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emed to shiver; she was conscious of nothing but the woman's voice; roaring in her ears from a great distance。 〃You will pick up your things from the table; and when you have replaced them where they belong; you will remember nothing of what happened here except that I came thinking you were friends I knew from the country。 I was mistaken; I had a cup of tea; and I left。〃
       Elayne blinked and wondered why she was tying her purse back beside her belt pouch。 Nynaeve was frowning at her own hands; adjusting her pouch。
       〃A nice woman;〃 Elayne said; rubbing her forehead。 She had a headache ing on。 〃Did she give her name? I don't remember。〃
       〃Nice?〃 Nynaeve's hand came up and gave a sharp tug to her braids; she stared as if it had moved of its own accord。 〃I。。。 do not think she did。〃
       〃What were we talking of when she came in?〃 Egeanin had just gone。 What had it been?
       〃I remember what I was about to say。〃 Nynaeve's voice firmed。 〃We must find the Black sisters without them suspecting; or we will never have a chance of following them to whatever this thing is that's dangerous to Rand。〃
       〃I know;〃 Elayne said patiently。 Had she said that already? Of course not。 〃We have discussed it。 … 〃
       At the arched gates leading from the inn's small courtyard; Egeanin paused; studying the hard…faced men who lounged; barefoot and often bare…chested; among the idlers on this side of the narrow street。 They looked as if they could use the curved boarding swords hanging at their belts or thrust through their sashes; but none of those faces looked familiar。 If any of them had been on Bayle Demon's ship when she took him and it to Falme; she did not remember。 If any had been; it was to be hoped none connected a woman in a riding dress to the woman in armor who had captured their vessel。
       Suddenly she realized her palms were damp。 Aes Sedai。 Women who could wield the Power; and not decently leashed。 She had sat at the same table with them; talked with them。 They were not at all what she had expected; she could not dig that thought out of her head。 They could channel; therefore they were dangerous to proper order; therefore they must be safely leashed … and yet。。。 Not at all what she had been taught。 It could be learned。 Learned! As long as she could avoid Bayle Domon … he would surely recognize her … she should be able to return。 She had to learn more。 More than ever; she had to。
       Wishing she had a hooded cloak; she took a firm grip on her staff and started up the street; threading her way into the passing throng。 None of the sailors looked at her twice; and she watched them to be sure。
       She did not see the pale…haired man in filthy Tanchican garb huddled against the front of a white…plastered wineshop on the other side of the street。 His eyes; blue above a dingy veil and a thick mustache held in place with glue; followed her before sliding back to the Three Plum Court。 Standing; he crossed the street; ignoring the disgusting way people brushed against him。 Egeanin had nearly spotted him when he had forgotten himself enough to break that fool's arm。 One of the Blood; as such things were reckoned in these lands; reduced to begging and without enough honor to open his veins。 Disgusting。 Perhaps he could learn more of what she was up to; in this inn; once they realized he had more coin than his clothes suggested。

Chapter 47
(Flame of Tar Valon)
The Truth of a Viewing

       The papers scattered on Siuan Sanche's desk held little real interest for her; but she persevered。 Others handled the day…to…day routine of the White Tower; of course; to leave the Amyrlin Seat free for important decisions; but her habit had always been to check one or two things at random each day; with no notice beforehand; and she would not break it now。 She would not let herself be distracted by worries。 Everything was sailing along according to plan。 Shifting her striped stole; she dipped her pen carefully in the ink and ticked off another corrected total。
       Today she was examining lists of kitchen purchases; and the mason's report on an addition to the library。 The sheer number of petty peculations people thought they could slip by always amazed her。 So did the number that escaped notice by the women who oversaw these matters。 For instance; Laras seemed to think watching accounts was beneath her since her title had been changed officially from simple chief cook to Mistress of the Kitchens。 Danelle; on the other hand; the young Brown sister who was supposed to be watching Master Jovarin; the mason; was most likely letting herself be distracted by the books the fellow kept finding for her。 That was the only way to explain her failure to question the number of workmen Jovarin claimed to have hired; with the first shipments of stone from Kandor just arriving at North harbor。 He could rebuild the entire library with that many men。 Danelle was simply too dreamy; even for a Brown。 Perhaps a little time on a farm working penance would wake her。 Laras would be more difficult to discipline; she was not Aes Sedai; so her authority with undercooks and scullions and potboys could be swamped all too easily。 But perhaps she; too; could be sent for a 〃rest〃 in the country。 That would。。。
       With a snort of disgust Siuan threw her pen down; grimacing at the blot it made on a page of neatly totaled columns。 〃Wasting my time deciding whether to send Laras out to pull weeds;〃 she muttered。 〃The woman is too fat to bend over far enough!〃
       It was not Laras's weight that had her temper jumping; and she knew it; the woman was no heavier now than she had always been; or so it seemed; and it never interfered with her running the kitchens。 There was no news。 That was what had her flapping like a fisher…bird whose catch had been stolen。 One message from Moiraine that the al'Thor boy had Callandor; then nothing in the weeks since; although rumors in the streets were already beginning to get his name right。 Still nothing。
       Lifting the hinged lid of the ornately carved blackwood box where she kept her most secret papers; she rummaged inside。 A small warding woven around the box ensured no hand but hers could safely open it。
       The first paper she pulled out was a report that the novice who had seen Min's arrival had vanished from the farm she had been sent to; and the woman who owned the farm; too。 Hardly unheard of for a novice to ran away; but the farmer leaving too was troublesome。 Sahra would have to be found; certainly … she had not progressed far enough in her training to be let loose … but there was no real reason to keep the report in the box。 It mentioned neither Min's name nor the reason the girl had been sent to hoe cabbages; but she put it back anyway。 These were days to take care that might seem unreasonable at another time。
       A description of a gathering in Ghealdan to listen to this man who called himself the Prophet of the Lord Dragon。 Masema; it seemed his name was。 Odd。 That was a Shienaran name。 Nearly ten thousand people had e to listen to him speak from a hillside; proclaiming the return of the Dragon; a speech followed by a battle with soldiers trying to disperse them。 Aside fro
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