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each sept chief; as well。 Added together; it meant perhaps a thousand from each clan。 Twelve clans。 Twelve thousand men and Maidens; eventually; all tied up in their strange honor and ready to dance the spears if a cat sneezed。 Maybe more; because of the fair。 He looked up。 〃They have a feud; don't they?〃 Rhuarc and Lan both nodded。 〃I know you said that something like the Peace of Rhuidean holds at Alcair Dal; Rhuarc; but I saw how far that Peace held Couladin and the Shaido。 Maybe I had better go right away。 If the Goshien and the Shaarad start fighting。。。 A thing like that could spread。 I want all the Aiel behind me; Rhuarc。〃
       〃The Goshien are not Shaido;〃 Melaine said sharply; shaking her red…gold mane like a lioness。
       〃Nor are the Shaarad。〃 Bair's reedy voice was thinner than that of the younger woman; but no less definite。 〃Jheran and Bael may try to kill one another; before they return to their holds; but not at Alcair Dal。〃
       〃None of which answers Rand al'Thor's question;〃 Rhuarc said。 〃If you go to Alcair Dal before all of the chiefs arrive; those who have not e yet will lose honor。 It is not a good way to announce that you are Car'a'carn; dishonoring men you will call to follow you。 The Nakai have furthest to e。 A month; and all will be at Alcair Dal。〃
       〃Less;〃 Seana said with a brisk shake of her head。 〃I have walked Alsera's dreams twice; and she says Bruan means to run all the way from Shiagi Hold。 Less than a month。〃
       〃A month before you leave; to be sure;〃 Rhuarc told Rand。 〃Then three days to Alcair Dal。 Perhaps four。 All will be there then。〃
       A month。 He rubbed his chin。 Too long。 Too long; and no choice。 In stories; things always happened as the hero planned; seemingly when he wanted them to happen。 In real life it rarely occurred that way; even for a ta'veren with prophecy supposedly working for him。 In real life it was scratch and hope; and luck if you found more than half a loaf where you needed a whole。 Yet a part of his plan was following the path he had hoped for。 The most dangerous part。
       Moiraine; stretched out between Lan and Amys; sipped her wine lazily; eyes lidded as if sleepy。 He did not believe it。 She saw everything; heard everything。 But he had nothing to say now that she should not hear。 〃How many will resist; Rhuarc? Or oppose me? You have hinted; but you've never said for sure。〃
       〃I cannot be sure in it;〃 the clan chief replied around his pipestem。 〃When you show the Dragons; they will know you。 There is no way to imitate the Dragons of Rhuidean。〃 Had Moiraine's eyes flickered? 〃You are the one prophesied。 I will support you; and Bruan certainly; and Dhearic; of the Reyn Aiel。 The others。。。? Sevanna; Suladric's wife; will bring the Shaido since the clan has no chief。 She is young to be roofmistress of a hold; doubtless displeased she will have only one roof and not an entire hold when someone is chosen to replace Suladric。 And Sevanna is as wily and untrustworthy as any Shaido ever born。 But even if she makes no trouble; you know that Couladin will; he acts the clan chief; and some Shaido may follow him without his entering Rhuidean。 Shaido are fools enough for that。 Han; of the Tomanelle; may move in any direction。 He is a prickly man; hard to know and difficult to deal with; and …〃
       He cut off as Lian murmured softly; 〃Is there any other kind?〃 Rand did not think the clan chief had been meant to hear。 Amys hid a smile behind her hand; her sister…wife buried her face innocently in her winecup。
       〃As I was saying;〃 Rhuarc said; frowning resignedly from one of his wives to the other; 〃it is not a thing I can be sure of。 Most will follow you。 Perhaps all。 Perhaps even the Shaido。 We have waited three thousand years for the man who bears two Dragons。 When you show your arms; none will doubt you are the one sent to unite us。〃 And break them; but he did not mention that。 〃The question is how they will decide to react。〃 He tapped his teeth with his pipestem for a moment。 〃You will not change your mind and don the cadin'sor?〃
       〃And show them what; Rhuarc? A pretend Aiel? As well dress Mat for Aiel。〃 Mat choked on his pipe。 〃I will not pretend。 I am what I am; they must take me as I am。〃 Rand raised his fists; coatsleeves falling enough to uncover the golden…maned heads on the backs of his wrists。 〃These prove me。 If they aren't enough; then nothing is。〃
       〃Where do you mean to 'lead the spears to war once more'?〃 Moiraine asked suddenly; and Mat choked again; snatching the pipe out of his mouth and staring at her。 Her dark eyes were not lidded any longer。
       Rand's fists tightened convulsively; till his knuckles cracked。 Trying to be clever with her was dangerous; he should have learned that long since。 She remembered every word that she heard; filed it away; sorted and examined until she knew just what it meant。
       He got to his feet slowly。 They were all watching him。 Egwene frowned even more worriedly than Mat; but the Aiel just watched。 Talk of war did not upset them。 Rhuarc looked … ready。 And Moiraine's face was all frozen calm。
       〃If you will excuse me;〃 he said; 〃I am going to walk around awhile。〃
       Aviendha rose to her knees; and Egwene stood; but neither followed him。

Chapter 50
(Crescent Moon and Stars)

       Outside; on the stone…paved path between the yellow…brick house and the terraced vegetable garden; Rand stood staring down the canyon; not seeing much beyond afternoon shadows creeping across the canyon floor。 If only he could trust Moiraine not to hand him to the Tower on a leash; he had no doubt she could do it; without using the Power once; if he gave her an inch。 The woman could manipulate a bull through a mouse hole without ever letting it know。 He could use her。 Light; I'm as bad as she is。 Use the Aiel。 Use Moiraine。 If only I could trust her。
       He headed toward the mouth of the canyon; slanting down whenever he found a footpath leading that way。 They were all narrow; paved with small stones; some of the steeper carved in steps。 Hammers ringing in several smithies echoed faintly。 Not all of the buildings were houses。 Through one open door he saw several women working looms; arid another showed a silversmith putting up her small hammers and gouges; a third a man at a potter's wheel; his hands in the clay and the brick kilns hot behind him。 Men and boys; except the youngest; all wore the cadin'sor; the coat and breeches in grays and browns; but there were often subtle differences between warriors and craftsmen; a smaller belt knife or none at all; perhaps a shoufa with no black veil attached。 Yet watching a blacksmith heft a spear he had just given a foot…long point; Rand had no doubt the man could use the weapon as readily as make it。
       The paths were not crowded; but there were plenty of people about。 Children laughed; running and playing; the smaller girls almost as likely to be carrying pretend spears as dolls。 Gai'shain carried tall clay jars of water on their heads; or weeded in the gardens; often under the direction of a child of ten or twelve。 Men and women going about the tasks of their lives; not really that different from the things they m
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