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ven days。 Anger … and saidar … surged in her。 〃What are you doing here? I know that you all vanished after the Horn of Valere called you; but you are。。。〃 She trailed off; a trifle flustered at what she had been about to say; but the other woman calmly finished for her。
       〃Dead? Those of us who are bound to the Wheel are not dead as others are dead。 Where better for us to wait until the Wheel weaves us out in new lives than in the World of Dreams?〃 Birgitte laughed suddenly。 〃I begin to talk as if I were a philosopher。 In almost every life I can remember I was born a simple girl who took up the bow。 I am an archer; no more。〃
       〃You're the heroine of a hundred tales;〃 Nynaeve said。 〃And I saw what your arrows did at Falme。 Seanchan channeling did not touch you。 Birgitte; we face near a dozen of the Black Ajah。 And one of the Forsaken as well; it seems。 We could use your help。〃
       The other woman grimaced; embarrassed and regretful。 〃I cannot; Nynaeve。 I cannot touch the world of flesh unless the Horn calls me again。 Or else the Wheel weaves me out。 If it did this moment; you would find only an infant mewling at her mother's breast。 As for Falme; the Horn had called us; we were not there as you were; in the flesh。 That is why the Power could not touch us。 Here; all is part of the dream; and the One Power could destroy me as easily as you。 More easily。 I told you; I am an archer; a sometime soldier; no more。〃 Her plex golden braid swung as she shook her head。 〃I do not know why I am explaining。 I should not even be talking to you。〃
       〃Why not? You've spoken to me before。 And Egwene thought she saw you。 That was you; wasn't it?〃 Nynaeve frowned。 〃How do you know my name? Do you just know things?〃
       〃I know what I see and hear。 I have watched you; and listened; whenever I could find you。 You and the other two women; and the young man with his wolves。 According to the precepts; we may speak to none who know they are in Tel'aran'rhiod。 And yet; evil walks the dream as well as the world of flesh; you who fight it attract me。 Even knowing I can do almost nothing; I find myself wanting to help you。 But I cannot。 It violates the precepts; precepts which have held me for so many turns of the Wheel that in my oldest; faintest memories I know I had already lived a hundred times; or a thousand。 Speaking to you violates precepts as strong as law。〃
       〃It does;〃 said a harsh; male voice。
       Nynaeve jumped and almost lashed out with the Power。 The man was dark and strongly muscled; with the long hilts of two swords thrusting above his shoulders as he strode the few paces from where he had appeared to Birgitte。 With what she had heard from Birgitte; the swords were enough to name him as Gaidal Cain; but where fair; golden…haired Birgitte was as beautiful as in the stories; he was definitely not。 In fact; he was perhaps as ugly a man as Nynaeve had ever seen; his face wide and flat; his heavy nose too big; and his mouth a gash; far too broad。 Birgitte smiled at him; though; her touch on his cheek held more than fondness。 It was a surprise to see he was the shorter。 Stocky and muscled as he was; powerful in his movements; he gave the impression of being taller than he was。
       〃We have almost always been linked;〃 Birgitte told Nynaeve without taking her eyes from Cain's。 〃He is usually born well before me … so I know my time approaches again when I cannot find him … and I usually hate him at first sight in the flesh。 But we nearly always end lovers or wed。 A simple story; but I think we have spun it out in a thousand variations。〃
       Cain ignored Nynaeve as though she did not exist。 〃The precepts exist for a reason; Birgitte。 Nothing but strife and trouble has ever e from breaking them。〃 His voice was indeed harsh; Nynaeve realized。 Not at all like that of the man in the stories。
       〃Perhaps I cannot sit by while evil fights;〃 Birgitte said quietly。 〃Or perhaps I simply hunger for the flesh again。 It has been long since we were born last。 The Shadow rises again; Gaidal。 It rises here。 We must fight it。 That is the reason we were bound to the Wheel。〃
       〃When the Horn calls us; we will fight。 When the Wheel weaves us; we will fight。 Not until then!〃 He glowered at her。 〃Have you forgotten what Moghedien promised you when we followed Lews Therin? I saw her; Birgitte。 She will know you here。〃
       Birgitte turned to Nynaeve。 〃I will aid you as I can; but do not expect too much。 Tel'aran'rhiod is the whole of my world; and I can do less here than you。〃
       Nynaeve blinked; the dark; heavy man had not moved that she had seen; but he suddenly stood two paces away; drawing a honing stone along one of his swords with a soft; silky rasp。 Plainly; as far as he was concerned; Birgitte was speaking to the air。
       〃What can you tell of Moghedien; Birgitte? I must know what I can; to face her。〃
       Leaning on her bow; Birgitte frowned thoughtfully。 〃Facing Moghedien is difficult; and not only because she is Forsaken。 She hides and takes no risks。 She attacks only where she sees weakness; and moves only in shadows。 If she fears defeat; she will run; she is not one to fight to the last; even when doing so has the chance of victory。 A chance is not enough for Moghedien。 But do not take her lightly。 She is a serpent coiled in high grass; waiting her own moment to strike; with less passion than the snake。 Especially here do not take her lightly。 Lanfear always claimed Tel'aran'rhiod for her own; but Moghedien could do things here far beyond Lanfear; though she has not Lanfear's strength in the world of flesh。 I think she would not take the risk of confronting Lanfear。〃
       Nynaeve shivered; fear warring with the anger that let her contain the Power。 Moghedien。 Lanfear。 This woman spoke so casually of the Forsaken。 〃Birgitte; what did Moghedien promise you?〃
       〃She knew what I was; even though I did not。 How; I do not know。〃 Birgitte glanced at Cain; he appeared absorbed in his sword; but she lowered her voice anyway。 〃She promised to make me weep alone for as long as the Wheel turns。 She said it as a fact that simply had not happened yet。〃
       〃And yet you are willing to help。〃
       〃As I can; Nynaeve。 Remember that I told you not to expect too much。〃 Once more she looked at the man sharpening his sword。 〃We will meet again; Nynaeve。 If you are careful; and survive。〃 Hefting her silver bow; she went to put an arm around Cain's shoulders and murmur in his ear。 Whatever she said; Cain was laughing as they vanished。
       Nynaeve shook her head。 Careful。 Everybody was telling her to be careful。 A legendary hero who said she would help; only there was not much she could do。 And one of the Forsaken in Tanchico。
       The thought of Moghedien; of what the woman had done to her; strengthened her anger until the One Power pulsed in her like the sun。 Abruptly she was back in the great hall where she had been standing before; almost hoping the woman had returned。 But the hall was empty of life except for herself。 Fury and the Power roared through her till she thought her skin would crisp and blacken。 Moghedien; or any of the Black sisters; could sense her far more easily holding the Power
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