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       〃Bela。 She belongs to …〃
       〃Her horse。〃 Gawyn stepped from behind a wide…trunked paperbark; one hand on the long hilt of his sword。 The blood streaking his face made exactly the pattern Min had seen in her viewing; her first day back in Tar Valon。 〃I knew you must be up to something; Min; when I saw her horse。〃 His red…gold hair was matted with blood; his blue eyes half…dazed; but he walked toward them smoothly; a tall man with a catlike grace。 A cat stalking mice。
       〃Gawyn;〃 Min began; 〃we …〃
       His sword was out of its scabbard; flicking back Siuan's hood; sharp edge laid against the side of her throat; all faster than Min could follow。 Siuan's breath caught audibly; and she was still; looking up at him; outwardly as serene as though she yet wore the stole。
       〃Don't; Gawyn!〃 Min gasped。 〃You must not!〃 She took a step toward him; but he flung up his free hand without looking at her; and she stopped。 He was as tight as coiled steel; ready to burst out in any direction。 She noticed Leane had shifted her cloak to hide one hand and prayed the woman was not fool enough to draw her belt knife。
       Gawyn studied Siuan's face; then slowly nodded。 〃It is you。 I was not sure; but it is。 This。。。 disguise cannot …〃 He did not appear to move; but a sudden widening of Siuan's eyes spoke of a keen edge pressing harder。 〃Where are my sister and Egwene? What have you done with them?〃 Most frightening to Min; with that blood…masked face and half…glazed eyes; with his body tensed almost to quivering and his hand upflung as if he had forgotten it; he never raised his voice or put any emotion into it。 He only sounded tired; more tired than she had ever heard anyone sound in her life。
       Siuan's voice was nearly as neutral。 〃The last I heard from them; they were safe and well。 I cannot say where they are; now。 Would you rather they were here; in the middle of this feeding frenzy?〃
       〃No Aes Sedai word games;〃 he said softly。 〃Tell me where they were; straight out; so I know you speak the truth。〃
       〃Illian;〃 Siuan said without hesitation。 〃In the city itself。 They are studying with an Aes Sedai named Mara Tomanes; They should still be there。〃
       〃Not Tear;〃 he murmured。 For a moment he appeared to think that over。 Abruptly; he said; 〃They say you are a Darkfriend。 Black Ajah; that would be; would it not?〃
       〃If you really believe that;〃 Siuan said calmly; 〃then strike off my head。〃
       Min almost screamed as his knuckles whitened on his sword hilt。 Slowly she reached out and rested her fingers against his outstretched wrist; careful not to make him think she meant to do anything more than touch。 It was like resting her fingers on rock。 〃Gawyn; you know me。 You can't think I would help the Black Ajah。〃 His eyes never wavered from Siuan's face; never blinked。 〃Gawyn; Elayne supports her and everything she's done。 Your own sister; Gawyn。〃 His flesh was still stone。 〃Egwene believes in her; too; Gawyn。〃 His wrist trembled under her fingers。 〃I swear it; Gawyn。 Egwene believes。〃
       His eyes flickered to her; then back to Siuan。 〃Why shouldn't I drag you back by the scruff of your neck? Give me a reason。〃
       Siuan met his stare with a good deal more calm than Min felt。 〃You could do it; and I suppose my struggles wouldn't give you much more trouble than a kitten's。 Yesterday; I was one of the most powerful women in the world。 Perhaps the most powerful。 Kings and queens would e if I summoned them; even if they hated the Tower and all it stood for。 Today; I'm afraid that I may have nothing to eat tonight; and that I'll have to sleep under a bush。 In the space of one day I've been reduced from the most powerful woman in the world to one hoping to find a farm where I might earn my keep in the fields。 Whatever you think I have done; isn't that a fitting punishment?〃
       〃Perhaps;〃 he said after a moment。 Min took a deep breath of relief as he resheathed his sword in a flowing motion。 〃But that is not why I will let you go。 Elaida might take your head yet; and I cannot allow that。 I want what you know to be there; if I need it。〃
       〃Gawyn;〃 Min said; 〃e with us。〃 A Warder…trained swordsman might be useful in the days to e。 〃That way you'd have her ready to hand to answer your questions。〃 Siuan's gaze flickered to her; not really leaving Gawyn's face and not exactly indignant; she pressed on anyway。 〃Gawyn; Egwene and Elayne believe in her。 Can't you believe; too?〃
       〃Do not ask more than I can give;〃 he said quietly。 〃I will take you to the nearest gate。 You would never get out without me。 That's all I can do; Min; and it is more than I should。 Your arrest has been ordered; did you know that?〃 His eyes swung back to Siuan。 〃If anything happens to them;〃 he said in that expressionless voice; 〃to Egwene or my sister; I will find you; wherever you hide; and I will make sure the same happens to you。〃 Abruptly he stalked a dozen paces away and stood with his arms folded; head down as if he could not bear to look at them any longer。
       Siuan half…raised a hand to her throat; a tiny line of red on the fair skin marked where his blade had rested。 〃I've been too long with the Power;〃 she said; a trifle unsteadily。 〃I had forgotten what it is like to face someone who can pick you up and snap you like a thread。〃 She peered at Leane then; as if seeing her for the first time; and touched her own face as though unsure what it looked like。 〃From what I have read it is supposed to take longer to fade; but perhaps Elaida's rough treatment had something to do with it。 A disguise; he called it; and it may serve for one。〃 She clambered awkwardly onto Bela's back; handling the reins as if the shaggy mare were a spirited stallion。 〃Another advantage; it seems; to being。。。 I have to learn to say it without flinching。 I have been stilled。〃 She said the words slowly and deliberately; then nodded。 〃There。 If Leane is any guide; I've lost a good fifteen years; maybe more。 I've known women who would pay any price for that。 A third advantage。〃 She glanced at Gawyn。 He still had his back turned; but she lowered her voice anyway。 〃Along with a certain loosening of the tongue; shall we say? I had not thought of Mara in years。 A friend of my girlhood。〃
       〃Will you age like the rest of us; now?〃 Min asked as she climbed into her saddle。 Better than menting on the lie。 Better just to remember that she could lie now。 Leane mounted the third mare with smooth skill and walked her in a circle; testing her step; she had surely been on a horse before。
       Siuan shook her head。 〃I really don't know。 No stilled woman has ever lived long enough to find out。 I intend to。〃
       〃Do you mean to go;〃 Gawyn asked harshly; 〃or sit there talking?〃 Without waiting for an answer; he strode off through the trees。
       They heeled their mares after him; Siuan pulling her hood well forward to hide her face。 Disguise or no; it seemed she was taking no chances。 Leane was already shrouded as deeply in hers as she could be。 After a moment; Min imitated them。 Elaida wanted her arrested? That had to mean that she knew 〃Elmindreda〃 was Min。 How long had the woman known? How long had Min been walking around thinking
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