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re brightly。 〃Our gratitude certainly extends to answering questions; Egeanin。 As much as we can。〃 She surely meant there were a good many questions for which they had no answers; but Egeanin took it differently。
       〃Of course。 I will not pry into the secret affairs of your White Tower。〃
       〃You seem very interested in Aes Sedai;〃 Elayne said。 〃I cannot sense the ability in you; but perhaps you can learn to channel。〃
       Egeanin almost dropped her porcelain cup。 〃It。。。 can be learned? I did not。。。 No。 No; I do not want to。。。 to learn。〃
       Her agitation made Elayne sad。 Even among people not fearful of Aes Sedai; too many still feared anything to do with the One Power。 〃What do you want to know; Egeanin?〃
       Before the woman could speak; a rap at the door was followed by Thom; in the rich brown cloak he had taken to wearing when he went out。 It certainly attracted less notice than the gleeman's patch…covered garment。 In fact; it made him appear quite dignified; with that mane of white hair; though he should brush it more。 Imagining him younger; Elayne thought she could see what had first attracted her mother。 That did not absolve him of leaving; of course。 She smoothed her face before he could see her frown。
       〃I was told you were not alone;〃 he said; giving Egeanin a guarded look almost identical to Juilin's; men were always suspicious of anyone they did not know。 〃But I thought you might like to hear that the Children of the Light surrounded the Panarch's Palace this morning。 The streets are beginning to buzz over it。 It seems the Lady Amathera is to be invested as Panarch tomorrow。〃
       〃Thom;〃 Nynaeve said wearily; 〃unless this Amathera is really Liandrin; I do not care if she bees Panarch; King; and Wisdom of the whole Two Rivers all rolled together。〃
       〃The interesting thing;〃 Thom said; limping to the table; 〃is that rumor says the Assembly refused to choose Amathera。 Refused。 So why is she being invested? Things this odd are worth noting; Nynaeve。〃
       As he started to lower himself into a chair; she said quietly; 〃We are having a private conversation; Thom; I am sure you will find the mon room more congenial。〃 She took a sip of tea; eyeing him over the cup in clear expectation of his departure。
       Flushing; he levered himself back up without ever having actually sat; but he did not leave immediately。 〃Whether the Assembly has changed its mind or not; this will likely cause riots。 The streets still believe Amathera has been rejected。 If you must insist on going out; you cannot go alone。〃 He was looking at Nynaeve; but Elayne had the impression that he almost put a hand on her shoulder。 〃Bayle Domon is mired in that little room down near the docks; tying up his affairs in case he has to run; but he has agreed to provide fifty picked men; tough fellows used to a brawl and handy with knife or sword。〃
       Nynaeve opened her mouth; but Elayne cut her off。 〃We are grateful; Thom; to you and Master Domon both。 Please tell him we accept his kind and generous offer。〃 Meeting Nynaeve's flat stare; she added meaningfully; 〃I would not want to be kidnapped on the streets in broad daylight。〃
       〃No;〃 Thom said。 〃We would not want that。〃 Elayne thought she heard a half…said 〃child〃 at the end of that; and this time he did touch her shoulder; a swift brush of fingers。 〃Actually;〃 he went on; 〃the men are already waiting in the street outside。 I am trying to find a carriage; those chairs are too vulnerable。〃 He seemed to know he had gone too far; bringing Domon's men before they agreed; not to mention this talk of a carriage without a hint of asking first; but he faced them like an old wolf at bay; bushy eyebrows drawn down。 〃I would。。。 regret。 。 。 personally; if anything happened to you。 The carriage will be here as soon as I can find a team。 If there is one to be found。〃
       Eyes wide; Nynaeve was obviously teetering on the edge of whether or not to give him an upbraiding he would never forget; and Elayne would not have minded adding a gentler admonishment。 Somewhat gentler; child; indeed!
       He took advantage of their hesitation to sweep a bow that would have graced any palace and departed while he had the chance。
       Egeanin had set down her cup and was staring at them in consternation。 Elayne supposed they had not given a very good appearance of being Aes Sedai; letting Thom bully them。 〃I must go;〃 the woman said; rising and taking her staff from against the wall。
       〃But you have not asked your questions;〃 Elayne protested。 〃We owe you answers to them; at the very least。〃
       〃Another time;〃 Egeanin said after a moment。 〃If it is permitted; I will e another time。 I need to learn about you。 You are not what I expected。〃 They assured her she could e any time they were there and tried to convince her to stay long enough to finish her tea and cakes; but she was adamant that she had to leave now。
       Turning from seeing the woman to the door; Nynaeve put her fists on her hips: 〃Kidnap you? If you have forgotten; Elayne; it was me those men tried to grab!〃
       〃To take you out of the way so they could seize me;〃 Elayne said。 〃If you have forgotten; I am the Daughter…Heir of Andor。 My mother would have made them wealthy to have me back。〃
       〃Perhaps;〃 Nynaeve muttered doubtfully。 〃Well; at least they were nothing to do with Liandrin。 That lot wouldn't send a pack of louts to try stuffing us in a sack。 Why do men always do things without asking? Does growing hair on their chests sap their brains?〃
       The sudden change did not confuse Elayne。 〃We do not have to worry about finding bodyguards; at any rate。 You do agree they are necessary; even if Thom did overstep himself?〃
       〃I suppose so。〃 Nynaeve had a remarkable dislike for admitting she was wrong。 Thinking those men had been after her; for instance。 〃Elayne; do you realize we still have nothing except an empty house? If Juilin … or Thom … slips and lets himself be found out。。。 We must find the Black sisters without them suspecting; or we will never have a chance of following them to whatever this thing is that's dangerous to Rand。〃
       〃I know;〃 Elayne said patiently。 〃We have discussed it。〃
       The older woman frowned at nothing。 〃We still have not a glimmer as to what it is; or where。〃
       〃I know。〃
       〃Even if we could bag Liandrin and the rest right this minute; we cannot leave it floating about out there; waiting for someone else to find。〃
       〃I know that; Nynaeve。〃 Reminding herself to be patient; Elayne softened her tone。 〃We will find them。 They must make some sort of slip; and between Thom's rumors; and Juilin's thieves; and Bayle Domon's sailors; we will learn of it。〃
       Nynaeve's frown became thoughtful。 〃Did you notice Egeanin's eyes when Thom mentioned Domon?〃
       〃No。 Do you think she knows him? Why would she not say so?〃
       〃I do not know;〃 Nynaeve said vexedly。 〃Her face did not change; but her eyes。。。 She was startled。 She knows him。 I wonder what …〃 Someone tapped softly on the door。 〃Is everyone in Tanchico going to march in on us?〃 she growled; jerking it open。
       Rendra gave a start at the look on Nynaeve's face; but her eve
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