … put her hand on her pouch to feel the cuendillar seal; the collar and bracelets … but it was hard。 Men were dying out there; surely。
       〃Will you women move?〃 Thom called; waving for them to e out。 He had a bleeding gash over one bushy eyebrow; perhaps from a stone; and his brown cloak would not even do for the ragbag now。 〃If the Panarch's Legion ever stops running; this could grow messy。〃
       Amathera made a startled sound; just before Elayne pushed her firmly out。 Nynaeve and Egeanin followed; and as soon as all four women were out; the sailors folded in around them in a tight ring that began straggling away from the palace。 It was all Nynaeve could do to keep her feet; jostled by the men who were trying to protect her。 Once Egeanin slipped and nearly fell。 Nynaeve caught her arm; helped her back up; and got a grateful grin。 We are not so different; she thought。 Not the same; but not all that different。 She did not have to make herself smile encouragingly at the Seanchan woman。
       The milling mass lasted several streets away from the palace; but once they broke clear the narrow twisting ways were almost empty。 Those who were not actually involved in the riot seemed wise enough to stay clear of it。 The sailors spread out a little; giving the women more room。 Any straggler who looked in their direction got hard stares; though。 The streets of Tanchico were still the streets of Tanchico。 Somehow that surprised Nynaeve。 It seemed that she had been weeks inside the palace。 Surely the city should be different。
       When the babble began to fade behind them; Thom managed a quite elegant bow to Amathera as he limped along。 〃An honor; Panarch;〃 he said。 〃If I may be of any service; you have only to speak。〃
       Shockingly; Amathera glanced at Elayne; grimaced slightly; and said; 〃You mistake me; good sir。 I am only a poor refugee from the countryside; rescued by these good women。〃
       Thom exchanged startled looks with Juilin and Domon; but when he opened his mouth; Elayne said; 〃Could we get on to the inn; Thom? This is hardly the place for conversation。〃
       When they reached the Three Plum Court; it was scarcely less surprising to hear Elayne introduce the Panarch to Rendra as Thera; a refugee with no money who needed a pallet; and maybe some work to earn her meals。 The innkeeper shrugged resignedly; but as she led 〃Thera〃 away to the kitchens she was already telling the woman what lovely hair she had and how pretty she would look in the right dress。
       Nynaeve waited until the rest of them were in the Chamber of Falling Blossoms with the door closed before saying; 〃Thera? And she went along! Elayne; Rendra will have the woman serving at table in the mon room!〃
       Elayne did not seem surprised。 〃Yes; very likely。〃 Sinking into a chair with a sigh; she kicked off her slippers and began massaging her feet vigorously。 〃It was not difficult to convince Amathera she should stay in hiding for a few days。 It really isn't that far from 'The Panarch is dead' to 'Death to the Panarch。' I think seeing the riot helped; too。 She doesn't want to depend on Andric to put her back on her throne; she wants her own soldiers to do it; even if it means hiding until she can get in touch with the Lord Captain of the Legion。 I believe Andric is in for a surprise with her。 It is too bad he doesn't surprise her。 She deserves it。〃 Domon and Juilin exchanged glances; shook; their heads unprehendingly。 Egeanin nodded to herself as if she; at least; understood; and approved。
       〃But why?〃 Nynaeve demanded。 〃You may have been upset because she sneaked off on her own; but this? How did she manage that anyway; with two of you watching her?〃 Egeanin's eyes flickered toward Elayne; so quickly Nynaeve was not sure she had really seen it。
       Elayne bent to rub the sole of one foot。 It must have hurt; there was red in her cheeks。 〃Nynaeve; the woman has no idea what the lives of the mon people are like。〃 As if she did! 〃She does seem to have a true concern for justice … I think she does … yet it did not bother her at all that there was enough food in the palace for a year。 I mentioned the soup kitchens; and she did not know what I was talking about! A few days working for her supper will do her good。〃 Stretching her legs under the table; she worked her bare toes。 〃Oh; that does feel good。 Not that she'll have many; I suppose。 Not if she is to rally the Panarch's Legion to pry Liandrin and the others out of the palace。 A pity; but there it is。〃
       〃Well; she has to;〃 Nynaeve told her firmly。 It was good to sit down; though she could not understand the girl's concern with her feet。 They had hardly walked at all today。 〃And the sooner the better。 We need the Panarch; and not in Rendra's kitchen。〃 She did not think there was any need to worry about Moghedien。 Tha
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