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and the need is for water at the new hold。 If no location with water is known; one of us may be called to find one。 The key then is the need for a proper valley or canyon; not too far from the first; with water。 Concentrating on that need will bring you near to what you want。 Concentrating on the need again will bring you closer。 Each step brings you nearer; until at last you are not only in the valley; but standing beside where water is to be found。 It may be harder for you; because you do not know exactly what you are seeking; though the depth of need may make up for it。 And you know already in a rough fashion where it lies; in this palace。
       〃The danger is this; and you must be aware of it。〃 The Wise One leaned toward her intently; driving her words home with a tone as sharp as her gaze。 〃Each step is made blind; with eyes closed。 You cannot know where you will be when you open your eyes。 And finding the water does no good if you are standing in a den of vipers。 The fangs of a mountain king kill as quickly in the dream as waking。 I think these women Egwene speaks of will kill more quickly than the snake。〃
       〃I did that;〃 Egwene exclaimed。 Nynaeve felt her jump as the Aiel women's eyes went to her。 〃Before I met you;〃 she said hastily。 〃Before we went to Tear。〃
       Need。 Nynaeve felt warmer toward the Aiel women now that one of them had given her something she could use。 〃You must keep a close eye on Egwene;〃 she told them; hugging the younger woman to show she meant it fondly。 〃You are right; Bair。 She will try to do more than she knows how。 She has always been that way。〃 For some reason Bair arched a white eyebrow at her。
       〃I do not find her so;〃 Amys said in a dry voice。 〃She is a biddable student; now。 Is that not so; Egwene?〃
       Egwene's mouth set in a stubborn line。 These Wise Ones did not know her well if they believed a Two Rivers woman would call herself biddable。 On the other hand; she did not say anything。 That was unexpected。 As hard a lot as Aes Sedai; it appeared; these Aiel women。
       Her hour was slipping away; and impatience bubbled to try this method now; if Elayne woke her; it might take hours to get back to sleep。 〃In seven days;〃 she said; 〃one of us will meet you here again。〃
       Egwene nodded。 〃In seven days; Rand will have shown himself to the clan chiefs as He Who es With the Dawn; and the Aiel will all be behind him。〃 The Wise Ones' eyes shifted slightly; and Amys adjusted her shawl; Egwene did not see it。 〃The Light knows what he means to do then。〃
       〃In seven days;〃 Nynaeve said; 〃Elayne and I will have taken whatever Liandrin is hunting away from the lot of them。〃 Or else; very likely; the Black Ajah would have it。 So the Wise Ones were not more certain the Aiel would follow Rand than Egwene was of his plans。 No certainty anywhere。 But no point in burdening Egwene with more doubts; either。 〃When one of us sees you next; we'll have laid them by the heels and stuffed them all in sacks to cart to the Tower for trial。〃
       〃Try to be careful; Nynaeve。 I know you don't know how to; but try anyway。 Tell Elayne I said so; too。 She isn't as。。。 bold。。。 as you are; but she can e close。〃 Amys and Bair each laid a hand on Egwene's shoulder; and they were gone。 Try to be careful? Fool girl。 She was always careful。 What had Egwene been about to say rather than bold? Nynaeve folded her arms tightly in lieu of pulling her braid。 Maybe better she did not know。
       She realized she had not told Egwene about Egeanin。 Perhaps best not to stir up Egwene's memories of her captivity。 Nynaeve could remember all too well the other woman's nightmares for weeks after she was freed; waking up screaming that she would not be chained。 Much the best to let it lie。 It was not as if Egwene need ever meet the Seanchan woman。 Burn that woman! Burn Egeanin to ash! Burn her!
       〃This is not using my time wisely;〃 she said aloud。 The words echoed through the tall columns。 With the other women gone; they looked even more foreboding than before; more a hiding place for unseen watchers and things that jumped out at you。 Time to be away。
       First; though; she changed her hair to a tassel of long narrow braids; her dress to clinging folds of dark green silk。 A transparent veil covered her mouth and nose; fluttering slightly when she breathed。 With a grimace she added beads of green jade woven into the thin plaits。 Should any of the Black sisters be using their stolen ter'angreal to enter the World of Dreams and see her in the Panarch's Palace; they would think her only a Taraboner woman who had dreamed herself there in more ordinary fashion。 Some knew her by sight; though。 Lifting a handful of bead…strung braids; she smiled。 Pale honey。 She had not realized that was possible。 I wonder what I look like。 Could they still know me?
       Suddenly a tall stand…mirror stood beside Callandor; In the glass; her big brown eyes widened in shock; her rosebud of a mouth fell open。 She had Rendra's face! Her features flickered back and forth; eyes and hair flashing darker then lighter; straining; she settled them as the innkeeper's。 No one would know her now。 And Egwene thought she did not know how to be careful。
       Closing her eyes; she concentrated on Tanchico; on the Panarch's Palace; on need。 Something dangerous to Rand; to the Dragon Reborn; need。。。 Around her; Tel'aran'rhiod shifted; she felt it; a sliding lurch; and opened her eyes eagerly to see what she had found。
       It was a bedchamber; as big as any six at the Three Plum Court; the white plaster walls worked in painted friezes; golden lamps hanging from the ceiling by gilded chains。 The tall posts of the bed spread carved limbs and leaves in a canopy above the mattresses。 A woman well short of her middle years stood stiffly with her back to one of the posts at the foot of the bed; she was really quite lovely; in that pouty…mouthed way that Nynaeve herself had adopted。 Atop her dark braids sat a crown of golden trefoil leaves among rubies and pearls with a moonstone larger than a goose egg; and around her neck hung a broad stole; dangling to her knees and embroidered along its length with trees。 Aside from crown and stole she wore only a glistening coat of sweat。
       Her tremulous eyes were fixed on the woman lying at her ease on a low couch。 The second woman's back was to Nynaeve; as misty as Egwene had been earlier。 She was short and slight; dark hair flowing loose to her shoulders; wide…skirted gown of pale yellow silk definitely not Taraboner。 Nynaeve did not have to see her face to know it had large blue eyes and a foxlike shape; or see the bonds of Air holding the woman against the bedpost to know she was looking at Temaile Kinderode。
       〃。。。learn so much when you use your dreams instead of wasting sleep;〃 Temaile was saying with a Cairhienin accent; laughing。 〃Are you not enjoying yourself? What shall I teach you next? I know。 'I Have Loved a Thousand Sailor Men。' 〃 She waggled an admonishing finger。 〃Be sure you learn all the words properly; Amathera。 You know I would not want to … What are you gaping at?〃
       Abruptly Nynaeve realized the woman against the bedpost … Amathera? The Panarch? … was staring 
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