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d blacken。 Moghedien; or any of the Black sisters; could sense her far more easily holding the Power than without; but she held it anyway。 She almost wanted them to find her; so she could strike at them。 Temaile was very likely still in Tel'aran'rhiod。 If she went back up to that bedchamber; she could settle Temaile once and for all。 She could settle Temaile … and warn the rest。 It was enough to make her growl。
       What had Moghedien been smiling at? Striding out to the case; a wide glass box atop a carved table; she peered in。 Six mismatched figurines stood in a circle beneath the glass。 A foot…tall nude woman balanced on the toes of one foot; dancing; all flowing lines; and a shepherd less than half as large; playing the pipes with his crook on his shoulder and a sheep at his feet; were as similar as any two。 She had no doubt what had attracted the Forsaken's smile; though。
       In the center of the circle a red…lacquered wooden stand held a disc as big as a man's hand; divided into halves by a sinuous line; one side gleaming whiter than snow; the other blacker than pitch。 It was made of cuendillar; she knew; she had seen its like; and only seven had ever been made。 One of the seals on the Dark One's prison; a focus for one of the locks that held him away from the world in Shayol Ghul。 This was perhaps as important a discovery as whatever it was that threatened Rand。 This had to be gotten away from the Black Ajah。
       Suddenly she became aware of her reflection。 The top of the case was the finest glass; without bubbles; and gave an image as clear as a mirror; if fainter。 Dark green folds of silk draped her body so they showed every curve of breast and hip and thigh。 Long honey braids full of jade beads framed a face with big brown eyes and a pouting mouth。 The glow of saidar did not show; of course。 Disguised so she did not even know herself; she walked about carrying a painted sign that screamed Aes Sedai。
       〃I can be careful;〃 she muttered。 Yet she held on a moment longer。 The Power filling her was like life bubbling along her limbs; all the pleasures she had ever known seeping through her flesh。 In the end; feeling foolish took enough edge from her anger to allow her to let go。 Or maybe it dulled her anger to where she could no longer hold on。
       Whatever the reason; it did not help her search。 What she was after had to be somewhere in this huge hall among all these displays。 Pulling her eyes away from what looked like the bones of a toothy lizard ten paces long; she closed them。 Need。 Danger to the Dragon Reborn; to Rand。 Need。
       She was standing inside the white silk rope along the walls; the edge of a white stone pedestal touching her dress。 What lay on top did not look very dangerous at first glance … a necklace and two bracelets of jointed black metal … but she could e no closer to anything than this。 Not without sitting on it; she thought wryly。
       She stretched her hand out to touch it … Pain。 Sorrow。 Suffering … and jerked it back; gasping; the raw emotions still echoing in her head。 Even her faint doubts vanished。 This was what the Black Ajah was hunting。 And if it still sat on this pedestal in Tel'aran'rhiod; it sat there in the waking world; too。 She had beaten them。 This white stone pedestal。
       Whirling around; she stared toward the glass case that held the cuendillar seal; located the place she had been standing where she first saw Moghedien。 The woman had been looking at this pedestal; at the bracelets and collar。 Moghedien had to know。 But。。。
       Everything around her spun and blurred; fading。
       〃Wake up; Nynaeve;〃 Elayne muttered; suppressing a yawn as she shook the sleeping woman's shoulders。 〃It has to be an hour by now。 I want some sleep; too。 Wake up; or I'll see how you like your head in a bucket of water。〃
       Nynaeve's eyes popped open; staring up at her。 〃If she knows what it is; why hasn't she given it to them? If they know who she is; why does she have to look at it in Tel'aran'rhiod! Is she hiding from them; too?〃
       〃What are you talking about?〃
       Braids tossing about as she wriggled up to sit with her back against the head of the bed; Nynaeve jerked her silk shift down。 〃I will tell you what I am talking about。〃
       Elayne's mouth fell open as Nynaeve unfolded the tale of what her meeting with Egwene had bee。 Searching with need。 Moghedien。 Birgitte and Gaidal Cain。 The black metal necklace and bracelets。 Asmodean in the Waste。 One of the seals on the Dark One's prison in the Panarch's Palace。 Elayne sank down weakly onto the side of the mattress long before Nynaeve came to Temaile and the Panarch; thrown in almost as an afterthought。 And changing her appearance; masquerading as Rendra。 If Nynaeve's face had not been grimly serious; Elayne could have thought it one of Thom's wilder stories。
       Egeanin; sitting up cross…legged in her linen shift; hands on knees; looked close to disbelieving。 Elayne hoped Nynaeve did not start a row because she had loosed the woman's wrists。
       Moghedien。 That was the most horrifying part。 One of the Forsaken in Tanchico。 One of the Forsaken weaving the Power around the two of them; making them tell her everything。 Elayne could not remember a bit of it。 The thought was enough to press both her hands to a suddenly queasy stomach。 〃I don't know whether Moghedien〃 … Light; could she really have just walked in and made us。。。 ? … 〃is hiding from Liandrin and the others; Nynaeve。 It sounds like what Birgitte〃 … Light; Birgitte giving her advice! … 〃said of her。〃
       〃Whatever Moghedien is up to;〃 Nynaeve said in a tight voice; 〃I mean to pick a bone clean with her。〃 She slumped back against the flower…carved headboard。 〃In any case; we have to get the seal away from them as well as this necklace and bracelets。〃
       Elayne shook her head。 〃How can jewelry be dangerous to Rand? Are you sure? Are they a ter'angreal of some sort? What did they look like exactly?〃
       〃They looked like a necklace and bracelets;〃 Nynaeve snapped in exasperation。 〃Two jointed bracelets made of some black metal; and a wide necklace like a black collar。。。〃 Her eyes darted to Egeanin; but no faster than Elayne's。
       Unperturbed; the dark…haired woman knelt up to sit on her heels。 〃I have never heard of an a'dam made for a man; or any like the one you describe。 No one tries to control a man who can channel。〃
       〃That is exactly what this is for;〃 Elayne said slowly。 Oh; Light; I suppose I was hoping it didn't exist。 At least Nynaeve had found it first; at least they had a chance to stop it being used against Rand。
       Nynaeve's eyes narrowed as she took in Egeanin's free hands; but she did not mention them。 〃Moghedien must be the only one who knows。 It makes no sense; otherwise。 If we can find a way into the palace; we can take the seal and the。。。 whatever it is。 And if we can bring Amathera out as well; Liandrin and her cronies will find the Panarch's Legion and the Civil Watch; and maybe the Whitecloaks; closing in。 They'll not all be able to channel their way out of that! The problem is getting inside undetected。〃
       〃I have had a few thoughts on that;〃 Elayne told her; 
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