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It was his voice; he could hardly believe it was not himself who made the sounds。
       He spun back to face the one that had gotten out; just in time to meet its attack; Unfolding the Fan to counter Stones Falling Down the Mountain。 The figure leaped back; and suddenly Rand realized it was not alone。 As quickly as he had smashed the mirrors; two more reflections had escaped。 Now they stood facing him; three duplicates of himself down to the puckered round scar on his side; all staring at him; faces twisted with hatred and contempt; with a strange hunger。 Only their eyes seemed empty; lifeless。 Before he could take a breath; they rushed at him。
       Rand stepped sideways; pieces of broken mirror slicing his feet; ever sideways; from stance to stance and form to form; trying to face only one at a time。 He used everything Lan; Moiraine's Warder; had taught him of the sword in their daily practice。
       Had the three fought together; had they supported one another; he would have died in the first minute; but each fought him alone; as if the others did not exist。 Even so; he could not stop their blades entirely; in minutes blood ran down the side of his face; his chest; his arms。 The old wound tore open; adding its flow to stain his smallclothes with red。 They had his skill as well as his face; and they were three to his one。 Chairs and tables toppled; priceless Sea Folk porcelain shattered on the carpet。
       He felt his strength ebbing。 None of his cuts was major by itself; except the old wound; but all together。。。。 He never thought of calling for help from the Aiel outside his door。 The thick walls would stifle even a death scream。 Whatever was done; he must do alone。 He fought wrapped in the cold emotionlessness of the Void; but fear scraped at its boundaries like wind…lashed branches scratching a window in the night。
       His blade slipped past its opponent to slash across a face just below the eyes … he could not help wincing; it was his face … its owner sliding back just far enough to avoid a killing cut。 Blood welled from the gash; veiling mouth and chin in dark crimson; but the ruined face did not change expression; and its empty eyes never flickered。 It wanted him dead the way a starving man wanted food。
       Can anything kill them? All three bled from the wounds he had managed to inflict; but bleeding did not seem to slow them as he knew it was slowing him。 They tried to avoid his sword; but did not appear to realize they had been hurt。 If they have been; he thought grimly。 Light; if they bleed; they can be hurt! They must!
       He needed a respite; a moment to catch his breath; to gather himself。 Suddenly he leaped away from them; onto the bed; rolling across its width。 He sensed rather than saw blades slashing the sheets; barely missing his flesh。 Staggering; he landed on his feet; caught at a small table to steady himself。 The shining; gold…worked silver bowl on the table wobbled。 One of his doubles had climbed onto the torn bed; kicking goose feathers as it padded across warily; sword at the ready。 The other two came slowly around; still ignoring each other; intent only on him。 Their eyes glistened like glass。
       Rand shuddered as pain stabbed his hand on the table。 An image of himself; no more than six inches tall; drew back its small sword。 Instinctively; he grabbed the figure before it could stab again。 It writhed in his grip; baring teeth at him。 He became aware of small movements all around the room; of small reflections by the score stepping out of polished silver。 His hand began to numb; to grow cold; as if the thing were sucking the warmth out of his flesh。 The heat of saidin swelled inside him; a rushing filled his head; and the heat flowed into his icy hand。
       Suddenly the small figure burst like a bubble; and he felt something flow into him … from the bursting … some little portion of his lost strength。 He jerked as tiny jolts of vitality seemed to pelt him。
       When he raised his head … wondering why he was not dead … the small reflections he had half…glimpsed were gone。 The three larger stood wavering; as if his gain in strength had been their loss。 Yet as he looked up; they steadied on their feet and came on; if more cautiously。
       He backed away; thinking furiously; sword threatening first one and then another。 If he continued to fight them as he had been; they would kill him sooner or later。 He knew that as surely as he knew he was bleeding。 But something linked the reflections。 Absorbing the small one … the far…off thought made him queasy; but that was what it had been … had not only brought the others with it; it had also affected the bigger; for a moment at least。 If he could do the same to one of them; it might destroy all three。
       Even thinking of absorbing them made him vaguely aware of wanting to empty his stomach; but he did not know another way。 I don't know this way。 How did I do it? Light; what did I do? He had to grapple with one of them; to touch it at least; he was somehow sure of that。 But if he tried to get that close; he would have three blades through him in as many heartbeats。 Reflections。 How much are they still reflections?
       Hoping he was not being a fool … if he was; he might well be a dead one … he let his sword vanish。 He was ready to bring it back on the instant; but when his carved…fire blade winked out of existence; the others' did; too。 For a moment; confusion painted three copies of his face; one a bloody ruin。 But before he could seize one of them; they leaped for him; all four crashing to the floor in a tangle of grappling limbs; rolling across the glass…littered carpet。
       Cold soaked into Rand。 Numbness crept along his limbs; through his bones; until he barely felt the shards of mirror; the slivers of porcelain grinding into his flesh。 Something close to panic flickered across the emptiness surrounding him。 He might have made a fatal mistake。 They were larger than the one he had absorbed; and they were drawing more heat from him。 And not only heat。 As he grew colder; the glassy gray eyes staring into his took on life。 With chill certainty he knew that if he died; that would not end the struggle。 The three would turn on one another until only one remained; and that one would have his life; his memories; would be him。
       Stubbornly he fought; struggling harder the weaker he became。 He pulled on saidin; trying to fill himself with its heat。 Even the stomach…turning taint was wele; for the more of it he felt; the more saidin suffused him。 If his stomach could rebel; then he was still alive; and if he lived; he could fight。 But how? How? What did I do before? Saidin raged through him till it seemed that if he survived his attackers; he would only be consumed by the Power。 How did I do it? All he could do was pull at saidin; and try。。。 reach。。。 strain。。。 
       One of the three vanished … Rand felt it slide into him; it was as if he had fallen from a height; flat onto stony ground … and then the other two together。 The impact flung him onto his back; where he lay staring up at the worked plaster ceiling with its gilded bosses; lay luxuriating in the fact that he was still breathing。
       The Power still swelled
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