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gs。 Heat。 Cold。 I wonder when they'll bring me some water。 If they will。
       She could not help feeling for her Great Serpent ring。 It was no longer on her finger。 Not that she expected it; she thought she remembered when they had ripped it off。 Things had grown hazy after a time。 Thankfully; blessedly hazy。 But she remembered telling them everything; eventually。 Almost everything。 The triumph of holding back a scrap here; a bit there。 In between howling answers; eager to answer if only they would stop; even for a little while; if only。。。 
       She wrapped her arms around herself to stop her shudders; it did not work very well。 I will remain calm。 I am not dead。 I must remember that above everything else。 I am not dead。
       〃Mother?〃 Leane's unsteady voice came out of the darkness。 〃Are you awake; Mother?〃
       〃I'm awake;〃 Siuan sighed。 She had hoped they had released Leane; put her out of the city。 Guilt stabbed her at feeling a bit of fort from the presence of the other woman sharing her cell。 〃I am sorry I got you into this; daugh …〃 No。 She had no right to call her that; now。 〃I am sorry; Leane。〃
       There was a long moment of silence。 〃Are you。。。 all right; Mother?〃
       〃Siuan; Leane。 Just Siuan。〃 Despite herself she tried to embrace saidar。 There was nothing there。 Not for her。 Only the emptiness inside。 Never again。 A lifetime of purpose; and now she was rudderless; adrift on a sea far darker than this cell。 She scrubbed a tear from her cheek; angry at letting it fall。 〃I am not the Amyrlin Seat anymore; Leane。〃 Some of the anger crept into her voice。 〃I suppose Elaida will be raised in my place。 If she hasn't been already。 I swear; one day I will feed that woman to the silverpike!〃
       Leane's only answer was a long; despairing breath。
       The grate of a key in the rusty iron lock brought Siuan's head up; no one had thought to oil the works before throwing Leane and her in; and the corroded parts did not want to turn。 Grimly she forced herself to her feet。 〃Up; Leane。 Get up。〃 After a moment she heard the other woman plying; and muttering to herself between soft moans。
       In a slightly louder voice; Leane said; 〃What good will it do?〃
       〃At least they won't find us huddling on the floor and weeping。〃 She tried to make her voice firm。 〃We can fight; Leane。 As long as we are alive; we can fight。〃 Oh; Light; they stilled me! They stilled me!
       Forcing her mind to blankness; she clenched her fists; and tried to dig her toes into the uneven stone floor。 She wished the noise in her throat did not sound so much like a whimper。
       Min set her bundles on the floor and tossed back her cloak so she could use both hands on the key。 Twice as long as her hand; it was as rusty as the lock; just like the other keys on the big iron ring。 The air was cold and damp; as though summer did not reach this far down。
       〃Hurry; child;〃 Laras muttered; holding the lantern for Min; peering both ways down the otherwise dark stone hall。 It was hard to believe that the woman; with all her chins; had ever been a beauty; but Min surely thought her beautiful now。
       Fighting the key; she shook her head。 She had encountered Laras while sneaking back to her room for the plain gray riding dress she now wore; and for a few other things。 Actually; she had found the massive woman looking for her; in a tizzy of worry about 〃Elmindreda;〃 exclaiming over how lucky Min was to be safe and proposing to all but lock her in her room until the trouble was past to keep her so。 She was still not sure how Laras had wormed her intentions out of her; and she still could not get over her shock when the woman reluctantly announced she would help。 A venturesome lass after her own heart indeed。 Well; I hope she can … how did she put it? … keep me out of the pickling kettle。 The bloody key would not turn; she threw all of her weight into trying to twist it。
       In truth; she was grateful to Laras in more ways than one。 It was doubtful she could have readied everything by herself; or even found some of it; surely not this quickly。 Besides which。。。。 Besides which; when she ran into Laras; she had already begun telling herself she was a fool even to think of doing this; that she should be on a horse and off for Tear while she had the chance; before someone decided to add her head to those decorating the front of the Tower。 Running away; she suspected; would have been the sort of thing she would never have been able to forget。 That alone had made her grateful enough not to object in the slightest when Laras added some pretty dresses to what she herself had already packed。 The rouges and powders could always be 〃lost〃 somewhere。 Why won't this bloody key turn? Maybe Laras can …
       The key shifted suddenly; twisted with a snap so loud that Min feared something had broken。 But when she pushed at the rough wooden door; it opened。 Snatching up the bundles; she stepped into the bare stone cell … and stopped in confusion。
       The lantern light revealed two women clad only in dark bruises and red welts; shielding their eyes from the sudden light; but for a moment Min was not sure they were the right two。 One was tall and coppery…skinned; the other shorter; sturdier; more fair。 The faces looked right … almost right … and untouched by whatever had been done to them; so she should have been certain。 But the agelessness that marked Aes Sedai seemed to have melted away; she would have had no hesitation at all in thinking these women were just six or seven years older than herself at most; and not Aes Sedai at all。 Her face heated with embarrassment at the thought。 She saw no images; no auras; around either; there were always images and auras around Aes Sedai。 Stop that; she told herself。
       〃Where …?〃 one of the two began wonderingly; then paused to clear her throat。 〃How did you get those keys?〃 It was Siuan Sanche's voice。
       〃It is her。〃 Laras sounded disbelieving。 She poked Min with a thick finger。 〃Hurry; child! I am too old and slow to be having adventures。〃
       Min gave her a startled look; the woman had insisted on ing; she would not be left out; she had said。 Min wanted to ask Siuan why the pair of them suddenly looked so much younger; but there was no time for frivolous questions。 I'm too bloody used to being Elmindreda!
       Thrusting one of her bundles at each of the naked women; she spoke rapidly。 〃Clothes。 Dress as quickly as you can。 I don't know how much time we have。 I let the guard think I'd trade a few kisses for a chance to repay you for a grudge; and while he was distracted; Laras came up behind him and cracked him over the head with a rolling pin。 I do not know how long he'll sleep。〃 She leaned back through the door to peer worriedly down the hall toward the guardroom。 〃We had best hurry。〃
       Siuan had already undone her bundle and begun to put on the clothes it contained。 Except for a linen shift; they were all plain woolens in shades of brown; suitable for farm women e to the White Tower to consult the Aes Sedai; though the skirts divided for riding were a little unusual。 Laras had done most of the needlework; Min had mostly just stuck herself。 Leane was also covering her n
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