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 she raised herself up enough to peer back across the hall; through the rent sawed along the chamber wall。 Beside the fountain; Jeaine Caide was swaying; one hand to her head; the black rod almost falling from the other。 But before Nynaeve could strike at her; she had clutched the fluted rod again; balefire burst from its end; destroying everything in its path through the chamber。
       Dropping almost to her belly; Nynaeve crawled the other way as fast as she could; amid the crash and clatter of falling columns and masonry。 Panting; she pulled herself into a corridor slashed through both walls。 There was no telling how far the balefire had sliced; all the way out of the palace; perhaps。 Twisting about on a carpet littered with bits of stone; she peeked cautiously around the side of the doorframe。
       The balefire had gone again。 Silence held in the ruined exhibition hall; except when a weakened piece of stonework gave way and smashed to the rubble…strewn floor。 There was no sign of Jeaine Caide; though enough of the far wall had fallen to show the fountained courtyard clearly。 She was not about to risk going to see if the ter'angreal had killed the woman in using it。 Her breath came raggedly; and her arms and legs trembled enough that she was glad to lie there a moment。 Channeling took energy the same as any other work; the more you did; the more energy。 And the wearier you were; the less you could channel。 She was not entirely certain she herself was up to facing even a weakened Jeaine Caide right then。
       Such a fool she had been。 Battling Moghedien with the Power; and never thinking that channeling that strong would have every Black sister in the palace jumping out of her skin。 She was lucky the Domani woman had not arrived with her ter'angreal while she was still absorbed with the Forsaken。 They very likely both would have died before they knew she was there。
       Suddenly she stared in disbelief。 Moghedien was gone! The balefire had not e nearer than ten feet from where she had stood; but she was not there any longer。 It was impossible。 She had been shielded。
       〃How do I know what's impossible?〃 Nynaeve muttered。 〃It was impossible for me to beat one of the Forsaken; but I did it。〃
       Still no sign of Jeaine Caide。
       Pushing herself to her feet; she hurried for the appointed meeting place。 If only Elayne had not run into any trouble; they might make it out here safely after all。

Chapter 55
Into the Deep

       Servants boiled along the halls as Nynaeve ran; shouting frantic questions。 They might not be able to sense channeling; but they had certainly felt the palace being torn half apart。 She threaded her way through; just one more serving woman in a panic as far as they were concerned。
       Saidar faded from her as she sped down corridors and across courtyards。 Holding on to anger was difficult when she was increasingly uneasy for Elayne。 If the Black sisters had found her。。。 Who knew what they had beside the balefire ter'angreal? The list they had been given certainly did not give a use for everything。
       Once she saw Liandrin; with her pale honey braids; and Rianna; with that white streak in her black hair; hurrying down a flight of broad marble stairs; she could not see the glow of saidar around them; but from the way servants cried out and leaped from their path; they were whipping a way clear for themselves with the Power。 It made her glad she had not tried to cling to the Source herself; they would have picked her out of the throng in an instant by the glow; and until she had some rest; she was not up to facing either of them; much less both。 She had what she had e for。 They had to wait。
       The crowd thinned and disappeared by the time she reached the narrow hall on the west side of the palace that was the meeting place。 The others were waiting for her beside a small; bronze…studded door fastened with a large iron lock。 Including Amathera; standing very straight; wearing a light linen cloak with the hood up。 The Panarch's white dress might pass for serving…woman garb if you did not look closely enough to see it was silk; and the veil that did not hide her face was certainly servant's linen。 The sound of shouts came muffled through the door。 Apparently the riot was still going on。 Now if only the men were doing the rest of their part。
       Ignoring Egeanin; Nynaeve threw her arms around Elayne in a quick hug。 〃I was so worried。 Did you have any trouble?〃
       〃Not a bit;〃 Elayne replied。 Egeanin shifted slightly; and the younger woman gave her a meaningful look; then added; 〃Amathera did cause a little problem; but we sorted it out。〃
       Nynaeve frowned。 〃Trouble? Why would she give trouble? Why would you give trouble?〃 That last was for the Panarch; who held her head high; refusing to look at anyone。 Elayne seemed as reluctant。
       It was the Seanchan woman who answered。 〃She tried to sneak off to rouse her soldiers to harry the Darkfriends out。 After she had been warned。〃 Nynaeve refused to look at her。
       〃Do not scowl so; Nynaeve;〃 Elayne said。 〃I chased her down quickly; and we had a little talk。 I think she is in perfect agreement with me now。〃
       The Panarch's cheek twitched; 〃I am in agreement; Aes Sedai;〃 she said hastily。 〃I will do exactly as you say; and I will provide papers that should make even the rebels let you pass unhindered。 There is no need for more。。。 talking。〃
       Elayne nodded as if all of that made sense; motioning for the women to be quiet。 Whereupon the Panarch obediently closed her mouth。 A trifle sullenly; but perhaps that was just the shape of her mouth。 Clearly there had been some very odd goings on; and Nynaeve intended to find the bottom of them。 Later。 The narrow hallway was still empty in both directions; but panicked shouts still echoed from deeper in the palace。 The mob rumbled beyond the small door。
       〃But what of you?〃 Elayne went on with a frown。 〃You were supposed to be here half an hour ago。 Did you cause all of this? I felt two women channeling enough of the Power to shake the palace down; and then a bit later someone did try to shake it down。 I thought it must be you。 I had to restrain Egeanin from going to find you。〃
       Egeanin? Nynaeve hesitated; then made herself touch the Seanchan woman's shoulder。 〃Thank you。〃 Egeanin looked as though she did not quite understand herself what she had done; but she gave a quick nod。 〃Moghedien found me; and because I was worrying about how to bring her out for trial; Jeaine Caide nearly took my head off with balefire。〃 Elayne gave a small squeak; and she hurried to reassure her。 〃It didn't really e close to me。〃
       〃You captured Moghedien? You captured one of the Forsaken?〃
       〃Yes; but she got away。〃 There。 She had admitted everything。 Conscious of all their eyes on her; she shifted unfortably。 She did not like being in the wrong。 She especially did not like being in the wrong when it was she who had pointed out that it was wrong in the first place。 〃Elayne; I know what I said about being careful; but once I had her in my hands; it seemed all I could think of was bringing her to trial。〃 Taking a deep breath; Nynaeve made her voi
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