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 yellow…tasseled sprouts? He had been too long a farmer not to wonder。
       Rhuarc and Heirn slowed; and so did Couladin; but only to a quick walk; thrusting their spears through the bow…case harnesses on their backs。 Amys ran on ahead; laughing like a girl; while the men continued their steady advance along the crowd…lined canyon floor; the cries of the hold's women vibrating in the air and nearly overshadowing the clanging of pots。 Rand followed; as Aviendha had told him to。 Mat looked as if he wanted to turn around and ride right back out again。
       At the far end of the canyon; the wall leaned inward; making a deep; dark pocket。 The sun never reached to the back of it; so Aviendha had said; and the rocks there; always cool; gave the hold its name。 In front of the shadows; Amys stood with another woman atop a wide gray boulder; its top smoothed for a platform。
       The second woman; slender in her bulky skirts; scarf…bound yellow hair spilling below her waist and touched with white from her temples; appeared older than Amys though certainly more than handsome; with a few fine wrinkles at the corners of her gray eyes。 She was dressed the same as Amys; a plain brown shawl over her shoulders; her necklaces and bracelets of gold and carved ivory no finer or richer; but this was Lian; the roofmistress of Cold Rocks Hold。
       The wavering; high…pitched cries dwindled away to nothing as Rhuarc halted before the boulder; a step closer than Heirn and Couladin。 〃I ask leave enter your hold; roofmistress;〃 he announced in a loud; carrying tone。
       〃You have my leave; clan chief;〃 the yellow…haired woman replied formally; and just as loudly。 Smiling; she added in a much warmer voice; 〃Shade of my heart; you will always have my leave。〃
       〃I give thanks; roofmistress of my heart。〃 That did not sound particularly formal; either。
       Heirn stepped forward。 〃Roofmistress; I ask leave to e beneath your roof。〃
       〃You have my leave; Heirn;〃 Lian told the stocky man。 〃Beneath my roof; there is water and shade for you。 The Jindo sept is always wele here。〃
       〃I give thanks; roofmistress。〃 Heirn clapped Rhuarc on the shoulder and left to rejoin his people; Aiel ceremony was short; it seemed; and to the point。
       Swaggering; Couladin joined Rhuarc; 〃I ask leave to enter your hold; roofmistress。〃
       Lian blinked; frowning at him。 A murmur rose behind Rand; an astonished buzz from hundreds of throats。 A sudden feel of danger hung in the air。 Mat certainly felt it; too; fingering his spear and half…turning to see what the mass of Aiel was doing。
       〃What is the matter?〃 Rand asked quietly over his shoulder。 〃Why doesn't she say something?〃
       〃He asked as if he were a clan chief;〃 Aviendha whispered disbelievingly。 〃The man is a fool。 He must be mad! If she refuses him; it will mean trouble with the Shaido; and she may; for such an insult。 Not blood feud … he is not their clan chief; however swollen his head … but trouble。〃 Between one breath and the next her voice sharpened。 〃You did not listen; did you? You did not listen! She could have refused permission even to Rhuarc; and he would have had to leave。 It would break the clan; but it is in her power。 She can refuse even He Who es With the Dawn; Rand al'Thor。 Women are not powerless among us; not like your wetlander women who must be queens or nobles or else dance for a man if they wish to eat!〃
       He shook his head slightly。 Every time he was on the point of berating himself for how little he had learned about the Aiel; Aviendha reminded him how little she knew about anyone not Aiel。 〃Someday I would like to introduce you to the Women's Circle in Emond's Field。 It will be。。。 interesting。。。 to hear you explain to them how powerless they are。〃 He felt her shifting against his back; trying to get a good look at his face; and carefully kept his expression smooth。 〃Maybe they'll explain a few things to you; too。〃
       〃You have my leave;〃 Lian began … Couladin smiled; swelling up where he stood …〃to step beneath my roof。 Water and shade will be found for you。〃 Soft gasps from hundreds of mouths made quite a loud sound。
       The fire…haired man quivered as if struck; face red with rage。 He did not seem to know what to do。 He took a challenging step forward; staring up at Lian and Amys; clutching his own forearms as though to keep his hands from his spears; then whirled and strode back toward the gathering; glaring this way and that; daring anyone to speak。 Finally he stopped not far from where he had begun; staring at Rand。 Coals could not have been hotter than his blue eyes。
       〃As one friendless and alone;〃 Aviendha whispered。 〃She has weled him as a beggar。 The gravest insult to him; and none to the Shaido。〃 Suddenly she fisted Rand so hard in the ribs that he grunted。 〃Move; wetlander。 You hold such honor as I have left in your hands; all will know I have taught you! Move!〃
       Swinging a leg over; he slid from Jeade'en's back and strode up beside Rhuarc。 I am not Aiel; he thought。 I do not understand them; and I cannot let myself e to like them too much。 I cannot。
       None of the other men had done so; but he bowed to Lian; that was how he had been brought up。 〃Roofmistress; I ask leave to e beneath your roof。〃 He heard Aviendha's breath catch。 He had been supposed to say the other thing; what Rhuarc had。 The clan chief's eyes narrowed worriedly; watching his wife; and Couladin's flushed face twisted in a scornful smile。 The soft murmurs from the crowd sounded puzzled。
       The roofmistress stared at Rand even harder than she had at Couladin; taking him in from hair to boots and back again; the shoufa lying on the shoulders of a red coat that would surely never be worn by an Aiel。 She looked questioningly at Amys; who nodded。
       〃Such modesty;〃 Lian said slowly; 〃is being in a man。 Men seldom know where to find it。〃 Spreading her dark skirts; she curtsied; awkwardly … it was not a thing Aiel women did … but still a curtsy; in return of his bow。 〃The Car'a'carn has leave to enter my hold。 For the chief of chiefs; there is ever water and shade at Cold Rocks。〃
       Another great ululation rose from the women in the crowd; but whether for him or for the ceremony; Rand did not know。 Couladin paused to stare implacable hatred at him; then stalked off; brushing roughly past Aviendha as she slid ungracefully from the dapple stallion。 He melded quickly into the dispersing crowd。
       Mat slowed in the act of dismounting to stare after the man。 〃Watch your back with that one; Rand;〃 he said quietly。 〃I mean it。〃
       〃Everybody tells me that;〃 Rand said。 The peddlers were already setting up to trade in the center of the canyon; and at the entrance; Moiraine and the rest of the Wise Ones' pany were arriving to a few shouts and the drumming of pots; but nothing like the cries that had weled Rhuarc。 〃He isn't who I have to worry about。〃 His dangers were not Aiel。 Moiraine to one side and Lanfear to the other。 How could I have more danger than that? It was nearly enough to make him laugh。
       Amys and Lian had climbed down; and to Rand's surprise; Rhuarc put an arm around each of them。 They were both tall; as mos
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