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 other men's bloody memories。 Maybe the peddlers would be ready to leave after this。
       When he stopped by the wagons; though; neither Keille nor Kadere was anywhere to be seen。 The drivers were all clumped together; hastily passing around jars of something that smelled like the good brandy they had been selling; muttering and as agitated as if the Trollocs had actually e within smelling distance of them。 Isendre stood at the top of the steps to Kadere's wagon; frowning at nothing。 Even with her brows furrowed she was beautiful behind that misty scarf。 He was glad that at least his memories of women were his own。
       〃The Trollocs are done;〃 he told her; leaning on his spear so she would be sure to notice it。 No point risking having my skull split without getting a little good out of it。 No effort at all was needed to sound tired。 〃A hard fight; but you're safe; now。〃
       She stared down at him; face expressionless; eyes glittering in the moonlight like dark; polished stone。 Without a word she turned and went inside; slamming the door。 Hard。
       Mat expelled a long; disgusted breath and stalked away from the wagons。 What did it take to impress the woman? Bed was what he wanted。 Back in his blankets; and let Rand deal with Trollocs and bloody Draghkar。 The man seemed to enjoy it。 Laughing like that。
       Rand was ing up the canyon now; the glow of that sword like lamplight around him in the night。 Aviendha appeared; running to meet him with her skirts pulled up above her knees; then stopped。 Letting her skirts fall; she smoothed them and fell in beside Rand; lifting her shawl around her head。 He seemed not to see her; and her face was blank as stone。 They deserved each other。
       〃Rand;〃 a hurrying shadow called with Moiraine's voice; nearly as melodious as Keille's; but a cool music。 Rand turned; waiting; and she slowed before she could be seen clearly; entering the light regally enough for any palace。 〃Matters grow more dangerous; Rand。 The attack at Imre Stand could have been aimed at the Aiel … not likely; yet it could have been … but tonight the Draghkar were surely aimed at you。〃
       〃I know。〃 Just like that。 As calm as she and even colder。
       Moiraine's lips pressed; and her hands were too still on her skirts; she was not best pleased。 〃Prophecy is most dangerous when you try to make it happen。 Did you not learn that in Tear? The Pattern weaves itself around you; but when you try to weave it; even you cannot hold it。 Force the Pattern too tight; and pressure builds。 It can explode wildly in every direction。 Who can say how long before it settles to focus on you again; or what will happen before it does?〃
       〃As clear as most of your explanations;〃 Rand said dryly。 〃What do you want; Moiraine? It is late; and I am tired。〃
       〃I want you to confide in me。 Do you think you have already learned all there is to know; little more than a year out of your village?〃
       〃No; I haven't learned everything yet。〃 Now he sounded amused; sometimes Mat was not sure he was still as sane as he looked。 〃You want me to confide in you; Moiraine? All right。 Your Three Oaths won't let you lie。 Say plainly that whatever I tell you; you won't try to stop me; won't hinder me in any way。 Say you won't try to use me for the Tower's ends。 Say it plain and straight so I know it's true。〃
       〃I will do nothing to hinder you fulfilling your destiny。 I have devoted my life to that。 But I will not promise to watch while you lay your head on a chopping block。〃
       〃Not good enough; Moiraine。 Not good enough。 But if I could confide in you; I'd still not do it here。 The night has ears。〃 There were people moving all around in the darkness; but none close enough to hear。 〃Even dreams have ears。〃 Aviendha tugged her shawl forward to shadow her face; even an Aiel could feel the cold; apparently。
       Rhuarc stepped into the light; black veil hanging loose。 〃The Trollocs were only a diversion for the Draghkar; Rand al'Thor。 Too few to be else。 Draghkar meant for you; I think。 Leafblighter does not want you to live。〃
       〃The danger grows;〃 Moiraine said quietly。
       The clan chief glanced at her before going on。 〃Moiraine Sedai is right。 Since the Draghkar failed; I fear we can expect the Soulless next; what you call Gray Men。 I want to put spears around you at all times。 For some reason; the Maidens have volunteered for this task。〃
       The cold was getting to Aviendha。 Shoulders hunched; she had her hands shoved into her armpits as far they would go。
       〃If they wish it;〃 Rand said。 He sounded a touch unfortable under all that ice。 Mat did not blame him; he would not have put himself in the Maidens' hands again for all the silk on Sea Folk ships。
       〃They will watch better than anyone else;〃 Rhuarc said; 〃having asked for the task。 I do not mean to leave it to them alone; however。 I will have everyone on guard。 I believe it will be the Soulless next time; but that does not mean it cannot be something else。 Ten thousand Trollocs instead of a few hundred。〃
       〃What about the Shaido?〃 Mat wished he had not cracked his teeth when they all looked at him。 Maybe they had not even realized he was there until then。 Still; he might as well say it。 〃I know you don't like them; but if you think there's really any chance of a bigger attack; wouldn't it be better to have them in here than outside?〃
       Rhuarc grunted; from him; that equaled a curse from most men。 〃I would not bring near a thousand Shaido inside Cold Rocks if Grassburner were ing。 I could not in any case。 Couladin and the Shaido folded their tents at nightfall。 We are well rid of them。 I sent runners to make sure they leave Taardad land without taking a few goats or sheep with them。〃
       That sword vanished from Rand's hand; the abrupt absence of its light like blindness。 Mat squeezed his eyes shut to help them adapt; but when he opened them again; the moonlight still seemed dark。
       〃Which way did they go?〃 Rand asked。
       〃North;〃 Rhuarc told him。 〃No doubt Couladin means to meet Sevanna on her way to Alcair Dal; to influence her against you。 He may succeed。 The only reason she laid her bridal wreath at Suladric's feet instead of his was that she meant to wed a clan chief。 But I told you to expect trouble from her。 Sevanna delights in causing trouble。 It should not matter。 If the Shaido will not follow you; they are small loss。〃
       〃I mean to go to Alcair Dal;〃 Rand said firmly。 〃Now。 I will apologize to any chief who feels dishonored by ing late; but I'll not let Couladin be there any longer before me than I can manage。 He won't stop at turning Sevanna against me; Rhuarc。 I cannot afford to hand him a month for it。〃
       After a moment; Rhuarc said; 〃Perhaps you are right。 You bring change; Rand al'Thor。 At sunrise; then。 I will choose out ten Red Shields for my honor; and the Maidens will provide yours。〃
       〃I mean to be leaving when first light hits the sky; Rhuarc。 With every hand that can carry a spear or draw a bow。〃
       〃Custom …〃
       〃There are no customs to cover me; Rhuarc。〃 You could have cracked rocks with Rand's voice; or put a skim of ice on wine。 〃I have to make new customs。〃
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