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       To his relief; Rhuarc came trotting back from the head of the Jindo。 〃We are there;〃 the Aielman announced with a smile。 〃Cold Rocks Hold。〃

Chapter 49
(Spears and Shield)
Cold Rocks Hold

       Frowning; Rand looked around。 A mile ahead stood a tight cluster of tall; sheer…sided buttes; or perhaps one huge butte broken by fissures。 To his left the land ran off in patches of tough grass and leafless spiny plants; scattered thorny bushes and low trees; across arid hills and jagged gullies; past huge; rough stone columns to jagged mountains in the distance。 To the right the land was the same; except the cracked yellowish clay lay flatter; the mountains closer。 It could have been any piece of the Waste he had seen since leaving Chaendaer。
       〃Where?〃 he said。
       Rhuarc glanced at Aviendha; who was looking at Rand as though he had lost his wits。 〃e。 Let your own eyes show you Cold Rocks。〃 Dropping his shoufa to his shoulders; the clan chief turned and loped bareheaded toward the fissured rock wall ahead。
       The Shaido had already halted; milling about and beginning to set up their tents。 Heirn and the Jindo fell in behind Rhuarc at a trot with their pack mules; uncovering their heads and shouting wordlessly; and the Maidens escorting the peddlers cried for the drivers to hasten their teams and follow the Jindo。 One of the Wise Ones lifted her skirts to her knees and ran to join Rhuarc … Rand thought it was Amys; from the pale hair; surely Bair could not move that nimbly … but the rest of the Wise Ones' party maintained its original pace。 For a moment Moiraine looked as if she would break away; toward Rand; then hesitated; arguing with one of the other Wise Ones; hair still hidden by her shawl。 Finally the Aes Sedai reined her white mare back beside Egwene's gray and Lan's black stallion; just ahead of the white…robed gai'shain who were tugging the pack animals along。 They were heading the same way as Rhuarc and the others; though。
       Rand leaned down to offer a hand to Aviendha。 When she shook her head; he said; 〃If they are going to be making all that noise; I won't be able to hear you down there。 What if I make a wool…headed mistake because I can't hear what you say?〃
       Muttering under her breath; she glanced at the Maidens around the peddlers' wagons; then sighed and clasped his arm。 He hoisted her up; ignoring her indignant squawk; and swung her onto Jeade'en behind the saddle。 Whenever she tried to mount by herself; she came close to pulling him out of the saddle。 He gave her a moment to settle her heavy skirts; though at best they bared her legs well above her soft; knee…high boots; then heeled the dapple to a canter。 It was the first time Aviendha had ridden faster than a walk; she flung her arms around his waist and hung on。
       〃If you make me look the fool before my sisters; wetlander;〃 she snarled warningly against his back。
       〃Why would they think you a fool? I've seen Bair and Amys and the others ride behind Moiraine or Egwene sometimes to talk。〃
       After a moment; she said; 〃You accept changes more easily than I; Rand al'Thor。〃 He was not sure what to make of that。
       When he brought Jeade'en up with Rhuarc and Heirn and Amys; a little ahead of the still shouting Jindo; he was surprised to see Couladin running easily alongside; flame…colored hair bare。 Aviendha tugged Rand's own shoufa down to his shoulders。 〃You must enter a hold with your face clear to be seen。 I told you that。 And make noise。 We have been seen long since; and they will know who we are; but it is customary; to show you are not trying to take the hold by surprise。〃
       He nodded; but held his tongue。 Neither Rhuarc nor any of the three with him were making a sound; and neither was Aviendha。 Besides; the Jindo made enough clamor to be heard for miles。
       Couladin's head swung toward him。 Contempt flashed across that sun…dark face; and something else。 Hate and disdain Rand had e to expect; but amusement? What did Couladin find amusing?
       〃Fool Shaido;〃 Aviendha muttered at his back。 Maybe she was right; maybe the amusement was for her riding。 But Rand did not think so。
       Mat galloped up trailing a cloud of yellowish brown dust; hat pulled low and spear resting upright on his stirrup iron like a lance。 〃What is this place; Rand?〃 he asked loudly; to be heard over the shouts。 〃All those women would say was 'Move faster。 Move faster。' 〃 Rand told him; and he frowned at the towering rock face of the butte。 〃You could hold that thing for years; I suppose; with supplies; but it isn't a patch on the Stone; or the Tora Harad。〃
       〃The Tora what?〃 Rand said。 。
       Mat rolled his shoulders before answering。 〃Just something I heard of; once。〃 He stood in his stirrups to peer back over the heads of the Jindo toward the peddlers' train。 〃At least they're still with us。 I wonder how long before they finish trading and go。〃
       〃Not before Alcair Dal。 Rhuarc says there's a sort of fair whenever clan chiefs meet; even if it's only two or three。 With all twelve ing; I don't think Kadere and Keille will want to miss it。〃
       Mat did not look pleased at the news。
       Rhuarc led the way straight to the widest fissure in the sheer stone wall; ten or twelve paces across at the broadest; and shadowed by the height of its sheer sides as it wove deeper and deeper; dark and even cool beneath a ribbon of sky。 It felt odd to be in so much shade。 The Aiels' wordless shouts swelled; magnified between the gray…brown walls; when they suddenly ceased; the silence; broken only by the clatter of mules' hooves and the creak of wagon wheels far behind; seemed very loud。
       They rounded another curve; and the fissure opened abruptly into a wide canyon; long and almost straight。 From every side; shrill ululating cries broke from hundreds of women's mouths。 A thick crowd lined the way; women in bulky skirts; shawls wrapped about their heads; and men wearing grayish brown coats and breeches; the cadin'sor; and Maidens of the Spear; too; waving their arms in wele; beating on pots or whatever could make a noise。
       Rand gaped; and not just for the pandemonium。 The canyon walls were green; in narrow terraces climbing halfway up both sides。 Not all were really terraces; he realized。 Small; flat…roofed houses of gray stone or yellow clay seemed to be stacked practically atop one another; in clusters with paths winding between; and every roof a garden of beans and squashes; peppers and melons and plants he did not know。 Chickens ran loose; redder than those he knew; and some strange sort of fowl; larger and speckled gray。 Children; most garbed like their elders; and white…robed gai'shain moved among the rows with big clay pitchers; apparently watering individual plants。 The Aiel did not have cities; he had always been told; but this was certainly a fair…sized town at least; if as odd a one as he had ever seen。 The din was too great for him to ask any of the questions that popped into his head … such as; what were those round fruits; too red and shiny for apples; growing on low; pale…leafed bushes; or those straight; broad…leafed stalks lined with long; fat; yellow…tasseled sprouts? He had be
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