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rit; just short of severing Moghedien from the Source forever。 Again the Forsaken's counterblow came; slashing like an axe; intended to cut Nynaeve off in the same way。 Forever。 Desperately Nynaeve blocked it。
       Suddenly she realized that under her anger she was terrified。 Holding off the other woman's attempt to still her while trying to do the same to her took everything she had。 The Power boiled in her till she thought she must burst; her knees quivered with the effort of standing。 And all went into those two things; she could not spare enough to light a candle。 Moghedien's axe of Spirit waxed and waned in sharpness; but that would not matter if the woman managed to drive it home; Nynaeve could not see any real difference in oute between being stilled by the woman and merely … merely! … being shielded and at her mercy。 The thing brushed against the flow of Power from the Source into her; like a knife hovering over a chicken's stretched neck。 The image was all too apt; she wished she had not thought of it。 In the back of her mind a tiny voice gibbered at her。 Oh; Light; don't let her。 Don't let her! Light; please; not that!
       For a moment she considered letting go her own attempt to cut Moghedien off … for one thing; she had to keep forcing it back to a razor edge; the woven flows did not want to hold the keenness … letting go and using that strength to force Moghedien's attack further back; maybe sever it。 But if she tried; the other woman would not need to defend; she could add that strength to her own attack。 And she was one of the Forsaken。 Not just a Black sister。 A woman who had been Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends; when Aes Sedai had been able to do things undreamed of now。 If Moghedien threw her whole strength at her。。。
       A man who came in then; or any woman unable to channel; would have seen only two women facing each other across the white silk rope from a distance of less than ten feet。 Two women staring at one another in a vast hall full of strange things。 They would have seen nothing to say it was a duel。 No leaping about and hacking with swords as men would do; nothing smashed or broken。 Just two women standing there。 But a duel all the same; and maybe to the death。 Against one of the Forsaken。
       〃All my careful planning ruined;〃 Moghedien said abruptly in a tight; angry voice; white…knuckled hands gripping her skirts。 〃At the very least I shall have to go to untold effort to put everything back as it was。 It may not be possible。 Oh; I do mean to make you pay for that; Nynaeve al'Meara。 This has been such a cozy hiding place; and those blind women have a number of very useful items in their possession even if they do not …〃 She shook her head; lips peeling back to bare her teeth in a snarl。 〃I think I will take you with me this time。 I know。 I shall keep you for a live mounting block。 You will be brought out to kneel on all fours so I can step from your back to my saddle。 Or perhaps I shall give you to Rahvin。 He always repays favors。 He does have a pretty little queen to amuse him now; but pretty women were always Rahvin's weakness。 He likes to have two or three or four at once dancing attendance on him。 How will you like that? To spend the rest of your life peting for Rahvin's favors。 You will want to; once he has his hands on you; he has his little tricks。 Yes; I do believe Rahvin shall have you。〃
       Anger welled up in Nynaeve。 Sweat streamed down her face; and her legs shook as if they might give way; but anger gave her strength。 Furious; she managed to push her weapon of Spirit a hair closer to severing Moghedien from the Source before the woman halted it again。
       〃So you discovered that little gem behind you;〃 Moghedien said in a moment of precarious balance。 Surprisingly; her voice was almost conversational。 〃I wonder how you did that。 It does not matter。 Did you e to take it away? Perhaps to destroy it? You cannot destroy it。 That is not metal; but a form of cuendillar。 Even balefire cannot destroy cuendillar。 And if you mean to use it; it does have。。。 drawbacks; shall we say? Put the collar on a man who channels; and a woman wearing the bracelets can make him do whatever she wishes; true; but it will not stop him going mad; and there is a flow the other way; too。 Eventually he will begin to be able to control you; too; so you end with a struggle at every hour。 Not very palatable when he is going mad。 Of course; you can pass the bracelets around; so no one has too much exposure; but that does mean trusting someone else with him。 Men are always so good at violence; they make wonderful weapons。 Or two women can each wear one bracelet; if you have someone you trust enough; that slows the seepage considerably; I understand; but it also lessens your control; even if you work in perfect unison。 Eventually; you will find yourselves in a struggle for control with him; each of you needing him to remove your bracelet as surely as he needs you to remove the collar。〃 She tilted her head; lifted a quizzical eyebrow。 〃You are following this; I trust? Controlling Lews Therin … Rand al'Thor as he is called now … would be most useful; but is it worth the price? You can see why I have left the collar and bracelets where they are。〃
       Trembling to contain the Power; to hold her woven flows; Nynaeve frowned。 Why was the woman telling her all of this? Did she think it did not matter because she was going to win? Why her sudden change from rage to talk? There was sweat on Moghedien's face; too。 Quite a lot of sweat; beading on her broad forehead; running down her cheeks。
       Suddenly everything changed in Nynaeve's mind。 Moghedien's was not a voice tight with anger; it was a voice tight with strain。 Moghedien was not suddenly going to hurl all of her strength at her; she already was。 The woman was putting out as much effort as she。 She was facing one of the Forsaken; and far from being plucked like a goose for supper; she had not lost a feather。 She was meeting one of the Forsaken; strength for strength! Moghedien was trying to distract her; to gain an opening before her own strength gave out! If only she could do the same。 Before her strength went。
       〃Do you wonder how I know all this? The collar and bracelets were made after I was。。。 Well; we will not talk of that。 Once I was free; the first thing I did was seek information about those last days。 Last years; really。 There are a good many fragments here and there that make no sense to anyone who does not have some idea to begin with。 The Age of Legends。 Such a quaint name you have given my time。 Yet even your wildest tales no more than hint at the half。 I had lived over two hundred years when the Bore was opened; and I was still young; for an Aes Sedai。 Your 'legends' are but pale imitations of what we could do。 Why。。。〃
       Nynaeve stopped listening。 A way to distract the woman。 Even if she could think of something to say; Moghedien would be on her guard against the method she herself was using。 She could not spare effort for as much as a thread…thin weave; any more than。。。 any more than Moghedien could。 A woman from the Age of Legends; a woman long used to wielding the One Power。 Perhaps used to doing almost everything with
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