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ut of their beds because what had happened to him had happened to them; too。 If that were the case; they would be out of the Stone altogether; and likely still running。 But why had he been a target; singled out; as it seemed? He was not looking forward to confronting Rand; but he had to know。 Faile had to stretch her stride to keep up with him。
       For all its splendor; all the gold and fine carving and inlays; the interior of the Stone had been designed for war as much as its exterior had been。 Murderholes dotted the ceiling wherever corridors crossed。 Never used arrowslits peeked into the halls at places where they might cover an entire hallway。 He and Faile climbed narrow; curving staircase after narrow; curving staircase; all built into the walls or else enclosed; with more arrowslits looking down on the corridor below。 None of this design had hampered the Aiel; of course; the first enemy ever to get beyond the outer wall。
       As they trotted up one of the winding stairs … Perrin did not realize they were trotting; though he would have been moving faster if not for Faile on his arm … he caught a whiff of old sweat and a hint of sickly…sweet perfume; but they registered only in the back of his brain。 He was caught up in what he was going to say to Rand。 Why did you try to kill me? Are you going mad already? There was no easy way to ask; and he did not expect easy answers。
       Stepping out into a shadowed corridor nearly at the top of the Stone; he found himself staring at the backs of a High Lord and two of the nobleman's personal guards。 Only the Defenders were allowed to wear armor inside the Stone; but these three had swords at their hips。 That was not unusual; of course; but their presence here; on this floor; in the shadows; staring intently at the bright light at the far end of the hall; that was not usual at all。 That light came from the anteroom in front of the chambers Rand had been given。 Or taken。 Or maybe been pushed into by Moiraine。
       Perrin and Faile had made no effort to be quiet in climbing the stairs; but the three men were so intent in their watching that none of them noticed the new arrivals at first。 Then one of the blue…coated bodyguards twisted his head as if working a cramp in his neck; his mouth dropped open when he saw them。 Biting off an oath; the fellow whirled to face Perrin; baring a good hand of his sword blade。 The other was only a heartbeat slower。 Both stood tensed; ready; but their eyes shifted uneasily; sliding off Perrin's。 They gave off a sour smell of fear。 So did the High Lord; though he had his fear tightly reined。
       The High Lord Torean; white streaking his dark; pointed beard; moved languidly; as if at a ball。 Pulling a too sweetly scented handkerchief from his sleeve; he dabbed at a knobby nose that appeared not at all large when pared with his ears。 A fine silk coat with red satin cuffs only exaggerated the plainness of his face。 He eyed Perrin's shirtsleeves and dabbed his nose again before inclining his head slightly。 〃The Light illumine you;〃 he said politely。 His glance touched Perrin's yellow stare and flinched away; though his expression did not change。 〃You are well; I trust?〃 Perhaps too politely。
       Perrin did not really care for the man's tone; but the way Torean looked Faile up and down; with a sort of casual interest; clenched his fists。 He managed to keep his voice level; though。 〃The Light illumine you; High Lord Torean。 I am glad to see you helping keep watch over the Lord Dragon。 Some men in your place might resent him being here。〃
       Torean's thin eyebrows twitched。 〃Prophecy has been fulfilled; and Tear has fulfilled its place in that prophecy。 Perhaps the Dragon Reborn will lead Tear to a still greater destiny。 What man could resent that? But it is late。 A good night to you。〃 He eyed Faile again; pursing his lips; and walked off down the hall just a bit too briskly; away from the anteroom's lights。 His bodyguards heeled him like well…trained dogs。
       〃There was no need for you to be uncivil;〃 Faile said in a tight voice when the High Lord was out of hearing。 〃You sounded as if your tongue were frozen iron。 If you do intend to remain here; you had better learn to get on with the lords。〃
       〃He was looking at you as if he wanted to dandle you on his knee。 And I do not mean like a father。〃
       She sniffed dismissively。 〃He is not the first man ever to look at me。 If he found the nerve to try more; I could put him in his place with a frown and a glance。 I do not need you to speak for me; Perrin Aybara。〃 Still; she did not sound entirely displeased。
       Scratching his beard; he peered after Torean; watching the High Lord and his guards vanish around a distant corner。 He wondered how the Taken lords managed without sweating to death。 〃Did you notice; Faile? His heel…hounds did not take their hands off their swords until he was ten paces clear of us。〃
       She frowned at him; then down the hall after the three; and nodded slowly。 〃You're right。 But I do not understand。 They do not bow and scrape the way they do for him; but everyone walks as warily around you and Mat as they do around the Aes Sedai。〃
       〃Maybe being a friend of the Dragon Reborn isn't as much protection as it used to be。〃
       She did not suggest leaving again; not in words; but her eyes were full of it。 He was more successful in ignoring the unspoken suggestion than he had been with the spoken。
       Before they reached the end of the hallway; Berelain came hurrying out of the bright lights of the anteroom; clutching a thin white robe tightly around her with both arms。 If the First of Mayene had been walking any faster; she would have been running。
       To show Faile he could be as civil as she could possibly wish; Perrin swept a bow that he wagered even Mat could not have bettered。 By contrast; Faile's curtsy was the barest nod of her head; the merest bending of a knee。 He hardly noticed。 As Berelain rushed past them without a glance; the smell of fear; rank and raw as a festering wound; made his nostrils twitch。 Beside this; Torean's fear was nothing。 This was mad panic tied with a frayed rope。 He straightened slowly; staring after her。
       〃Filling your eyes?〃 Faile asked softly。
       Intent on Berelain; wondering what had driven her so near the brink; he spoke without thinking。 〃She smelled of …〃
       Far down the corridor; Torean suddenly stepped out of a side hallway to seize Berelain's arm。 He was talking a torrent; but Perrin could not make out more than a handful of scattered words; something about her overstepping herself in her pride; and something else that seemed to be Torean offering her his protection。 Her reply was short; sharp; and even more inaudible; delivered with lifted chin。 Pulling herself free roughly; the First of Mayene walked away; back straight and seemingly more in mand of herself。 On the point of following; Torean saw Perrin watching。 Dabbing at his nose with his handkerchief; the High Lord vanished back into the crossing corridor。
       〃I do not care if she smelled of the Essence of Dawn;〃 Faile said darkly。 〃That one is not interested in hunting a bear; however fine his hide would look stretch
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