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Men and women going about the tasks of their lives; not really that different from the things they might have done in Emond's Field; whether sweeping in front of a door or mending a wall。 The children hardly gave him a glance; for all his red coat and thick…soled boots; and the gai'shain were so self…effacing it was difficult to say whether they noticed him or not。 But craftsmen or fighters; men or women; the adults looked at him with an air of speculation; an edge of uncertain anticipation。
       Very young boys ran barefoot in robes much like those of the gai'shain; but in the grayish…brown of the cadin'sor; not white。 The youngest girls darted about on bare feet; too; in short dresses that sometimes failed to cover their knees。 One thing about the girls caught his eye; up to perhaps twelve or so; they wore their hair in two braids; one over each ear; plaited with brightly colored ribbons。 Just the way Egwene had worn hers。 It had to be coincidence。 Likely the reason she had stopped was that one of the Aiel woman had told her that was how young Aiel girls wore their hair。 A foolish thing to be thinking about anyway。 Right now he had one woman to deal with。 Aviendha。
       On the canyon floor; the peddlers were doing a brisk trade with the Aiel crowding around the canvas…topped wagons。 At least the drivers were; and Keille; a blue lace shawl on her ivory bs today; was bargaining hard in a loud voice。 Kadere sat on an upturned barrel in the shade of his white wagon in a cream…colored coat; mopping his face; making no effort to sell anything。 He eyed Rand and made as if to rise before sinking back。 Isendre was nowhere to be seen; but to Rand's surprise; Natael was; his patch…covered cloak attracting a flock of following children; and some adults。 Apparently the attraction of a new and larger audience had pulled him away from the Shaido。 Or maybe Keille just did not want him out of her sight。 Engrossed in her trading as she was; she found time to frown at the gleeman often。
       Rand avoided the wagons。 Questions asked of Aiel told him where the Jindo had gone; each to the roof of his or her society here at Cold Rocks。 The Roof of the Maidens lay halfway up the still brightly lit east wall of the canyon; a garden…topped rectangle of grayish stone doubtless larger inside than it looked。 Not that he saw the inside。 A pair of Maidens squatting beside the door with spears and bucklers refused him entrance; amused and scandalized that a man wanted to enter; but one agreed to carry his request in。
       A few minutes later the Jindo and Nine Valleys Maidens who had gone to the Stone came out。 And all the other Maidens of Nine Valleys sept in Cold Rocks; too; crowding the path to either side and climbing up on the roof among the rows of vegetables to watch; grinning as if they expected entertainment。 Gai'shain; male as well as female; followed to serve them small cups of dark…brewed tea; whatever rule kept men outside the Roof of the Maidens apparently did not apply to gai'shain。
       After he had examined several offerings; Adelin; the yellow…haired Jindo woman with the thin scar on her cheek; produced a wide bracelet of ivory heavily carved with roses。 He thought it should suit Aviendha; whoever made it had carefully shown thorns among the blossoms。
       Adelin was tall even for an Aiel woman; only a hand too short to look him the eyes。 When she heard why he wanted it … almost why; he just said it was a present for Aviendha's teachings; not a sop to soothe the woman's temper so he could stand to be near her … Adelin looked around at the other Maidens。 They had all stopped grinning; their faces expressionless。 〃I will take no price for this; Rand al'Thor;〃 she said; putting the bracelet in his hand。
       〃Is this wrong?〃 he asked。 How would Aiel see it? 〃I don't want to dishonor Aviendha in any way。〃
       〃It will not dishonor her。〃 She beckoned a gai'shain woman carrying pottery cups and pitcher on a silver tray。 Pouring two cups; she handed one to him。 〃Remember honor;〃 she said; sipping from his cup。
       Aviendha had never mentioned anything like this。 Uncertain; he took a sip of bitter tea and repeated; 〃Remember honor。〃 It seemed the safest thing to say。 To his surprise; she kissed him lightly on each cheek。
       An older Maiden; gray…haired but still hard…faced; appeared in front of him。 〃Remember honor;〃 she said; and sipped。
       He had to repeat the ritual with every Maiden there; finally just touching the cup to his lips。 Aiel ceremonies might be short and to the point; but when you had to repeat one with seventy…odd women; even sips could fill you up。 Shadows were climbing the east side of the canyon by the time he escaped。
       He found Aviendha near Lian's house; vigorously beating a blue…striped carpet hung on a line; more piled beside her in a heap of colors。 Brushing sweat…damp strands of hair from her forehead; she stared at him expressionlessly when he handed her the bracelet and told her it was a gift in return for her teaching。
       〃I have given bracelets and necklaces to friends who did not carry the spear; Rand al'Thor; but I have never worn one。〃 Her voice was perfectly flat。 〃Such things rattle and make noise to give you away when you must be silent。 They catch when you must move quickly。〃
       〃But you can wear it now that you are going to be a Wise One。〃
       〃Yes。〃 She turned the ivory circle over as if unsure what to do with it; then abruptly thrust her hand through it and held her wrist up to stare at it。 She could have been looking at an manacle。
       〃If you do not like it。。。 Aviendha; Adelin said it would not touch your honor。 She even seemed to approve。〃 He mentioned the tea…sipping ceremony; and she squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered。 〃What is wrong?〃
       〃They think you are trying to attract my interest。〃 He would not have believed her voice could be so flat。 Her eyes held no emotion at all。 〃They have approved of you; as if I still carried the spear。〃
       〃Light! Simple enough to set them straight。 I don't …〃 He cut off as her eyes blazed up。
       〃No! You accepted their approval; and now you would reject it? That would dishonor me! Do you think you are the first man to try to catch my eye? They must think as they think; now。 It means nothing。〃 Grimacing; she gripped the woven carpet beater with both hands。 〃Go away。〃 With a glance at the bracelet; she added; 〃You truly know nothing; do you? You know nothing。 It is not your fault。〃 She seemed to be repeating something she had been told; or trying to convince herself。 〃I am sorry if I ruined your meal; Rand al'Thor。 Please go。 Amys says I must clean all of these rugs and carpets no matter how long it takes。 It will take all night; if you stand here talking。〃 Turning her back to him; she thwacked the striped carpet violently; the ivory bracelet jumping on her wrist。
       He did not know whether the apology sprang from his gift or an order from Amys … he suspected the latter … yet she actually sounded as if she meant it。 She was certainly not pleased … judging by the sharp grunt of effort that acpanied every full…armed swing of the beater … but she had not looked hateful once。 Upset; appalled; 
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