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       〃Get Moiraine!〃 Perrin snapped at the Aiel women。 Was Rand still alive? If he was; he needed Aes Sedai Healing to stay that way。 〃Tell her to hurry!〃 He heard a gasp behind him; then soft boots running。
       Rand lifted his head。 His face was a smeared mask。 〃Shut the door。〃
       〃Moiraine will be here soon; Rand。 Rest easy。 She will …〃
       〃Shut the door; Perrin。〃
       Murmuring among themselves; the Aiel women frowned; but moved back。 Perrin pulled the door to; cutting off a questioning shout from the white…plumed officer。
       Glass crunched under his boots as he crossed the carpet to Rand。 Tearing a strip from a wildly sliced linen sheet; he wadded it against the wound in Rand's side。 Rand's hands tightened on the transparent sword at the pressure; then relaxed。 Blood soaked through almost immediately。 Cuts and gashes covered him from the soles of his feet to his head; slivers of glass glittered in many of them。 Perrin rolled his shoulders helplessly。 He did not know what more to do; other than wait for Moiraine。
       〃What under the Light did you try to do; Rand? You look as though you tried to skin yourself。 And you nearly killed me; as well。〃 For a moment he thought Rand was not going to answer。
       〃Not me;〃 Rand said finally; in a near whisper。 〃One of the Forsaken。〃
       Perrin tried to relax muscles he did not remember tensing。 The effort was only partly successful。 He had mentioned the Forsaken to Faile; not exactly casually; but by and large he had been trying not to think of what the Forsaken might do when they found out where Rand was。 If one of them could bring down the Dragon Reborn; he or she would stand high above the others when the Dark One broke free。 The Dark One free; and the Last Battle lost before it was fought。
       〃Are you sure?〃 he said; just as quietly。
       〃It had to be; Perrin。 It had to be。〃
       〃If one of them came after me as well as you。。。 ? Where's Mat; Rand? If he was alive; and went through what I did; he'd be thinking what I did。 That it was you。 He'd be here by now to bless you out。〃
       〃Or on a horse and halfway to the city gates。〃 Rand struggled to sit erect。 
       Drying blood smears cracked; and fresh trickles started on his chest and shoulders。 〃If he is dead; Perrin; you had best get as far from me as you can。 I think you and Loial are right about that。〃 He paused; studying Perrin。 〃You and Mat must wish I had never been born。 Or at least that you'd never seen me。〃
       There was no point in going to check; if anything had happened to Mat; it was over and done now。 And he had a feeling that his makeshift bandage pressed against Rand's side might be what would keep him alive long enough for Moiraine to get there。 〃You don't seem to care if he has gone off。 Burn me; he's important; too。 What are you going to do if he's gone? Or dead; the Light send it not so。〃
       〃What they least expect。〃 Rand's eyes looked like morning mist covering the dawn; blue…gray with a feverish glow seeping through。 His voice had a knife edge。 〃That is what I have to do in any case。 What everyone least expects。〃
       Perrin took a slow breath。 Rand had a right to taut nerves。 It was not a sign of incipient madness。 He had to stop watching for signs of madness。 Those signs would e soon enough; and watching would do nothing but keep his stomach tied in knots。 〃What's that?〃 he asked quietly。
       Rand closed his eyes。 〃I only know I have to catch them by surprise。 Catch everyone by surprise;〃 he muttered fiercely。
       One of the doors opened to admit a tall Aielman; his dark red hair touched with gray。 Behind him the Tairen officer's plumes bobbed as he argued with the Maidens; he was still arguing when Bain pushed the door shut。
       Rhuarc surveyed the room with sharp blue eyes; as if he suspected enemies hiding behind a drape or an overturned chair。 The clan chief of the Taardad Aiel had no visible weapon except the heavy…bladed knife at his waist; but he carried authority and confidence like weapons; quietly; yet as surely as if they were sheathed alongside the knife。 And his shoufa hung about his shoulders; no one who knew the slightest about Aiel took one for less than dangerous when he wore the means to veil his face。
       〃That Tairen fool outside sent word to his mander that something had happened in here;〃 Rhuarc said; 〃and rumors are already sprouting like corpse moss in a deep cave。 Everything from the White Tower trying to kill you to the Last Battle fought here in this room。〃 Perrin opened his mouth; Rhuarc raised a forestalling hand。 〃I happened to meet Berelain; looking as if she had been told the day she would die; and she told me the truth of it。 And it does look to be the truth; though I doubted her。〃
       〃I sent for Moiraine;〃 Perrin said。 Rhuarc nodded。 Of course; the Maidens would have told him everything they knew。
       Rand gave a painful bark of a laugh。 〃I told her to keep quiet。 It seems the Lord Dragon doesn't rule Mayene。〃 He sounded more wryly amused than anything else。
       〃I have daughters older than that young woman;〃 Rhuarc said。 〃I do not believe she will tell anyone else。 I think she would like to forget everything that happened tonight。〃
       〃And I would like to know what happened;〃 Moiraine said; gliding into the room。 Slight and slender as she was; Rhuarc towered over her as much as the man who followed her in … Lan; her Warder … but it was the Aes Sedai who dominated the room。 She must have run to e so fast; but she was calm as a frozen lake now。 It took a great deal to ruffle Moiraine's serenity。 Her blue silk gown had a high lace neck and sleeves slashed with darker velvet; but the heat and humidity did not appear to touch her。 A small blue stone; suspended on her forehead from a fine golden chain in her dark hair; flashed in the light; emphasizing the absence of the slightest sheen of sweat。
       As always when they met; Lan's and Rhuarc's icy blue stares nearly struck sparks。 A braided leather cord held Lan's dark hair; gray…streaked at the temples。 His face looked to have been carved from rock; all hard planes and angles; and his sword rode his hip like part of his body。 Perrin was not sure which of the two men was more deadly; but he thought a mouse could starve on the difference。
       The Warder's eyes swung to Rand。 〃I thought you were old enough to shave without someone to guide your hand。〃
       Rhuarc smiled; a slight smile but the first Perrin had ever seen from him in Lan's presence。 〃He is young yet。 He will learn。〃
       Lan glanced back at the Aielman; then returned the smile; just as slightly。
       Moiraine gave the two men a brief; withering look。 She did not seem to pick her way as she crossed the carpet; but she stepped so lightly; holding her skirts up; that not one shard of glass crunched under her slippers。 Her eyes swept around the room; taking in the smallest details; Perrin was sure。 For a moment she studied him … he did not meet her gaze; she knew too much about him for fort … but she bore down on Rand like a silent; silken avalanche; icy and inexorable。
       Perrin dropped his hand and moved out of her way。 The wadded cloth stayed against Ra
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