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 truth。 She ground her teeth。 Burn my soul; I'll use this lot for fish bait!
       In the antechamber; she stumbled again; but not from pushing; this time。 She had half…hoped that Leane had been away from her post; but the Keeper stood as Siuan did; arms stiffly at her sides; mouth working soundlessly; furiously; around a gag of Air。 She had certainly sensed Leane being bound and never realized it; in the Tower; there was always the feel of women channeling。
       Yet it was not the sight of Leane that made her miss her step; but the tall; slender gray…haired man stretched on the floor with a knife rising from his back。 Alric had been her Warder for close to twenty years; never plaining when her path kept them in the Tower; never muttering when being the Amyrlin's Warder sent him hundreds of leagues from her; a thing none of the Gaidin liked。
       She cleared her throat; but her voice was still husky when she spoke。 〃I'll have your hide salted and stretched in the sun for this; Elaida。 I swear it!〃
       〃Consider your own hide; Siuan;〃 Elaida said; moving closer to stare her in the eyes。 〃There is more to this than has been revealed so far。 I know it。 And you are going to tell me every last scrap of it。 Every … last … scrap。〃 The sudden quiet of her voice was more frightening than all her hard stares had been。 〃I promise it; Siuan。 Take her below!〃
       Clutching bolts of blue silk; Min strolled in through the North Gate near midday; her simper all ready for the guards with the Flame of Tar Valon on their chests; the girlish swirl of her green skirts that Elmindreda would give。 She had actually begun before she realized there were no guards。 The heavy iron…strapped door of the star…shaped guardhouse stood open; the guardhouse itself looked empty。 It was impossible。 No gate to the Tower grounds was ever unguarded。 Halfway to the huge bone…white shaft of the Tower itself; a plume of smoke was rising above the trees。 It seemed to be near the quarters for the young men who studied under the Warders。 Maybe the fire had pulled the guards away。
       Still feeling a little uneasy; she started down the unpaved path through the wooded part of the grounds; shifting the bolts of silk。 She did not really want another dress; but how could she refuse when Laras pressed a purse of silver into her hands and told her to use it for this silk the stout woman had seen; she claimed it was just the color to set off 〃Elmindreda's〃 plexion。 Whether or not she wanted her plexion set off was less important than keeping Laras's goodwill。
       A rattle of swords reached her ears through the trees。 The Warders must have their students practicing harder than usual。
       It was all very irritating。 Laras and her beauty hints; Gawyn and his jokes; Galad paying her pliments and never realizing what his face and smile did to a woman's pulse。 Was this how Rand wanted her? Would he actually see her; if she wore dresses and simpered at him like a brainless chit?
       He has no right to expect it; she thought furiously。 It was all his fault。 She would not be there now; wearing a fool dress and smiling like an idiot; if not for him。 I wear coat and breeches; and that is that! Maybe I'll wear a dress once in a while … maybe! … but not to make some man look at me! I wager he's staring at some Tairen woman with half her bosom exposed right this minute。 I can wear a dress like that。 Let's see what he thinks when he sees me in this blue silk。 I'll have a neckline down to … What was she thinking? The man had robbed her of her wits! The Amyrlin Seat was keeping her here; useless; and Rand al'Thor was addling her brain! Burn him! Burn him for doing this to me!
       The clash of swords came again from the distance; and she stopped as a horde of young men burst out of the trees ahead of her carrying spears and bared blades; Gawyn at their head。 She recognized others from among those who had e to study with the Warders。 Shouts rose somewhere else in the grounds; a roar of angry men。
       〃Gawyn! What is happening?〃
       He whirled at the sound of her voice。 Worry and fear filled his blue eyes; and his face was a mask of determination not to give in to them。 〃Min。 What are you doing? Get out of the grounds; Min。 It is dangerous。〃 A handful of the young men ran on; but most waited impatiently for him。 It seemed to her that most of the Warders' students were there。
       〃Tell me what's happening; Gawyn!〃
       〃The Amyrlin was deposed this morning。 Leave; Min!〃
       The bolts of silk fell from her hands。 〃Deposed? It can't be! How? Why? In the name of the Light; why?〃
       〃Gawyn!〃 one of the young men called; and others took it up; brandishing their weapons。 〃Gawyn! The White Boar! Gawyn!〃
       〃I have no time;〃 he told her urgently。 〃There's fighting everywhere。 They say Hammar is trying to break Siuan Sanche free。 I have to go to the Tower; Min。 Leave! Please!〃
       He turned and set out at a run toward the Tower。 The others followed; bristling with upraised weapons; some still shouting; 〃Gawyn! The White Boar! Gawyn! Forward the Younglings!〃
       Min stared after them。 〃You did not say what side you are on; Gawyn;〃 she whispered。
       The sounds of fighting were louder; clearer now that she was paying attention; and the shouts and yells; the clash of steel on steel; seemed to e from every direction。 The clamor made her skin crawl and her knees shake; this could not be happening; not here。 Gawyn was right。 It would be much the safer thing; much the smarter; to leave the Tower grounds immediately。 Only there was no telling when or if she would be allowed back; and she could not think of much good she could do outside。
       〃What good can I do inside?〃 she asked herself fiercely。
       But she did not turn back toward the gate。 Leaving the silk where it lay; she hurried into the trees; looking for a place to hide。 She did not think anyone would spit 〃Elmindreda〃 like a goose … shivering; she wished she had not thought of it that way … but there was no use in taking foolish chances。 Sooner or later the fighting had to die down; and by that time she needed to decide what to do next。
       In the pitch blackness of the cell; Siuan opened her eyes; stirred; winced; and was still。 Was it morning yet outside? The questioning had gone on for a long time。 She tried to forget pain in the luxury of knowing she was still breathing。 The rough stone beneath her scraped her welts and bruises; though; those on her back。 Sweat stung all of them … she felt a solid mass of pain from knees to shoulders … and made her shiver in the cold air; besides。 They could have left me my shift; at least。 The air smelled of old dust and dried mold; of age。 One of the deep cells。 No one had been confined down here since Artur Hawkwing's time。 Not since Bonwhin。
       She grimaced into the dark; there was no forgetting。 Clamping her teeth; she pushed up to a sitting position on the stone floor and felt around her for a wall to lean against。 The stone blocks of the wall were cool against her back。 Small things; she told herself。 Think of small things。 Heat。 Cold。 I wonder when they'll bring me some water。 If they will。
       She could not help 
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